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Everything posted by 4mydogs

  1. 4mydogs


    before, during and after
  2. 4mydogs

    kris 1258

    From the album: update

    5 months later, half way to goal.
  3. 4mydogs

    kris 991

    From the album: update

    Day before surgery.
  4. Start 363 on 2/8/12 Surgery 318 5/8/12 Current 264 8/17/12
  5. I can finally have something to eat. After problems with a leak, weeks on TPN and weeks on clear liquids, I got the green light to have food. More good news... I'm down 90 pounds.
  6. Sorry everyone. I didn't word my previous post very well. I'm down 90 lbs since my highest weight. Since surgery in down 48.
  7. 4mydogs

    Left Side Pain And Nausea

    I had left side pain at 3 weeks other than that I felt great. It turned out to be a leak. Get it checked out, you don't want an infection also. Good luck, hope its nothing.
  8. 4mydogs

    Low Grade Fever

    I ran a low grade temp for a few days. Went to Er when it spiked one night. Everything was said to be ok. Now I've been in the hospital for 6 days with a leak. I'll have more tests Sunday to determine if it's wait and see or if I need surgery. Pay close attention to the pain. Mine got really bad but the fever never did.
  9. I haven't lost any weight. It's all I can do to get in 45- 50 oz of liquids. What am I doing wrong? I am walking for exercise.
  10. 4mydogs

    Milk Intolerance

    Can you guys tell me more about milk allergies? Every night around dinner time I get a low grade fever for about 4-5 hours and feel really strange. The only thing new is cream of soups or sf pudding. On week 2 post op. Spent last night in Er having tests done for fever. The found nothing wrong.
  11. I'm 5 days post op and thought I would feel great by now. I'm very sore on my left side and the gas pain is unbearable at times. My daughter drove me 7 miles to the drug store for more gas x, after that small trip I decided there is no way I can return to my desk job Tuesday. I work 1 hour away. I have no fever, no nausea, and as long as I take it easy I can manage the pain without Meds, however I have developed diarrehea ( sp?). And occasionally get just a tad lightheaded for a split second. Should I be worried?
  12. 4mydogs

    What's Not Normal?

    THANKS FOR THE REPLY EVERYONE. I took your advice and had some pain Meds. I feel better. I was just being a worry wart. I have a history of infections after surgery. Doc said everything went well it just took 2 hour because of scar tissue. Maybe that's why the pain and gas is so bad. I'm walking on the treadmill several times per day. It helps. I'm so looking toward to some scrambled eggs. Lol.
  13. I'm leaving for the hospital in 10 minutes. My surgery is scheduled for 5:30 am. I'm ready to start healing and look forward to something besides a liquid diet in a few weeks. Kris
  14. 4mydogs

    On My Way.

    Thanks for all the good wishes. Things went well and I am home. I didn't expect to be this sore. I'm on my first day of liquids and can't get enough in.
  15. 4mydogs

    Any May Sleevers Here?

    Loser's bench here I come! I'm taking a nap then I have to get up and shower then leave for the hospital. My surgery is scheduled for 5:30 in the morning.
  16. 4mydogs

    Im A May Sleever!

    @ Holly Is this your first surgery? If not how does the pain compare to other surgeries?
  17. 4mydogs

    Im A May Sleever!

    @ Holly Is this your first surgery? If not how does the pain compare to other surgeries?
  18. 4mydogs

    Any May Sleevers Here?

    My new life starts May 8. My biggest worry is did my liver shrink enough. I've lost 38 - 40 pounds pre op been working on that since Feb 8. I'm getting excited. I keep telling myself in about 2 - 3 week I can have something besides liquids.
  19. 4mydogs

    Today's The Day!

    Wow katyb! I would love some soup. I'm jealous.
  20. 4mydogs

    Am I Ready?

    Thanks for the info, it made me feel better.
  21. I scheduled to have surgery May 8th. As time draws closer I keep asking myself is this real? Should I be worried? I think I'm just getting scared, NOT of the surgery, risks and all I'm not new to the operating room. I'm worried about my love for food and the struggle that will come from eating until satisfied instead of til I'm full. I've always over ate just because it tastes good. Please tell me it will be okay and I'll be satisfied with less!
  22. 4mydogs

    Today's The Day!

    @katyb Prayers said! Good luck.
  23. 4mydogs

    Today's The Day!

    Sounds like you did well. Hope to hear more soon. Good luck!
  24. 4mydogs

    8 Hours Away!

    Good luck. Keep us updated.

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