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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kbandie22

  1. kbandie22

    One Week Post Op And Confused

  2. kbandie22

    Lets Do This Together!!!!

    Hi hi, I was also banded on 3/14!
  3. I did it! I officially was banded on 3/13/12 by Dr. Kuri!

  4. I did it! I officially was banded on 3/13/12 by Dr. Kuri!

  5. I did it! I officially was banded on 3/13/12 by Dr. Kuri!

  6. I did it! I officially was banded on 3/13/12 by Dr. Kuri!

  7. Less than a week away. Staying prayed up and keeping the carbs low

  8. I am one week away from surgery tomorrow. I am starting to feel nervous. please i keep me in your prayers

  9. Thank you very much for recommendations lb fam. I will definitely be researching these options. Hearties, K :0)
  10. I know a few people who have the Allergan Band and they love it.
  11. kbandie22

    10 Days Post Op...

    Congrats, I am so proud of you
  12. Day #1 of Pre-Op Diet, I am confident but need all prayers :)

  13. Day #1 of Pre-Op Diet, I am confident but need all prayers :)

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