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Posts posted by readyset2go

  1. I'm up. I'm proud today...I have been in the hotel gym for almost an hour working out. I got good news from my PCP. All of the lab work she performed was great two weeks after surgery. She was a little disappointed I didn't tell her before the surgery. I'm thankful this morning for good health and the ability to get up and let my workouts and the sleeve help meet my fitness goals.

  2. It has officially been a week since my surgery. I am very pleased. The only issue I have is gas. I am taking the gas pills my doctor prescribed but the gas is still there...oh well. If all I have is gas, I am ok.

    I started my puree'd diet yesterday. I made tuna salad in the food process....can you say DELICIOUS!! My doctor suggested that I get as much Protein from food as I could and then use the supplements. I also tried the Gerber lil turkey sticks....they were good also and has 17g of Protein per jar.

    I am officially down 20 lbs since before my surgery. I am excited. On to the next week. I am about to go walk my dog..we stay out for about an hour. I am enjoying my new tool and I plan to make the best of it.

  3. Day 6

    OMG... it is difficult to get in all of the fluids and Protein. How do you all do it? I am trying. It is after 6pm and I am using My Fitness Pal to track everything. I did walk the dog for 30 mins. I can say that I feel good. I did not do too bad today with my food... here's what I did today....

    The total fat was 1 g

    Protein 67 g

    Carbs 42 g

    Sugars 35 g

    My total calories 455 for the day.

    I am still sipping on Water but I still need some more protein. I am supposed to have 80 g per day. I am going to try sipping on the whey protein shot that has 42 g of protein.

    I feel like taking another walk. My sugar and carbs are very high... I have to work on that tomorrow.

    I am taking it one day at a time.

  4. Hello,

    The doctor suggested that I walk 30 mins each day for the first two weeks. Once my scares heal, I can then swim because that is what I like to do best. He told me that in week 4 I could add in some weights to tone and then get on a regular workout schedule.

    My plan is after week 4 to begin the body for life workout schedule and swim. I did it before and the workouts are easy and can be accomplished while I travel and at home. They target specific body parts each day as well as ensure that we get in the cardio.

    The body for life workout plan is online and free.

  5. Day 4

    A full day on my own with the liquid diet. I've learned that the best way to get my Water is by eating crushed ice. I still fill great. I walked 30 minutes on the San Diego harbor. I spent a few extra days before flying back home. I wanted to make sure I was ok before flying.

    My only issue is the excess gas but that is normal. I took my medicines with no problems. All-in-all today was a good day.

  6. Hey Optima! My surgery is on friday - and today i started my 3 day pre op "clear' liquid diet and I am a wreck!! I'm starving and feel weak (I'm such a baby!!!!).... I also stopped smoking about a week ago and just started on the "electronic' cigarette... it's only menthol' date=' but hey it keeps me from smoking!

    It's funny, I'm trying to keep from being depressed because I've giving up two things that I LOVE!! food and cigarettes.. good grief I have issues! So, I wish I could help you - all I can say is that I'm right there with you.. struggling, but we both know that it will be worth it... hang in there dear! we'll get through this together. Keep coming back to the boards - there's so much emotional support here!

    << hugs >> Seannie[/quote']

    I found that I had to keep smething in my hand at all times. Water, juice, popsicles... Have something with you. I also had two ensures a day.

  7. I was just discharged. The doctor is awesome. He came in answered all my questions. We walked through the food and excercise plan. He gave me antibiotics, pain killers, and merderma for the scares. I drank the dye to ensure no leaks. Then a nice glass of apple juice. After three days of nothing, this was the best juice ever. I am very pleased. Knock on wood I have not had any pain. The doctor suggested that I take Maalox or milanta liquid before meals to coat my stomach during the first four weeks.

    I'm excited to begin my new journey. My patient coordinator is taking us to a hotel here in Tijuana so that we are close in the event I need to see the Dr. After the checks, I think I will be just fine. I'm looking forward to becoming a loser.

  8. Day 3.

    I still have not had any significant pain. When the doctor came in last night he gave me some ice to suck on to prevent cotton mouth.

    I should be released today. They are putting us up in a hotel in Tijuana until tomorrow. I chose to stay an extra day in San Diego. I just wanted to make sure all was well before my flight back to North Carolina.

    As you might have guessed there is wifi here and I am able to be in contact with everyone.

    So far so good.

  9. I was sleeved yesterday. I am doing really good according to the doctor. I have a drain, no pain, slight discomfort in my stomach but overall not bad!

    Thanks to this sight I was well prepared. I followed the pre op instructions completely. I was dreaming about being chased by a milkshake and fries jumping over the moon... Lol the temptation did not win. I'm in Tijuana and all is well.

    The staff is nice. The facility clean and the doctors are always checking in on you.

    Well off to get more rest. I will report back later.

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