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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Marykatherine got a reaction from FinallyWhit76 in Anyone 5'6 And 300 Lbs When They Started?   
    5'6 and 320 was my starting point. weighed 272 this morning 7 1/2 weeks post surgery. I do not regret the discision a bit.
  2. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from RiaR in Weight loss and underwear   
    I don't know why but I certainly have a good deal of shame regarding the infection I get. I only have one fold of fat so I have to put my finger in my belly button and draw up to find the infection. But after reading your input I am no longer ashamed. Infection happens.
    I have found that woman within cotton boxers #0014-24697-1305 fit great for me. I've bought them just a hint loose. They allow for me freedom of movement. I can tuck the front of the boxers between the folds and still move. The legs actually are low enough for the wretched skin rubbing together is really decreased.
    Carry on, sister. There will be a time when these problems will be a thing of the past.
  3. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from RiaR in Weight loss and underwear   
    I don't know why but I certainly have a good deal of shame regarding the infection I get. I only have one fold of fat so I have to put my finger in my belly button and draw up to find the infection. But after reading your input I am no longer ashamed. Infection happens.
    I have found that woman within cotton boxers #0014-24697-1305 fit great for me. I've bought them just a hint loose. They allow for me freedom of movement. I can tuck the front of the boxers between the folds and still move. The legs actually are low enough for the wretched skin rubbing together is really decreased.
    Carry on, sister. There will be a time when these problems will be a thing of the past.
  4. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from MrsSugarbabe in Liquid Diet Advantage or Unjury .. Which did you like?   
    Love Unjury vanilla and choclate. I add less than a hand ful of frozen fruit some times and the taste is wonderful. Kind of like soft serve or something a bit musher than that. Adding fruit like that gives me time to drink coffee and then drink Unjury. Or add a bit of freeze dried Decaf instant coffee. Doesn't stay as cold because no frozen fruit. But can drink regular coffee and Unjury made with freeze dried crystals and drink both as Breakfast. Anyway, Unjury is best.
  5. Like
    Marykatherine reacted to Dr. Adeyeri in You gained some weight ...Four simple ways to get back on track   
    People who have undergone bariatric surgery know the weight loss battle does not end in the operating room. Months and even years after surgery, some weight can slowly creep back on. But this isn't a time to panic because now you have the tools to overcome a little setback and regain control of your weight.
    This time, you are in charge.

    One of the lessons you learn after weight loss surgery is that you are in charge of your health, diet and exercise program. The food no longer rules the roost--you do.
    The truth of the matter is no matter what the scale says, 110 or 310, everyone puts on a few pounds now and then. As a bariatric surgeon in New Jersey for more than 10 years, one of the biggest anxiety triggers for patients is weight gain.
    "That's it--it's over--I'm going to gain all the weight back."
    Of course that's not true. To get back on pace, I’ve listed a few essential steps to help get you back on track to dropping the pounds once again:
    • Go back to the beginning
    Post-surgery, you probably followed your healthcare team’s advice to the letter. But as time passed, and you looked and felt healthier, you may have started to deviate from those dietary and exercise guidelines. Pull out your notes and review the program guidelines that brought you this far. Get back on the scale once a week and fire up your food journal again.
    • Get thyself to the nearest support group ─ STAT
    Weight loss is a personal journey, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely one. Online support groups on BariatricPal.com are great secondary resources to live weekly or monthly groups with your bariatric doctor or hospital. There is support all-around you, reach out and take it.
    • Work it out
    Are you using the ‘too tired’ reason for missing a trip to the gym or 30 minute fast walk around the neighborhood? If you need energy, you know how to get it—get up, get out and get moving. “Too busy,” you say? Remember, only you can prioritize your health and wellness. You matter—make time for your health every single day.
    • Come to terms with the weight gain
    This doesn’t mean blaming yourself. Rather, be forthright about how and why it happened and pat yourself on the back that you’ve recognized it now—not later.
    There’s no need to beat yourself up. You have already done the hard part by recognizing some weight has crept back on. That in itself shows you are going to battle back. We encourage our patients at Sterling Surgicare to call us if they feel frustrated or defeated--everyone needs a pep talk now and then.
    Remember there are many people supporting you 24/7 in this effort.
    Life is filled with occasional side-steps and set-backs. It is part of making us who we are. Make a plan, regroup, recommit.
    You can do this.
  6. Like
    Marykatherine reacted to AussieSam in Forget to eat?   
    I forget not to eat especially when I walk through the kitchen.
  7. Like
    Marykatherine reacted to LipstickLady in My naked kitty! Pics inside!   
    Like it???
  8. Like
    Marykatherine reacted to Michèle T in Suggested:   
    I have been reading on here and on fb weight loss surgery help forums that everyone says they have a baby pouch why can't we give them names since we have take care of them like a new bitty baby?
  9. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from SuninVirgo in Why Does Everyone Want To Be A "Food Addict?"   
    Good article and a lot to think about. I sometimes think about what I seem to experience as out of control. But the truth is I need to more fully concentrate on what is in my control.
    Again, good article. A real thinker for me. Thanks.
  10. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in My 600lb life   
    SPenny was a cautionary tale as I watcher it. I am 20 lbs above my lowest weight since surgery. I wonder if penny is me. I feel like I could never go back to my heaviest or more. But there it is, 20 lbs.
    she did have an excuse for every challenge to her current thinking. I have pledged to use my tool to its best. I know it is not magic, as I guess penny thought it was.
    It is work, a recommitment whenever needed, asking for help when I am in over my head or close to it.
    I am so grateful for the tool and the things I have learned to this date. I don't want to die, to put it mildly.
    Thank you for the show. Not so I can judge, but that I can learn and recheck my own commitment.I hope your wls path leads you to greater peace!
  11. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in My 600lb life   
    SPenny was a cautionary tale as I watcher it. I am 20 lbs above my lowest weight since surgery. I wonder if penny is me. I feel like I could never go back to my heaviest or more. But there it is, 20 lbs.
    she did have an excuse for every challenge to her current thinking. I have pledged to use my tool to its best. I know it is not magic, as I guess penny thought it was.
    It is work, a recommitment whenever needed, asking for help when I am in over my head or close to it.
    I am so grateful for the tool and the things I have learned to this date. I don't want to die, to put it mildly.
    Thank you for the show. Not so I can judge, but that I can learn and recheck my own commitment.I hope your wls path leads you to greater peace!
  12. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in My 600lb life   
    SPenny was a cautionary tale as I watcher it. I am 20 lbs above my lowest weight since surgery. I wonder if penny is me. I feel like I could never go back to my heaviest or more. But there it is, 20 lbs.
    she did have an excuse for every challenge to her current thinking. I have pledged to use my tool to its best. I know it is not magic, as I guess penny thought it was.
    It is work, a recommitment whenever needed, asking for help when I am in over my head or close to it.
    I am so grateful for the tool and the things I have learned to this date. I don't want to die, to put it mildly.
    Thank you for the show. Not so I can judge, but that I can learn and recheck my own commitment.I hope your wls path leads you to greater peace!
  13. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in My 600lb life   
    SPenny was a cautionary tale as I watcher it. I am 20 lbs above my lowest weight since surgery. I wonder if penny is me. I feel like I could never go back to my heaviest or more. But there it is, 20 lbs.
    she did have an excuse for every challenge to her current thinking. I have pledged to use my tool to its best. I know it is not magic, as I guess penny thought it was.
    It is work, a recommitment whenever needed, asking for help when I am in over my head or close to it.
    I am so grateful for the tool and the things I have learned to this date. I don't want to die, to put it mildly.
    Thank you for the show. Not so I can judge, but that I can learn and recheck my own commitment.I hope your wls path leads you to greater peace!
  14. Like
    Marykatherine reacted to Connie Stapleton PhD in The Medical Team Meant It. Did You?   
    The Doc: Post-ops – this one’s for you! (However, if you're a pre-op, you'll benefit a bunch by reading this before your procedure!) A friendly warning for everyone reading this article – pre- or post-op – these words are not for the faint of heart! You're going to be asked some questions and also asked to be 100% completely honest with yourself as you answer the questions! Don’t worry too much. The questions are few in number. You don’t even have to tell anybody else your answers, but if you tell yourself even a “little white lie” you’ll be doing yourself a great disservice. The reason? Recovery from obesity requires being completely honest with yourself about what you are doing and what you’re not doing to manage a healthy weight. Then you have to honestly decide what you are willing to do if you want what you told your weight loss surgery medical team you wanted: your health back and to be able to do things you couldn't when carrying an extra 100 + pounds.

    The Post Op: Sounds ominous, doesn’t it? Just what are these questions? Can you flunk the test? The good news is, this isn’t a test, but the questions can test your patience a bit, and might be challenging to answer. The goal is honesty, so just do your best and don’t worry, we’ll go easy on you. It won’t take long to figure out that there are many more questions where these came from (and the answers will likely be the same!)
    What the Nutritionist told you (and hopefully the psychologist, your PCP and the WLS surgeon, as well):
    1. In some way, shape or form, during your pre-surgical preparation, the dietician told you that in order to keep your weight off over time, you are going to have to eat “healthy” portions of the right foods (and by “healthy” we do not mean “healthy” = huge; we mean “healthy” as in nutritionally healthy portions = measured/reasonable amounts of food).

    a. Did you get this message during your pre-surgical preparation for WLS?
    b. Did you agree that you would, indeed eat “healthy” portions of food after the surgery (with an implied, forever more)?
    c. Did you mean what you said when you agreed to maintaining “healthy” portions of the right foods after surgery? (I’m fairly certain you did mean it.)
    d. ARE YOU DOING IT? Are you maintaining “healthy” portions of the right foods ever since you’ve had WLS?
    a. If not, what’s up???
    b. If not, what are you willing to do in order to get back on track with this? 2. In some way, shape or form, during your pre-surgical preparation, the dietician told you that in order to keep your weight off over time, you need to eliminate or reduce/minimize the simple carbs that you eat (meaning white rice, white potatoes, Pasta, white bread, most “baked goods,” “junk food,” and sugary foods (most “baked goods,” candy, soda, sweet tea, cake, Cookies, etc.).


    a. Did you get this message during your pre-surgical preparation for WLS?
    b. Did you agree that you would, indeed eliminate or reduce/minimize the simple carbs that you eat (meaning white rice, white potatoes, pasta, white bread, most “baked goods,” “junk food,” and sugary foods (most “baked goods,” candy, soda, sweet tea, cake, cookies, etc.)?
    c. Did you mean what you said when you agreed to eliminate or reduce/minimize the simple carbs that you eat (meaning white rice, white potatoes, pasta, white bread, most “baked goods,” “junk food,” and sugary foods (most “baked goods,” candy, soda, sweet tea, cake, cookies, etc.)? (I’m fairly certain you did mean it.)
    d. ARE YOU DOING IT? Have you eliminated or reduced/minimized the simple carbs that you eat (meaning white rice, white potatoes, pasta, white bread, most “baked goods,” “junk food,” and sugary foods (most “baked goods,” candy, soda, sweet tea, cake, cookies, etc.)ever since you’ve had WLS?
    a. If not, what’s up???
    b. If not, what are you willing to do in order to get back on track with this? What the Physician told you (bariatric surgeon and/or primary care physician):
    3. It is important that you utilize the first 12 – 18 months (the “honeymoon period”) to establish healthy lifestyle habits regarding food and exercise.

    a. Did you get this message during your pre-surgical preparation for WLS?
    b. Did you agree that you would, indeed utilize the first 12 – 18 months (the “honeymoon period”) to establish healthy lifestyle habits regarding food and exercise?
    c. Did you mean what you said when you agreed to utilize the first 12 – 18 months (the “honeymoon period”) to establish healthy lifestyle habits regarding food and exercise? (I’m fairly certain you did mean it.)
    d. ARE YOU DOING IT? DID YOU DO IT? Are you/Did you utilize the first 12 – 18 months (the “honeymoon period”) to establish healthy lifestyle habits regarding food and exercise?
    a. If not, what’s up???
    b. If not, what are you willing to do in order to get back on track with this? 4. It is important that you engage in and maintain some form of physical exercise (keeping in mind your physical conditions) more days of the week than not, in order to maintain your weight loss.

    e. Did you get this message during your pre-surgical preparation for WLS?
    f. Did you agree that you would, indeed engage in and maintain some form of physical exercise (keeping in mind your physical conditions) more days of the week than not, in order to maintain your weight loss?
    g. Did you mean what you said when you agreed to engage in and maintain some form of physical exercise (keeping in mind your physical conditions) more days of the week than not, in order to maintain your weight loss? (I’m fairly certain you did mean it.)
    h. ARE YOU DOING IT? Are you engaging in and maintaining some form of physical exercise (keeping in mind your physical conditions) more days of the week than not, in order to maintain your weight loss ever since you’ve had WLS?
    a. If not, what’s up???
    b. If not, what are you willing to do in order to get back on track with this? What the Psychologist/Mental Health Provider told you:
    5. It is important that you fully understand that unless you do what the doctor and nutritionist tell you to do for the rest of your life, you can (and most likely will) regain your weight. Are you willing to follow through with the nutrition and exercise guidelines after surgery in order to keep the weight off? (And if you’re lucky, they encouraged you to seek therapy if you struggle).

    a. Did you get this message during your pre-surgical preparation for WLS?
    b. Did you agree that you would, indeed, do what the doctor and nutritionist told you to do for the rest of your life, or you could (and most likely would) regain your weight?
    c. Did you mean what you said when you agreed to do what the doctor and nutritionist told you to do for the rest of your life, or you could (and most likely would) regain your weight? (I’m fairly certain you did mean it.)
    d. ARE YOU DOING IT? DID YOU DO IT? Are you doing what the doctor and nutritionist told you to do in order to prevent regaining your weight?
    a. If not, what’s up???
    b. If not, what are you willing to do in order to get back on track with this? ARE YOU WILLING TO GO TO THERAPY? The Post Op & The Doc:
    Above we have noted five topics basic to nearly every surgical weight loss program in this country:

    1) the need to eat healthy portions of healthy foods,
    2) the need to minimize simple carbohydrates,
    3) using the first year to learn and implement healthy habits,
    4) engaging in, and maintaining healthy support, and
    5) it is possible to regain weight after WLS if you don’t follow what you were advised to do. The Post Op & The Doc have seventeen years collectively working in this field. We have seen and talked with thousands of patients who have shared with us that they did hear this information before surgery, they agreed to do what they learned, and they meant it. Yet many have been unable to follow through. That’s normal. It’s difficult to make the behavioral changes needed to keep weight off. If you start to regain, you can catch yourself and get headed in a healthy direction.

    Many people are doing what it takes to get back on track so that they can get and keep their excess weight off. They do what they set out to do when they decided to have weight loss surgery: Improve their health and have the ability to do more of the things they want to do.

    The best way to get into the habits needed to maintain a healthy weight or to get back on track is to use the Gotta Do Em's. The Gotta Do Em's are what it takes to get and keep weight off:

    1. Make Healthy Food Choices
    2. Maintain Portion Control
    3. Exercise Regularly
    4. Drink Water
    5. Eat Breakfast
    6. Plan Your Meals and Follow Your Plan
    7. Keep a Food Diary
    8. Keep an Exercise Diary
    9. Use a Healthy Support System
    10. Get Individual and/or Group Therapy There are lots of excuses for not following the Gotta Do Em's. It would be easy to say that you were overwhelmed with all of the information you were given pre-surgery and couldn’t possibly understand everything you agreed to. It would easy to say that you were just trying to get your forms completed so you could qualify for surgery and you therefore agreed to whatever you needed to. It would be easy to say you didn’t know then what you know now, so you were committing to things you weren’t prepared to honor.

    Well, none of that matters because, the truth is, you can do what you said you would do and, if you really want what you say you want (improved health and a better quality of life), you must do those things you said you would.

    The good news? You don’t need to do them alone. In fact, as A Post Op & A Doc always say, “No one can do this for you, but you can’t do it alone.” We all need support to sustain the Gotta Do ‘Em's. So utilize the support offered by your medical team, your program’s support group, and the people who love you and do the things you said you’d do! You’ll feel great about yourself and will get the results you were looking for as you headed into weight loss surgery.
    A Post Op & A Doc have a copy of the Gotta Do ‘Em’s (and a lot more free handouts for you) at www.conniestapletonphd.com/apod and on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/apostopandadoc .

    Cari DeLaCruz (The Post Op)

    Connie Stapleton, Ph.D. (The Doc)
  15. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in My 600lb life   
    SPenny was a cautionary tale as I watcher it. I am 20 lbs above my lowest weight since surgery. I wonder if penny is me. I feel like I could never go back to my heaviest or more. But there it is, 20 lbs.
    she did have an excuse for every challenge to her current thinking. I have pledged to use my tool to its best. I know it is not magic, as I guess penny thought it was.
    It is work, a recommitment whenever needed, asking for help when I am in over my head or close to it.
    I am so grateful for the tool and the things I have learned to this date. I don't want to die, to put it mildly.
    Thank you for the show. Not so I can judge, but that I can learn and recheck my own commitment.I hope your wls path leads you to greater peace!
  16. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in My 600lb life   
    SPenny was a cautionary tale as I watcher it. I am 20 lbs above my lowest weight since surgery. I wonder if penny is me. I feel like I could never go back to my heaviest or more. But there it is, 20 lbs.
    she did have an excuse for every challenge to her current thinking. I have pledged to use my tool to its best. I know it is not magic, as I guess penny thought it was.
    It is work, a recommitment whenever needed, asking for help when I am in over my head or close to it.
    I am so grateful for the tool and the things I have learned to this date. I don't want to die, to put it mildly.
    Thank you for the show. Not so I can judge, but that I can learn and recheck my own commitment.I hope your wls path leads you to greater peace!
  17. Like
    Marykatherine reacted to Butterflyhigh in Marijuana   
    I'm sorry KristinaRnY that your post has been hijacked. I was actually looking forward to some helpful ideas and advise as well.
    And while we're off topic...one of the things that has stuck with me from a recent talk with Dr. Mia Angelou that I was privileged to be a part of was :
    "Don't ask yourself IF you are racist, ask yourself HOW are you racist."
    It is easy to label someone as being racist when they poorly choose their words as in the case of the above poster. However, when you get all sanctimonious about it you are showing a lack of insight into the fact that you also have racist tendencies. We all do. It is impossible to be raised in the United States as a white person and not have bias and prejudice deeply imbedded in your psychology. To deny that is to think yourself untouched by what society is seeped in and it is that self-righteous denial which protects those deep deep seeds of racism and prevents eradicated them from your spirit.
    So go ahead and throw stones. But don't kid yourself by thinking that because you know better than to use the word "colored" and will aggressively correct someone else's ignorance that you are somehow above all of that.

    Educate instead of Humiliate. Persuade instead of Persecute. Converse instead of Chastise. If you want to help the situation ask yourself how YOU are a racist.
  18. Like
    Marykatherine reacted to XXShelXX in Rude awakenings....   
    Hi there if it's the eating late that is causing u to do this please please stop because it is so dangerous! It is so easy to inhale this mess into your lungs. That's why you are coughing. We get so relaxed while sleeping that we inhale saliva many times. Bringing this into your lungs is trouble and could definitely cause pneumonia. I've seen it happen many many times usually with older patients who can't swallow well and have some stuff still in their mouth when going to sleep. Not to scare you straight or anything but seriously you can't let that happen anymore.
  19. Like
    Marykatherine reacted to JeffA70 in Anyone Else Go Offtrack & Gain?   
    I bottomed out at 209 in August and am at 220 this AM, so yes, definitely can gain weight if you fall off the wagon. The monkey is always on our backs. I had been doing well with running until November, when it got cold, and I've been doing elliptical since, which just doesn't burn as much. Holiday chocolates, etc., etc. you know the drill.
    The sleeve is just a tool. My doctor pokes me in the stomach and tells me, "I can only fix this part. I can't fix this part (pokes my head)."
  20. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from Shadi-Dadi in I am scared two days before the sleeve!   
    Please do not freak out any more than you have to. No need.
    I was very apprehensive Saturday. Surgery was Tuesday. I wondered if I was making a good decision. Did I pick the right surgery, as the surgeon was open to either sleeve or bypass. I thought about dying on the table. No partner, no children. Would I only be remembered as the fat woman who wouldn't lose weight with will power, who died on the table?
    So much fear. That's why i said only freak out as much as you have to.
    This surgery is not like getting your nails done. Call in one day get them done on the next. No this is something you have thought about and talked about for quite awhile. Tests, meetings, dr's appointments...you have gone. Through a great deal to get here. Trust your decision and go for it.
    Take a deep breath. Trust in yourself and the professionals that will surround you before, during, and after surgery. Be at peace.
    Good luck!
  21. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from BigGirlPanties in Flipping out!   
    I remember exactly the feeling of freaking out before the surgery. Surgery was a Tuesday. Saturday was a very, very difficult day. Was I doing the right thing? Had I chosen the right surgery? Was I going to be one of the deaths on the table? I have no husband or children. If I died, would I soon be forgotten as that fat woman who died because she didn't have will power to lose weight...
    I got rather morose, to say the least. Tuesday came around. Had the surgery. Never regretted since. I am so happy you are going through with it. Take a deep breath and move on. Good luck.
  22. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from BigGirlPanties in Flipping out!   
    I remember exactly the feeling of freaking out before the surgery. Surgery was a Tuesday. Saturday was a very, very difficult day. Was I doing the right thing? Had I chosen the right surgery? Was I going to be one of the deaths on the table? I have no husband or children. If I died, would I soon be forgotten as that fat woman who died because she didn't have will power to lose weight...
    I got rather morose, to say the least. Tuesday came around. Had the surgery. Never regretted since. I am so happy you are going through with it. Take a deep breath and move on. Good luck.
  23. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from Scorpion11 in Eyesight any differnt?   
    I noticed a vision change after surgery. I didn't think to ask my surgeon about it (wouldn't that be silly. Actually using follow up appointments for asking questions. ...) at any rate, I got my eyes checked. I didn't wait a full year for the next chekup. My eyesight had changed a good deal. Was it the surgery or being 51. My eyesight has always been good, though.
    Something to think about.
  24. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from JOANNE M HOLL in First Day Back To Work   
    Glad things in general going well. The only thong I can think of is to listen to your body. Tired? Sit down. Walking is difficult? Sit down. Ice never hurts. If you are really sore tomorrow, can you take time off for a day or half day.
    Please be careful. No need to be in more pain then necessary.
    Have a good day!
  25. Like
    Marykatherine got a reaction from Essence33 in Thoughts and concerns about the preop diet   
    I was terrified, too. And I gained some weight before the fast from food funerals and this will be the last time ever...
    As endless80 says this is your year. Just go for it and fears be damned. Deal with day by day, minute by minute what comes comes up day by day and minute by minute. You can do this.
    And yes, this is for your life! Death was around the corner for me, maybe for you, too. Life is what we are fighting for. La Chaim!
    Remember... You are not alone.
    Be at peace.

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