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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jenn3480

  1. First of all, I am right there with you on more than one account. The 2013 bandsters are confusing me as well! Anyway, I feel like I'm being a pessimist, but I'm looking for some support out there. I got banded Feb. 23, 2012. I have lost a total of 30 pounds. I know 30 pounds is 30 pounds, but I really thought I would be at my goal of 80 pounds lost by now. Here is where I am having trouble - and please, please, please understand I am looking for support, not a lecture. I have NEVER EVER felt restriction. EVER! NOTHING gets stuck! NOTHING restricts me! I can eat EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. It's like I never had the surgery (except for the scars and the $3,000 out of pocket). This is what I can't understand. I have a Realize band. 11 cc. It is filled to 8 cc. I know there's Fluid in it, because when I got my last fill, he took all the liquid out (which was 6 cc.). So I know it's in there. But I still have no restriction. Everyone says you have to help the band work, but if it's like the band was never there, what is the use? I'm just wondering if there's anyone else out there in my position and if anyone knows of anything I can do. I try to diet, but heck if dieting alone helped ANY of us, would ANY of us be here? I know it's a TOOL - but it's a TOOL I DON'T HAVE! The PA who did my last fill said that it's like putting a belt on. Some have bigger waists, some have smaller waists, and if you try to tighten a size 40 belt on a size 28 waist, it's going to take a lot of tightening to get it to restrict the waistband. My question is, if I am at 8 cc of an 11 cc band and have absolutely no restriction, what can I do? I cry daily when I get on the scale. I need encouragement, or ideas, or something. I am slipping back into old eating habits - and realizing I can eat way more than I do (and that's a very bad thing). Is there anybody out there that give me an idea of the next step?

    I kind of know what you're going through. Although I had really good restriction in the beginning, (or at least it seemed), I haven't lost anything in 3 months. I just hope that you don't get overly discouraged. Maybe another fill? Are you exercising? I know a lot of people think it's easier than it really is. I've struggled with the band also. Just know that there are others out there that aren't "hitting goal in 6 months". Don't be discouraged... it will happen for you too!!

    P.S. I've only lost 50 out of a goal of 120. Just keep pushing forward!

  2. I am coming up on one year 22 February. I have lost 50 lbs. Not as much as I had hoped, but I am definitely to blame for it. I have found that Cookies and popcorn are no issue for me and lack the willpower most of the time to walk away. I think I'm ready for another fill. I will try to keep motivation going, as I hope others falling behind do as well. I give big congrats to those that have progressed well!

    P.S. The 2013 banders are confusing me on this thread. Isn't there a separate thread for them?

  3. I haven't been on for a while and I'm feeling a little discouraged. I was banded on 22 Feb and had my first fill on 5 April. I haven't lost as much as I would have liked by now. I know I need to be patient, but I feel like I have been waiting for this time in my life forever! My next fill is on 17 May and I know I definitely need it. I can eat things that others I have talked to cannot. Again, I know everybody is different but I can eat rice, Pasta, etc. Anybody else still able to eat this stuff? I only eat it in moderation though and not every day. I do have a really difficult time with any type of bread and sometimes hamburger. I have switched to ground turkey and that seems to have solved the hamburger problem. I just feel UGH... any advice?

  4. Has anyone started solids? If so how did it go?

    I was banded on 22 February. I had lost 17 pounds at my post-op appointment on 12 March. At that appointment, my doctor told me to start solids the next week (which is this week). I'm doing pretty good, as long as I chew things good. I had an incident with a tortilla the other day, but for the most part things are going down smooth. I haven't tried bread or Pasta, but a little bit of rice was fine. I also can't drink while I'm eating, which I guess is good since I'm not supposed to anyway, lol. I can only eat about a cup of food. I do get hungry quicker though. Not sure what causes that. I can't wait to get my first fill on 5 April and hopefully have some good restriction!

  5. You have a lot to be happy about! You have started a new chapter in your life, one that some others only wish they could have. You are in college getting an education and you are beautiful!

    I agree that counseling might help. Even if they don't prescribe anything for you or you don't want to take meds, having somebody to talk to one-on-one is always helpful.

    I hope you feel better knowing that there are others out here that feel your pain and understand completely!

    Good luck!

  6. You have a lot to be happy about! You have started a new chapter in your life, one that some others only wish they could have. You are in college getting an education and you are beautiful!

    I agree that counseling might help. Even if they don't prescribe anything for you or you don't want to take meds, having somebody to talk to one-on-one is always helpful.

    I hope you feel better knowing that there are others out here that feel your pain and understand completely!

    Good luck!

  7. i dont have a date yet but will have in ten days. i see my specialist then. im hoping that he can do me fairly soon ... i want to be on my feet again and confident with my new eating plan before winter sets in. i live in southern australia.

    you mentioned about having to sleep propped up?? i think that was mentioned here,that that position is more comfy.

    also that liquid tynenol is perhaps better... someone else will verify that for you. i know that others here have taken the liquid one.

    im not sure if i can buy liquid tynenol here.... im going to check that out.

    you sound like you are doing really well, apart from discomfort sleeping. if it were me, i would just be prepared to sleep like you have been doing, until you get more relief. you have plenty of time to enjoy your new bed. by the way, it sounds just wonderful. theres nothing like sprawling out in a king sized bed... luxurious.

    it sounds like you are doing everything right. even moving around to help get rid of the gas.

    i did ask here why the gas is present?? is it introduced for the surgery?? i have no idea, but it seems that pain from gas is a major thing .

    best wishes with your recovery. looking forward to hearing how you go.. keep us posted. Everything is important enough to share. People like me are benefiting so much from it all.

    I was a little loopy in the recovery room, but I could swear the nurse told me that they filled my abdomen with gas to make the laproscopic procedure easier. My surgeon told me that I would not be able to burp, which I have, but it does hurt a little.

    I have four incisions, but really only two of them hurt. The other two only hurt if I accidentally rub on them or touch them. I have to say that I was pretty scared about post-op pain, but it's not nearly as bad as I imagined. And I believe it will totally be worth it!

  8. Jen 3480.. how are you feeling?? are you able to swallow much liquid now?? whats your sleeping like??

    i havent been done yet, thats coming up, meantime im in the group learning as much as i possibly can.

    how long did you have in the hospital after you were done?? WAs there much pain?/

    I actually can swallow more liquid than I thought I would be able to. I can drink about 4-6 oz. of a Protein shake before I feel full. I don't have much of an appetite... not sure if that is normal or not.

    My husband bought a brand new king size pillow top bed for me to have after the surgery. It was actually delivered the day of my surgery. I can't sleep in it. I have been sleeping propped up on the couch. :(

    I was only in the hospital overnight. Surprisingly, the most pain started on day two. The gas is pretty painful, but feels better if you can get up and move around. I was prescribed a pain killer, but I don't like the side effects it gives me, (severe headaches). So, I have not taken anything today for pain. I was just contemplating trying to swallow a tylenol, but I think I might just go and get some liquid stuff.

    When is your surgery?

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