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Everything posted by SicChl

  1. SicChl


    From the album: Before Surgery

    Kisses from My Daughter
  2. SicChl


    From the album: Before Surgery

    Fat as ever.
  3. SicChl

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    OK..My first Saturday Weigh in. . 270.4
  4. I went to the Gym 2 days in a row... It's an unreal feeling after I work out...I feel so good, with so much energy...
  5. I really do. . I'm shooting from the hip with these comments. I enjoy reading all the posts. I appreciate the response to my posts. I need to upload some pics of myself. I enjoy being able to relate with most of the people here. I think the Girls out number the boys by far. I sometimes feel like a creeper being a 41 Yr old guy looking at all these posts by women. Lots of inspiration in here. I LOVE THIS PLACE Feel free to add your own thoughts to this list.
  6. My 2 week diet started on DEC 24th... Talk about rough... I survived and you will too. Good luck!
  7. Sorry to Hijack this post but I must admit that "Dorrie" has to be the cutest name I've ever heard... Except for my daughter Emmas' name ofcourse.
  8. SicChl

    Me In A Bikini... Say It Isn't So!

    I never pass a post about Bikinis... You look awesome. Good for you!
  9. SicChl

    No Where Else To Turn

    I think it makes perfect sense.... Remain strong for yourself & family. Talk Talk Talk... Find someone to talk to.. You can do this because nobody is going to do it for you... And you CAN'T quit! ... Watch the Herb... It'll give you the munchies..
  10. WOW.. I am doing the same thing... I can't eat alot but I can eat often... I go from snack to snack... Yesterday I decided to stop the snacking madness and get back to the gym... Good Luck kdippy...
  11. I really need some motivation.... All I have are excuses of why I don't or can't go to the gym. I have a brand new workout facility at my work, and a $100+ membership to a super nice gym around my house.... WHY in the world can't I go? I've been stuck at the same weight for the past 7 to 8 weeks.. What the heck is wrong with me?
  12. Hello Everyone, I am 17 Weeks Post-op and upto the first week of April I was doing great. A little history...Pre-op I was 335 Pounds. 17 Weeks later I am down to 275..Sounds great But, I have been stuck between 270 and 280 for 1 month... On Easter Sunday i hit 270 on the scale... from that point on I have been stuck... Am I at a plateau? Will I lose anymore? I'm concerned enough to make me very crabby... What gives?
  13. SOS, Thank you very much... That makes me feel better... On a side note..... You look GREAT! What a transformation you have done... Unreal... Should I still be drinking my Protein shakes? I have stopped because I figured I am eating... But maybe I shouldn't have... Any thoughts? Thanks again.
  14. Thank you all very much.. I appreciate the support... I guess I need to come clean on a few things. I do not keep track of what I eat and the calories I have no exercised very much since the surgery. I feel like I am always eating. I started Testostrone injections last week. Why do I feel guilty on 1,2, and 3 ? I'm not eating to where I get sick, I feel I'm just always eating/munching.
  15. SicChl

    I Think I Need Help!

    OK, I am 8 weeks POST op, and down 57 Pounds. I started working out 2 weeks ago and it’s going well. Here is my issues(S) during the normal work week I have a shake in the morning for Breakfast and a shake at lunch. Then I get home and go right to the fridge and stare. I munch whatever I can get my hands on until I almost feel sick… I then chill out until dinner. . During the weekend, or days off I find myself standing in front of the fridge all day long or about every 20 minutes, or just after the last little bit of food drops into my new stomach. I think I need help. • I am NOT hungry! • I munch on whatever I can find • I know that I don’t want it or need it • The weekends are killing me • It’s 100% mental • Can I chain my fridge shut? • It’s boredom • I’m getting kinda scared about not being in control. Can someone please offer some advice? Thanks, Todd
  16. SicChl

    I Think I Need Help!

    Thank you everyone... I appreciate the help... Everyday is a new day!
  17. Thank you all very much.. I appreciate the advice...
  18. Good Afternoon, My sleeve was preformed on Jan 6th. I waited almost 9 months for the procedure and the day finally came... I started out weighing in at 335lbs. At almost 6 weeks post-op I am down a total of 49 Lbs. 17 of these were lost the 2 weeks before the surgery, and the rest after....I have a few issues that I need advice on. First is that I have been stuck at 49lbs down for almost 2 weeks.. I'm not losing.. I hate the scale but am drawn to it...... What is going on? Did I lose too much too fast? am I doomed? Second is that I am having a hard time relearning how to eat... I feel I eat to fast and take big bites, then the food sits at the stomach opening and causes discomfort. What can I do? Third is my lack of motivation at getting into the gym.... Any advice would be grand. . Thanks. Todd

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