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Vicki Osbourne

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Vicki Osbourne

  1. I had similar problems. Had my band fixed back in place but now can't seem to get the same restriction. When I have 4mls in I get into problems. They take out 0.2 mls and I can eat too much. Fed up with band but don't know what else to do.
  2. Vicki Osbourne

    the port

    it is circular. Like a top hat.
  3. Vicki Osbourne

    the port

    the port is about 1 inch across. depending where i is placed it can be uncomfortable to lay on your tummy but eveyone is different
  4. Vicki Osbourne

    How the Lap-Band actually works, fills and refills

    EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT . i have to have half a mil fills at a time but even that can make a big difference. all bands are different sizes and everyones bands are different.
  5. I've just had surgery to correct a slipped band and would really like to talk to anyone else that has been through this. My band was causing me to have reflux and drowning episodes during the night, resulting in ocnstant lung infections. I am from England living near London.
  6. Vicki Osbourne

    Band Revision Due To Slippage

    I would love to just not have to think about food. Would be nice to just maintain weight without worrying. Have you been filled under X-ray? Want to ask Dr if that would make a difference.
  7. Vicki Osbourne

    Band Revision Due To Slippage

    I'm exactly the same. I think when the band is tight we eat so little that our metabolism slows right down. The dietician has told me to eat more and do interval training but its not working! The only way I seem to lose wright us to eat under 900 calls a day. It's so frustrating.
  8. Vicki Osbourne

    Band Revision Due To Slippage

    I'm doing ok although struggling with getting the right degree if tightness. At present it is a bit loose so can't seem to lose any weight. Seeing a dietician at the hospital and we are working on trying to build up my metabolism as she thinks I don't eat enough and have a slow metabolism. No reflux though thank god!
  9. Vicki Osbourne

    Anyone Been Banded 8 Yrs Or More Like Me?

    After having a further case of aspiration pneumonia and ending up in hospital I have now been accepted on follow up care by the NHS and have had one fill on NHS. I also have appt with bariatric dietician and support group. I am pleased I will be getting all round care at last from NHS!
  10. I have major problems getting the correct fill. I had 3.5 mils in my band and had half a mil in and felt no different so had half a mil more and then couldn't eat at all so had to have a defill. Then I had 0.2 of a ml in at a time and then still got too full again had a stuck do and then had a 'drowning do' and ended up in hospital with aspiration pneumonia. Had to have a mil taken out again so I'm back to square one. It is expensive to keep having also these fills when you have to pay for them!
  11. I would go on liquids only for a few days as your stomach sounds like it is swollen. If your still having problems then you may need a defill. Be careful. If its too tight and you keep eating and throwing up you could cause problems like a slipped band or erosion. If its still this bad after a few days of liquids you should contact your team.
  12. Hi , i was banded in 2006 and managed to lose 7 stone but by 2009 i was having lots of problems with acid and reflux. I was advised to have my band emptied to try and relax my stomach back into shape but although it worked for awhile, my problems gradually got worse and worse. i started to have 'drowning' incidents at night, dreaming i was drowning and waking up with all this fluid in my lungs. I had infection after infection and several incidents of aspiration pneumonia. Although i had my band done privately i managed to be seen by a NHS surgeon who operated and repositioned my band. In the interim period i had regained 3 stone of weight. I am now trying to reach the fill point when i can lose weight again but finding it difficult to get my band to the correct point. Minor fills (0.2 of a mil) and my band is either too loose or then next time too tight and then i had a further incident with reflux 'drowning' and ended up in hospital again with pneumonia. My lungs are taking a long time to recover and i am still not loosing any weight despite calorie counting and trying to do as much exercise as possible.
  13. I've just seen a thoracic surgeon. He doesn't think there is anything else going on but is sending me for a scan to make sure. He says it can take up to 6 months to see any improvement in your lungs after pneumonia.
  14. Vicki Osbourne

    Severe Acid Reflux (Gerd)

    I had exactly the same problem and after a year of near drowning sessions and bad lung infections I was diagnosed with a slipped band and a swollen pouch. I had surgery to reposition the band on 6 Jan and now feel amazing. I have not had any reflux do's at all and can now eat acidly foods again like fruit and orange juice and wine. These things have been off my menu for the last 2 1/2 years due to the reflux. You need help. Get your surgeon to do tests to check if your band is in the wrong position.
  15. Vicki Osbourne

    How the Lap-Band actually works, fills and refills

    IT DOESNT HURT. Very similar to a small injection or pin prick. If the doc / nurse is experienced you wont feel anything!
  16. Vicki Osbourne

    So Unhappy :(

    It is the restriction that stops you feeling hungry. That is the whole point of the band it restricts what you can eat and holds the food longer so you feel full longer. The 'sweet' zone is when you reach a point when the band stops you eating and you maintain your weight (or lose depending on where you are in your weight loss) and you can eat just the right amount
  17. Vicki Osbourne

    So Unhappy :(

    I also have the bloating problem and my doctor wasn't interested either! Just told me to take charcoal tablets. Which no one seems to sell! If you find any solution please let me know.
  18. Vicki Osbourne

    After 7 Years, I Join The Slipped Band Club

    i also had surgery for a slipped band on 6 Jan 2012. I had really bad reflux and had 'drowning' episodes at night which gave me constant lung infections and breathlesness. Since surgery i have been so much better. Apart from really bad trapped gas. by the end of the day i am like a balloon round the top of my stomach and feel like i need to stick a pin in. Has anyone else suffered from this?
  19. Vicki Osbourne

    Anyone Been Banded 8 Yrs Or More Like Me?

    I had surgery on 6 Jan 2012 and touch wood have been very well since. Havent had a fill yet as still trying to get follow up care on the NHS. so dont want to have a fill privately incase they use it against me. Problem is i have put on 8 pounds since op. Was loosing at first but now my stomach has settled down i am so hungry again all the time. i am also having trouble with trapped gas in hte upper part of my tummy. It swells up like a balloon by evening. Doctor just says it is normal and i should ask my surgeon. Problem is the NHS (Grimsby) have now refused to pay for op so i have been discharged and until i see if i get funding in Welwyn Garden City (where i now live) i am in limbo!
  20. Vicki Osbourne

    Abdominal Pain

    I had really bad reflux. 'drowning' episodes where stomach fluids went into my lungs at night causing breathlessness and constant lung infections.
  21. Vicki Osbourne

    What Does An Ulcer Vs A Slip Feel Like?

    I had a slipped band but I could still eat and drink. I just had reflux that got worse and worse even after my band was emptied. I had to have surgery. Please get it checked and unfilled because it will only get worse
  22. Vicki Osbourne

    Abdominal Pain

    I haven't had pain but I did have a slipped band and I was treated on the NHS. If the pain gets worse I would suggest (if you can) go to an A &E dept at a hospital with a bariatric unit. I was advised to have a barium meal at a hospital where there was a bariatruc surgeon as only he could tell what was happening. I hit it done on NHS and was operated on by the surgeon. If you post which area you are in I am sure someone can tell you where your nearest one is.
  23. Vicki Osbourne

    Band Revision Due To Slippage

    I am presuming it was sewn as for first 3 years I had no problems. I didn't have any vomiting during the day just at night when stomach liquids went into my lungs. They don't seem to know why it happened. The surgeon just said it just happens sometime. I did have a spell when it was too tight and I couldn't afford to get back to the nurse. I think it started then personally.
  24. Vicki Osbourne

    Anyone Been Banded 8 Yrs Or More Like Me?

    I had my surgery on 6 Jan 2012. I feel so much better it is unbelievable. However i havent had a fill yet as the NHS has now refused to pay for my op and have refused to fund follow up care. I am waiting to see if the doctor can achieve anything regarding this before going bak to private care if i have to . My weight is rising at the moment which is making me very sad! It always seems to be very up and down with the band. Its either too tight or too loose. I really dont seem to have hit the 'sweet' spot and am fed up of having to go up and down with my clothes sizes. I have 3 different wardrobes depending on where i am at the time!
  25. Vicki Osbourne

    A Friend Needed For Support

    Hi im from England (work in London) be glad to buddy up I had a band in 2006

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