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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cfalbro

  1. cfalbro

    Terrified Of Failure

    If I didn't know better I'd be pretty sure this was something I wrote. I'm 8 days post-op. I've lost 12 pounds. Literally, everything you wrote is me. I'm terrified of failure. I just know I'm going to do something wrong. But it keeps me honest. I've been extremely careful about what I eat. And as for the sweets- well, I haven't had any real problems. I had a tiny bit of fat free frozen yogurt about 5 days post-op and that was SO good, totally took care of the sweet craving I was having. And I froze some 100% fruit juice into ice cubes- they help with the sweet cravings too : )) I hope that helps. Good luck.
  2. cfalbro

    Doctor Said No Fill :-/

    I have my first follow up on Monday. I actually am going to ask for no fill if my doc suggests it. I'm terrified I'm going to do something wrong, I'm very careful what I eat now and I've lost 12 pounds (I'm 8 days post op today). I don't feel like I'm done healing yet and would like to feel "healed" and a little more used to my band before the next step. Keep us posted.
  3. cfalbro

    1 Month Post Op

    Congratulations on your success. Keep it up.
  4. cfalbro

    Happy Birthday To Me!

    Congratulations!!! That is incredible.
  5. cfalbro

    How Long Were You Out?

    I have 3 weeks off. Today is 1 week since surgery and I could probably go back in another day or 2 but for me it was more a matter of getting used to my new way of life. At my job I have 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute break usually just enough time to shove my food in and get back to work. I know that's not going to work for me any more and it's been MANY years of doing that, so I think of this time as my "therapy" time LOL.
  6. cfalbro

    So Far So Good !!!

    Yeah, the not drinking before/after is hard for me too. Keep your eye on the prize : )
  7. cfalbro

    Need A Mentor :)

    I was just banded Feb 28. I don't know that I would be a mentor at this stage, but would love to find a buddy/partner who was banded around the same time to share stories with.
  8. cfalbro

    Slow Weight Loss

    The body likes to be stable. Remember that. When I first started learning about the band I was told on MANY occasions that weight loss with the band is a series of plateaus. You'll loose some then plateau over and over (which I know can be very discouraging) but just know that nothing is wrong. Be honest with yourself, make sure you're TRULY doing what you should be doing. Maybe start writing down calories in/calories out- you don't necessarily have to write down numbers, but write down what you're taking in (i.e. chicken salad with low fat ranch) and what you're taking out (i.e. 45 minutes of kick boxing) then you have something physical you can evaluate and see if there are places you could have done better. I hope that you start seeing results soon. If you've lost 47 already you can loose another 47!!! I, personally, think you're doing amazing : )
  9. cfalbro

    Learned My Lesson

    Well at least it sounds like you've figured out the cause, it would be way more frustrating to have no idea. Today is my first day of mushies and I, for one, greatly appreciate you sharing this story, it's good to know. I probably would have thought nothing of it either : ( This is a very emotional journey. Maybe you could try keeping a journal and write about what's going on when you feel this way.
  10. cfalbro

    After 7 Years, I Join The Slipped Band Club

    What does PB mean?
  11. cfalbro

    2 Days Until Mushy Foods..help!!!

    I start mushies tomorrow. I went shopping today. I bought cottage cheese, hummus and salsa (those babies are going into the blender together), a sack of potatoes, a couple sweet potatoes (I'm going to try some mashed sweet potatoes), a bag of carrots (I'm going to steam them, puree them and add some agave to sweeten them), a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch (my list includes soggy dry cereal) and of course apple sauce. I can hardly wait for that first bite.
  12. cfalbro

    After 7 Years, I Join The Slipped Band Club

    Wow!! Good luck with the up coming surgery, I hope you love the new band. Were you able to tell that the band had slipped? What were the signs?
  13. cfalbro

    From 10 Feet To 10K

    Incredible story. Congratulations on your success so far.
  14. cfalbro

    Can Not Sleep On My Left Side. Can You?

    I'm only 5 days post op and sleeping on my left side is not an option. Sounds like it may never be...
  15. cfalbro


    I didn't have a pre-existing problem...
  16. I was banded on the 28th. I researched the band for a good 4 years and tried once to get it before finally committing. My insurance required A LOT of me to get this done and at first I just wasn't willing to jump through the hoops. Finally I decided to just do it. The day I got home I was in so much pain i couldn't believe I willingly did this to myself. Today- 5 days out, I've lost 11 pounds and couldn't be happier that I did it!!
  17. cfalbro

    Big Day- Feb 28

    I can't believe it's done!! I've spent SO much time looking forward to this new journey and it's finally here. I'm already down 11 pounds just 5 days post op!! This is is going to be such a good good thing for me.
  18. Congratulations!!! That is SO exciting.
  19. I was banded on the 28th and still have some pains in my left shoulder. Usually it's just a dull annoying pain but once in a while there is a sharp pain that takes me by surprise. I've found that applying heat directly to the painful spot helps (also helped with the post surgery pains in the stomach too). I haven't tried any medication for gas, It hasn't really been that bad for me.
  20. this is exactly how I felt... if some one had just told me how bad it was going to hurt I would have been more mentally prepared for it.
  21. Good luck figuring out what's going on. That's scary stuff. Glad you're not allergic though, that would be devastating.
  22. cfalbro

    11 Days Post Op

    Congratulations on your weight loss!!! That is incredible. Imagine, nearly 40 pounds, GONE in a matter of a few months, that is SO exciting.
  23. Denise is right, by day 3 I was starting to feel human again. I was banded on the 28th also. I still have pain in my left shoulder, but as Denise said, it's from the gas, I was advised of this pre-op and post-op so I know it's nothing to worry about. My best advice is to stay on top of the pain meds. I took the maximum dose at the minimum intervals and slept as much as I possibly could the first 2 days. On the third day (yesterday) I started feeling a little more "normal" and got out and did some walking, it helped a LOT! I drink about a quarter of a cup of a Protein smoothie when I'm hungry and try really hard to get Water in the rest of the day, it's hard, it fills me up fast, but I know it's the right thing to do. The night I got home I said that if I'd had any idea how much it was going to hurt I wouldn't have done it. Boy did I regret it right then. But now that I'm on my 4th day post-op the regrets are already gone and so are 10 pounds!!! Keep us posted and feel better soon.
  24. That is awesome!!! Congratulations : )
  25. Liquid vitamins is a really good way to go. I got my pain meds pre-op and they were in pill form so I made sure I got a really good pill crusher. I also had plenty of soup on hand along with juice and sugar free jello. I'm 2 days post op and still in a good deal of pain, my best advice is to stay on top of your meds, don't skip any and take them on time, if you don't the pain will really creep up on you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
