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Kim Whiteman-Enos

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Kim Whiteman-Enos

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/16/1971

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    camping, puzzles, bon fires, football
  • Occupation
    pharmacy tech
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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday Kim Whiteman-Enos!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday Kim Whiteman-Enos!

  3. awesome story i just posted everything u just said i am disappointed cuz i am not loosing i am at a stand still and i am a aftre dinner nibbler. after posting my blog i feel dumb now that i read what to expect and don't give up i should of read this 1st-- great story and way to go!!
  4. I got me 1st fill about 3 weeks ago the 1st hour was like "ok i feel some what tight" but after that it was like i never had a fill i ate at easter dinner like i never had the surgery, and i eat small things all day long i am not gaining weight but i am not loosing any weight either i o to the gym 3 to 4 times a week and i don't know if the DR missed the portand the saline didnt go into the band or what i got 3cc DR said that was protocol for the size band i got is 3cc every 30 days i get another fill on may 8th. Another thing my DR has me drinking 30 mins before i eat and ten drink my fluids 1 hr after i eat i have tried but man i can't never do it i am one to drink my water with the meals. Please someone help me with these questions i am so disappointed i was lookin for major change some people can see it in my face yes i can see it there to but i want more i want to see real change i was banded on feb 21 2012.
  5. Kim Whiteman-Enos


    i have the same white thin thread poking out of me and it is also my large wound too were the port is i havent yet called Dr cuz nothing oozing or itchy on that one so i was gonna take it easy and see what happens down line i go for my 1st fill 4-2-12 -- yes i was well prepared for after surgery with the diet and all but never to informed about the aches pain an ditchness and the wounds. i hope this was well worth it in the long run right now i feel like a ginuea pig
  6. Kim Whiteman-Enos


    what is the white stitch thing poking out cuz i have the same thing what do we do about that
  7. Kim Whiteman-Enos


    i am having the same issue this week i was told to use cortisone 10 around the incision site but not on it and let it air out
  8. my belly has been itching so bad this week not the incisions but every were else around the incisions and i had an allegric reaction to the steri strips after i got the staples removed that the incisions are big red marks looks like i got shot 5 times in my belly. Any one else having the itchy belly?
  9. Kim Whiteman-Enos


    lol well it is done and over with now lol i waited a week lol hubby was out of town for 2 months came back and i wasnt waiting any longer lol
  10. Kim Whiteman-Enos


    thank u
  11. Kim Whiteman-Enos


    Thank u all it helps alot!!
  12. Kim Whiteman-Enos


    today is my one week since surgery had my staples removed lost 10 pounds in 1 week i forgot to ask Dr's office about can you have sex? I am still sore on left side and steri strips on the incisions. Hubby has been on the road and comes home tonight and i am scared to open any incisions.
  13. Kim Whiteman-Enos

    Any Suggestions For Liquid Diet???

    i also got banded on 2-21-12 and yes them 3 days after surgery being on CLEAR liquids was hell. I was wicked weak and when i got to the 3rd day late afternoon i started my LIQUID diet which consist from my Dr was sugar-free pudding and jello's and popsicles, cottage cheese small curd, yogurt with no pieces, and the protein i got was from walmart in a HUGE jar a powder vanilla it has 24 grms of protein in one scoop or 52 grms in 2 scoops i only did one scoop and mixed with skim milk and a boost high protein tasted good and i could drink it most of it i also did the crm soups but when my daughter went to wal mart to get the soups she came back with steak and potaotes real soup ( i could of died cuz it looked soooooo good) i did take 1/2 cup and cooked it and blended it with a lil bit more of beef broth and it was FABOLUSE!!!! my Dr also has me on 100% fruit juice. also i am eating baby food the fruit taste pretty good to. Today i found out that the band was put in but actually not in use yet till 6 weeks later i get my 1st fill someone forget to let me know that bit of info cuz when i got my protein i was feeling better my chest didnt hurt as much the tighness in my diagram was down some. And i started this liquid diet and i was hunry after a couple of hours after i would eat something wondering why am i so hungry and i don't feel like nothing it getting stuck. Thinking "ok" this is goin good i am eating nothing hurting. HUMMMMM something is not cool this is too good to be true then i called my Aunt up who had it done 4 years ago and she told me u dont get a fill till 6 weeks down the line when u belly has had time to heal, mannnnnnn i thought it was to good to be true that the food was goin down good!! but i go this tues 2-28-12 to have the staples removed and will know more then then i go 4-3-12 for my 1st fill then it will be live and learn from there on what i can do or not to do. So skin-e-girl i wouldnt do peanut butter but hope my liquid diet helps u if u want i can typer the whole menu my Dr gave me.
  14. Kim Whiteman-Enos

    Sore On The Left Side

    this is my most update it is 6:41pm on 2-24-2012 and i had an urge of energy, where it came from i have no idea got up to pee slipped on my sandals put on a sweater and headed outside walked the yard around the pool and went down my driveway and back, and it felt wonderful!!!! i am sweating like a piggie but it felt great, i am thinking the protein shakes are helpin some what even tho i had 1/2 of glass i will work up to a full one day but as long as i dont feel as much pain i will feel better. i read on the bottle of the protein powder that protein helps ur muscles heal and any infections u might have and soreness. i am feel a lot better right now lets see how the night brings me.
  15. Kim Whiteman-Enos

    Sore On The Left Side

    thank u all for the input i was getting burnt out with all this thinkin a made a HUGE mistake feeling so misrable. Thank u all making me feel like i am not the only one goin thru this.

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