I had the lapband in October and during surgery was nicked and bleed internally. While in the hospital I was scoped 3 times to stop the bleeding. I was in the hospital for 6 days and on the 5th day started having this incredible pain in the left side of my neck and into my sholder every time I swallow. Since that 5 th day in the hospital I have not had 1 day free of pain. They have done swallowing tests and checked the lap band and all seems ok with it and my neurologist thinks I have damage to the Vegal nerve from the scope. My question is if this is possible and if so how can I make the pain stop? Right now they have me on medication for nerve damage but all the doctors seem scared to tell me the truth thinking I will sue them for all the complications. I have no desire to sue anyone and all I want is relief from the pain and my life back.