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Posts posted by JustShaunda

  1. Don't feel bad. Tomorrow is my one month surgiversary and I've only lost 11 lbs since surgery. (10- pre-op diet). I've always been a slow loser. I know my body is resisting going into the 180's. I've been at 190 for several days. I totally believe the body has "set points" and has to adjust with stalls.

    I agree with the deli meat issue. I bet if you switch to soft fish (tilapia, salmon...) and/or shrimp you'll the scale moving again. Me, I think I'm going to try the HCG food plan (without the HCG) for today to shake things up! It's 2 apples, 4 oz meat & veggies for lunch & dinner. That's it. 500 cals.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

    Thanks Girly!! Please let me know how your Diet goes, maybe i will switch too!

  2. Today is my One month Sleeve Anniversery! I had lost 35 pounds this month but for the last few days I have been gaining weight! Yep you heard me right GAINING!! one pound a day!! YIKES!! I am not sure what is going on :( I understand having a stall but a gain is a different story! So Now my total loss for this first month is 32 pounds. I am happy about it but wish the scale would stop going the wrong way. I keep my carbs under 20g a day no breads, rices, potatoes. I work out almost every day, sometimes twice a day and just started weights this week! I am happy with my decission to have the sleeve but seeing the scale go back makes me nervous because this has been the story of my life watching that darn scale go up!

    Ok so the things below is what helped me this first month with my Water and Protein intake.

    1. Premier Protein shake (sams club)

    2. Vitamin Water zero

    4. Crushed Ice

    5. Shaved Roast beef from the deli

    6. Diced Ham in the lunch meat section

  3. I was given a prescription for lovenox it was $500 before insurance and $450 after lol. I started to do allot of research before I bought them. I contacted the maker and was told they have a patient assistance program but it was on hold for 2 weeks because they were restructuring the program. I called my doctor but it takes 2 days for them to call me back. I had the pharmacist give me half of the prescription which cost me $200. Then once my doctor called me back, he said there is not substitutes for this blood thinner and since I don’t have a history of blood clots I don’t have to take it just stay real active!! (Wish I would have know 2 days prior to spending $200) So I would definitely check on the assistance program from the manufacture.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
