Thanks everyone for the support. I will feel better once it is over. I think one of the reasons I am nervous is that about 1.5 years ago, i had a very small outpatient finger surgery. 3 weeks later I felt like i had a bug bite on my bottom. DH looked at it and said it looked like a mosq. bite. One day later I could hardly sit down. DH looked at it again and said he thought I should see the doctor. So, I made an appt. the next day. He said it was a very small boil. Nothing to worry about. He lanced it and told me to come back in two days. I was so sick for the next two days I was miserable. Ran a 104 temp most of the time. Went back to the doctor, and the rushed me into the hospital and did surgery. Two surgery's later and 11 days in the hospital, and I was finally able to come home. About a week later, I was finally able to sit in a chair. Now I am somewhat afraid of surgery. I know the odds are everything will be fine, I just get nervous, lol.