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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tina.miller

  1. Hi there. I do too understand your frustration. I had my surgery dec 31 2008 and have lost 52 lbs. I know that is good but I look at other people who have lost more and compare. (you just cannot do that) everyones body is different. In the begining I was dropping like running Water and now The weight comes off like 3 lbs a month. Which is alot better if I was doing it on my own. Your doing fine, you still have more fills to go.

  2. Hi All,

    I was banded 31 December 2008 and have lost 52 lb, so I went from 256 to I am now 205. In the beggining the weight was dropping like you would not believe, then it stared to slow down, so I went from dropping 8-10 lbs a month to now 3 lbs a month. I have also been working out like crazy too. My doctor says I am still doing well and should not worry about it. Has this happened to anyone? and I doing something wrong will the weight start to drop fast again.

    Also, I am also 9cc in a 10cc band and do not feel like I am at my "sweet spot". Does anyone have any advice...PLEASE. is there anything more I can do to drop the lbs. I know by me working out all my fat is turning into muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. I'm just confuses. I am nervous because I jist do not want to be FAT ever again.

    please help

  3. Hello,

    Thanks for your reply. I have been waiting, but only because the Drs office that faxed out my paper work has faxed it to the wronf office, so I had to do it myself. If your drs office tells you that they faxed it over, everytime I called a representative they told me there was not phone number for medical policy nor a fax number, it has to be mailed. So I mailed mine this past monday. So hopefully there will be some results. How about you? did they mail it or fax or what? what drs office did you go to? If you find out something before me please let me know, I will also keep you informed, and please you do the same.

  4. Hello All,

    I am am waiting for the approval of my Lap Band surgery from Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO. Does anyone know how long they take. It seems like forever I have been Waiting. Everytime I call to see about the update, there has yet to have something documented in their file. Do they have a contact phone number. Does anyone have any information on that Dept. What should I do. Are they good with approving. My Drs. Office says that they faxed over the information on the 24th of January and I have called alomst every couple of days to see if they have received it. What should I do. Someone if you could help me please respond.

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