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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by carlamcgrath

  1. carlamcgrath


    I've been banded for a month and have lost 20 some lbs. But I am so tired and have no energy. Is this normal.
  2. carlamcgrath

    March Bandsters!

    I am having issues with pain. I have fibromyalgia and am in constant pain. I need to lose more weight and maybe my knees won't hurt.
  3. carlamcgrath

    March Bandsters!

    I was banded March 13, and am down almost 30 lbs. But I feel sick to my stomach constantly. Has anyone else experienced this.
  4. Does anyone else feel naucious all the time

  5. carlamcgrath


    How many times a day do you eat? My doc told me only 3 meals a day and I can't eat hardly anything at a meal
  6. I'm having a hard time finding food. I am lactose intolerant and I can't have gluten
  7. carlamcgrath

    Montly Plans At True Results Scottsdale, Az

    I think it depends on where you get your surgery done at. My first 3 months are included then I have to pay approx. 70 dollars each time.
  8. I'm eating fish, turkey burgers, chicken and I do love my veggies. I buy the frozen stir fry and broccoli blend.
  9. carlamcgrath

    Weight Bobbing....

    That has been happining to me and depressing me. My husband told me to quit weighing myself everyday so now I'm going to weigh myself once a week
  10. carlamcgrath

    Scared To Eat Real Food Again...

    I wouldn't eat salad yet because it is hard to chew up and might hurt. I've been eating eggs and soft veggies and turkey burgers and fish.
  11. That is so funny they did the same to me. I have had anestecia in the past and freaked out. I was worried about this happening again but when I woke up I was laughing to myself because I don't remember quitting talking.
  12. You do not have to take off acrylic nails. I also have them and I got them filled the day before my surgery they were fine.
  13. carlamcgrath

    What To Eat

    Ok It's been 2 1/2 weeks since my surgery. I've lost 16 lbs. But I did gain two pounds and then lost them again(not sure how cause I hardly eat anything). Anyways I've heard alot of different people talking about what to eat. They differ like night and day. I have always preffered carbohydrates to protein. Not a real big meat eater. So this low carbohydrate high protein diet is killing me. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Just got back from Docs office getting my staples out. He told me I've lost 14 lbs. Wow He also told me that I was healing fast and could start soft food. Heaven to my ears.

  15. I'm having the same problems. I'm a week and one day out and my shoulders still hurt. My belly hurts. Pretty much everything hurts.
  16. I just had my yummy pureed vegatable soup with a splash of plain yogurt. Wow aren't we a bunch of cheap dates. One can of soup has lasted me 5 days. I guess on the bright side I'll save alot of money on food.

  17. carlamcgrath

    One Week Out

    I want to thank the people who commented on my last blog. Yes, I admit I have a food addiction. How do I know, well I dream of food and lots of it. Then I wake up and realize I cant eat any of it and it fills me with sadness. I dreamed last night that if I would have known you couldn't eat I might not have gotten the band. But then in my dream I said no, I would still get it. Those of us who are on the post phase of the band (short lived I do hope) are mourning our one true love. FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have come to the realization that I never really tasted food. Not really enjoyed it. Ok you say "Oh Carla you enjoyed your food". Yes but not in the way food was meant to be enjoyed. I am on the pour off the spoon stage and that can really limit your choices. But, I pureed vegatable soup and had 3oz of that then mixed in 1oz of fat free regular yogurt. It was actually quite tasty. I would have never done this before, but I was trying to get some protein in my meal. Until I actually realized I wasn't eating enough(I know this has never happened before), I was starving to death. Not starving like you gotta have that cheeseburger, starving like my system felt like I was actually for the first time in its life starving.
  18. carlamcgrath

    Mourning Food

    Wow, it has been 4 days since my surgery and I'm doing okay. One thing I was not prepared for is that I feel like I am in mourning over food. The night after my surgery, the woman next to me got enchiladas. I wasn't hungry but the smell stimulated my saliva glands. It sucked. The first few days I felt like I was starving to death, don't feel like that now. I still have alot of pain as I had a hietal hernia repair. The doc said my hernia was the size of a large orange. That would explain all the pain. I can't believe I have finally gotten past this milestone. Now if only time would speed up and magically I would be thin...lol
  19. carlamcgrath

    March Bandsters!

    OMG, I was in the same boat. I had hietal hernia repair and the doctor said it was the size of a large orange. I also took protonix but towards the end it didn't seem to work. Most likely you are going to be very sore for a while from the hernia repair. Afterwards I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, literally. The pain is from the hernia repair. It hurts to yawn, take a deep breath and pretty much everything else.
  20. carlamcgrath

    Terrified Of Failure

    Thank you to those of you who responded to my last blog. Some very encouraging thoughts. However; I am so scared of failure after I am banded. Everyday (pre-band) I wake up wanting fat and sugar. Does this go away after the band, or will I always be fighting this? To be thin is something I've wanted my whole life and I feel I am inches away from my dream. But am I strong enough? In all other parts of my life I am a rock, but when it comes to food I cave everytime.
  21. carlamcgrath

    No Easy Way Out

    Many people think that lap-band or gastric bypass are an easy way out of a life of over eating. I was one of those people. I have struggled with my weight since I can remember being told I was fat (around 6 or 7). I have been on hundreds of diets, lost hundreds of pounds and gained every single one back again. I personally know a few people that have had the lap-band procedure done. They lost a large amount of weight in the beginning but they didn't change the food they were eating and ultimately gained the weight back. My surgeon told me that the lap-band is merely a tool to be used in conjunction with diet and exercise. Not a miracle. Science has yet to create a miracle weight loss pill or device although; if you watch the infomercials they have. When someone is at an unhealthy weight (one that could kill you) sometimes a helping hand is exactly what the doctor ordered. Many things factor into why a person would become obese. It's not like we wake up one day and say " I think I'm going to be so fat that I can barely move, or breathe". Our skinny counterparts are very fond of saying "you just need more will power". Well, I am here to tell you will power has very little to do with it. In my case, and many people I know food is an addiction. Mine started when I was very young. Food made it all better when I was being abused. Food never hurt me or talked bad to me. It always made me feel happy. Unfortunately; food also got me to where I am at know. My doctor said I use food as a stress reliever. No DUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. carlamcgrath

    March Bandsters!

    6 days now till my surgery. The Lord knew when to get me in gear for this procedure as I am having hietal hernia repaired also. The pain from the hernia is almost unbearable. I take protonix for it but I have breakthru pain constantly.
  23. carlamcgrath

    March Bandsters!

    I don't have any suggestions for appeal, but I also was denied by insurance. We took our tax return and just paid it. My husband and I talked alot about this and decided that this is a life investment. To be here for my husband and children is worth all the money in the world.
  24. carlamcgrath

    No Easy Way Out

    Thank you blonde, so are you

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