I'm on day 5 of my 12-day pre-up diet and down 4-lbs. Acutally, I've done quite well with no hungry except for day one. Today wasn't so good. It's my mom's birthday and we generally put up her tree. However, it wasn't the tree that made me crazy depressed...it was the Cookies, cake, and ice cream.
I could smell the cookies baking when I walked in the door. Yummy, but sad...sad because I wanted them so, but I stuck to my guns and said no to everything. Finally, I walked out the door and over to my house. I was preparing beef stock for after my surgery. I've been making stock every weekend for the last three weeks. It smelled soooo good. I guess you could say I have cheated by eating 1-cup of homemade stock every night. It's 30 calories and no fat and it's the best thing I eat all day.
Here's where I was bad...I finally couldn't take it any more and snitched a small piece of french bread (which really needs to leave my house) just to dip it in the homemade stock. That was all I needed. It calmed me down and got me over the loss of goodies.
I know this feeling will creep up again soon. I'm just not good with depression and self-pity. I've counted the bread in my food journal along with my feelings about it all. I have to say, my husband has been a trooper, although he was going to give me a small bit of his scrambled eggs with cheese. He knows I am strugglling with the loss of food. He know's I'm a foodie at heart, but he's trying to be there for me every step of the way.