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Miss Pea

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Pea

  1. Miss Pea

    3 Week Stall ( Frustrated)

    I had the exact same thing. It lasted 2 weeks and I actually gained weight! Don't stress - its normal and to do with the fluid in your glycogen cells. You will come out the other side. It's just frustrating at the time.
  2. My doctor is known as being the best surgeon in my city - over 500 sleeves and zero leaks so far, and he doesn't do a leak test. He keeps you in hospital for three nights after surgery and if you are well with no fever by day three you're in the clear. Monitoring your well being at home is important but I don't think the leak test is imperative (or very pleasant from the sounds of it, so maybe just be grateful you don't have to have one!)

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