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LAP-BAND Patients
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About dishdiva

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    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday October 6

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  1. Happy -- Birthday dishdiva!

  2. MeMeMEEEE: I feel your pain. I am SEVEN months out and am still fighting a lingering leak. Was on TPN's with antibiotics and nourishment early on. Then they let me have food to boost my nutrition. (Doctors think it's taking so long because my infections were so severe -- I was septic when I was admitted to hospital.) Have been admitted four times, longest stay was two weeks. Have stents that tend to migrate. What happens is they do a CT or other type of scan -- it shows no leaks, then they take out the stents and do another study -- and there's a leak that's hidden by the stents in the earlier images. Am now on feeding tube -- Osmosolite just like you. But it's not enough calories -- Dr. working on changing type I use. And they say that we need the calories to I was able to eat a little with it early on -- now they have me on nothing by mouth. Impossible! I'm not about to get dehydrated or pass out because I have too little nutrition. (Not that I am really eating -- following Dr.'s orders as best I can.) There's no way around it -- leaks suck. I have a feeding tube, ostomy bags for drains because JP drains kept coming out and a PICC line. I'm just praying this last round of stents and feeds will do the trick. Finally had good news from my "exterminator" (hysterical) Friday -- my blood counts are close enough to normal that I'll only have one more week of anti-biotics through the PICC line. This has truly been the biggest challenge of my life and I pray some good will come of it. Best of luck to you in your recovery.
  3. dishdiva

    Gastric Sleeve Nightmare V.2.0

    Hey everyone - Thanks for your support and encouragement -- I feel like I'm getting closer to recovery most days. To answer a few Q's: My surgery was on May 2. I think my leak developed sometime around the 8th or 9th. I went to the hospital on the 10th. My surgeon was Dr. Alvarez, who I love. In no way do I consider this a failing on his part. (The patient who went before me has been doing fabulous -- like so many of his patients.) He's been generous with his time even though he's technically not treating me for the leak and has been incredibly supportive. I would still recommend him in a minute. My insurance does pay a little of this and a little of that based on creative coding, but the bulk of it is not being paid. May get my stents out Monday, God willing. DD
  4. I just read the thread about Gabriela's "nightmare" journey with her sleeve and someone suggested it might have been a "false" posting because she hasn't been back to post again in a long time. As someone with a similar story, I'm here to tell you a. she could not have made that up and b. getting on the computer to post isn't exactly a priority when you're fighting her kind of battle. Five months ago tomorrow -- may 10 -- i was admitted to the hospital with multiple leaks and became septic. i too had stents and drains put in. my friends and family tell me i was close to death... the next two months were miserable...no energy...being fed only by IV...five antibiotics for infections... in july, after a CT scan showed significant improvement, my stents were removed. PROGRESS! After an Upper GI without the stents, my doctor came into the room shaking his head. I was still leaking. The stents had to go back in. They are still in, three months later. Last week, I was at the hospital twice, once for another Upper GI (again showing improvement), again for radiology to try to fix the challenges with my drains. Meanwhile, my drain site (the area on my side where the created a hole to insert the drain) LEAKS. It's disgusting in that gets all over my clothes, even with gauze...the drainage looks infectious, but cultures show nothing dangerous. But, hey, why not do yet another round of antibiotics that make me lose my appetite and have diarreah? The Dr.'s and radiologists all can't explain it -- I've been trying to get relief for three months -- they say it's nothing to worry about. Easy for them to say when I'm the one change my clothes and dressings three times a day. They had me start flushing the line last week. The saline goes straight to the 'exit wound' and out of my drain site all over my skin. If I forgot to mention the dry heaves in the early days of my stents, here's that news. Oh, and I throw up certain foods but never know what might work and what won't. Of course I use the guidelines provided to all sleeve patients. I too have "referred" pain in my left shoulder and my abdomen. Mild pain killers don't help and I don't need anything stronger. I'm not complaining. I'm alive. I pray and trust that I will recover. Yes, my surgery was in Mexico but a very well-respected sleeve surgeon with many success stories. But that's irrelevant. Leaks are clearly defined as a possible complication regardless of your surgeon. I'd had the band removed five years ago and that may have played a role (adhesions and scar tissue). One last not -- since my insurance didn't cover the sleeve, it won't cover the complications. So I have about $75,000 in medical bills. I'm self-employed and haven't been able to work since this all started. Thanks for letting me share my story. The jury is still out on regrets. I know God put this challenge in my life for a reason and I'm prepared to see it through. And if I don't post again or respond, please forgive me. I'm probably laying in bed with a heating pad on my achy shoulder or changing my dressing...or emptying my drain...or... I WILL SURVIVE. Before you go through with surgery, consider that you could be one of the one percent (?) that has leak complications. I didn't want to believe I could be. Let me close my saying I treasure all of your success stories, for those of you without complications, and wish you continued success.
  5. 1 years have passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary dishdiva!

  6. 8 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 8th Anniversary dishdiva!

  7. Keep your chin up. It will be good one day soon. I too felt the quality of life loss. I also said if I could take it back, I would. Now life is better and I am happier than ever. I am thinking of you.

  8. dishdiva

    Major Complications

    I feel your pain! After surgery 5/2, I ended up in ER with a leak on 5/10. In hospital for 2 weeks. Now home with IV's and drains. No quality of life. Haven't had a bite of solid food in over a month and will probably be another 2 months before I do. I'm kind of in shock that I'm losing days of my life. But I'm grateful to be alive. I had massive infections as well and Dr's also say I'm lucky to be alive. No one has been as hard on me about this as me. My family and friends have been frantic. I second guess every decision. Today, I'd take back every pound and live with it. At least I was living. I'm trying to change that -- be more positive, this happened for a reason, etc. -- but it's hard. Assuming my stints are doing their job, when they come out, I will constantly live in fear of another leak. I know there are former leakers on VST that recovered and are now happy with their sleeve. I hope to join their ranks one day. In the meantime, everyone please keep those of us with leaks in your prayers... it is a very grueling process. Health to All!
  9. dishdiva

    Major Complications

    I am in the exact same boat......the leak, the abscess. Drains, Multiple antibiotics. Tests galore. If I heard NPO one more time.... Now home after 15 days in hospital... original surgery was in MEX. A pile of medical bills that will take me 20 years to get through. Yeah, I'd take my day of surgery weight back in a minute over all this -- but my mind may change if things stablize and improve. For now, I have to WORK at no regrets -- know there's a reason I'm going through this and all will turn out for the best. I hope your finance is better soon. Please keep us posted.
  10. I'd look into something -- I had a leak and multiple infections one week after my sleeve was done. Just got home from hospital for 15 days. You think my insurance will pay? Forget it. The first words from the hospital in their letter to request coverage mentioned surgery in Mexico. Which it didn't need to, IMO, how would they have known. Say why the patient showed up at hospital, treatment, etc. By the way, One of the reasons I went to Mexico was to save some $$$ -- THEN, brilliant me thought, I'd have LEFTOVER money for any complications. My hospital total (not including surgeons, other docs, blood panel, etc. is approaching $60,000. The only Q now is how fast is my insurer going to drop me. Things will be better tomorrow!!
  11. I beg for your patience as you kindly indulge my whining. My band slipped twice and both times, I had that same horrendous acid reflux/pain that unfortunately way too many of us are familiar with. The band was removed in 2006 and I had a sleeve revision last week. (only RNY was option for revision at the time and that's not for me) My recovery has been hard. More so than when I first got the band in 2003. I know some of that is the surgeon having to remove scar tissue and adhesions, which he said wasn't too bad. I couldn't keep liquids down the first day in the hospital and barfed. Doctor didn't seem worried that I'd compromised my staple line. Leak test was fine. I've had: (check any that apply) the left side gas I had after band that went away believe it or not, that feeling I sometimes I had that I could actually feel the band tightening on my stomach. random restriction, even though I'm all liquids. sometimes things go down better than others (warm, cold, room temp, day, night...) gas -- woot! can't get comfortable sleeping and, the biggest gift of all, the ocassional acid reflux attach (yes, doctor gave me something -- but i'm getting it anyway) i'm walking -- following Clear Liquids -- but half the time I'm in bed with a heating pad (remnant from my lap band days) obsessing over whether or not I have a leak. Please tell me this gets better. I thought by a week out, I'd be way better than I am. My surgeon has been great about responding to my concerns, but the advice for more walking and little sips only goes so far one week in. Arrrrgh. I'm walking, I'm walking. I'm TIRED. Oh, and pain meds seem innefective -- which is fine because Dr. did send me off to get liquid Tylenol which works better. But part of me wants the kick-ass stuff the band surgeons gave me so I can just sleep through this phase. YES, I want my stomach back. (Today. Ask me tomorrow. And yes, I know you'll remind me in a week, a month a year....!) Thank you so much for any suggestions, feedback, input... Your are my lifesavers.
  12. Huge hug to you -- so you know you are not alone -- I had a similar WTF did I do day. I'm day 6! Frustrated because I feel a lot like I did at the band's worst, but going to post there. That's why we're here. Hugs from Georgia. Hope you're not in flood zone. xoxoxo
  13. I'm a week post-op and have developed OCD with the thermometer because I check my temp so often. Brrrrrrr. Think it's the chills, but then I remember posts like these....
  14. BT, I'm a lot like you. As I gained weight, food became an obsession for me. It's taken me a long time to say this, but I am a compulsive overeater. I think talking to a counselor is a great idea. I have planned, as part of my recovery, to give Overeaters Anonymous another try. I haven't been in about 10 years. It's just another tool, the way I see it, to help me with the sleeve. There are also other programs that are NOT OA that can help, and many counselors who specialize in emotional eating disorders -- of which we all are. Very few people, I've found, become obese or morbidly obese just because the "like" food. We "use" food to medicate. And the food manufacturers happened to have made the tastiest foods very addictive, insuring that we'll continue to buy their drugs. You can and will overcome this, I know. You give me hope -- since I'm only a week into my sleeve and already craving, craving, craving. Best wishes for success.
  15. dishdiva

    Recovery House Shared Room

    I totally understand. Yeah, it's no big deal, but considering what you're going through -- if the option for privacy at a hotel nearby is available, why not? This whole journey is about taking care of your needs! Good luck.

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