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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by AmberMarieRDA

  1. Krussell I agree with you I hate feeling fake around a group of women cause I have to watch what I say and then I find out that they are just as bad as men

    HAHAHA Women (well as for me and my group of girlfriends) are just as bad as men if not worse! I'm a lady on the street and freak in the sheets, Betty crocker in the kitchen and Porn star in bed LOL !! Unfortunatley in society It's "ok" for men to Concur Multiple women and be known as "Ladies Man" But if a woman is in multiple relationships (sexual or not) she's considered to be Passed around or easy.... Thats why you be slutty outside your home town ladies LOL

  2. UUUUGGGGGG! I'm a great example of a relationship ending after having lap band! I've lost almost 115 Lbs. My now Ex fiance is 80lbs plus since we've been together. We started dating 3 months before I had my surgery 2 yrs ago. I've become A Lot more confident and he has lost all confidence that he has become unattractive to me. I've tried to be strong and supportive for the both of us, but i found myself putting ME last and my health last (actually gaining 10 lbs)! I stopped trying on "Us" and started focusing on ME and needing to also Love myself more. I also experienced through my body change that i was lying to myself about loving myself! I have body issues that I need to still overcome and I know I need to be alone for it OR have someone who is self motivated and supportive to be healthier!

  3. No excess skin there! thats what I dont understand and it's been going on for a few months not just in the hotter season. My friend who is an esthetician says its my skins getting used to my new size. I just wanna know if anyone has experienced this and does it go away?

  4. Started @ 275! I had my surgery at age 25! I'm about 30 lbs away from my goal and I have saggy skin on my thighs, stomach, arms and other places oh plus my girls were also 42DDD, NOW 38D almost C :( I feel awesome with cloths on but I feel gross naked!! I've read that tummy tucks should be done after kids, I haven't had any kids yet! I've been using coco butter with elastin! Not much improvement! I'm joining the singles group again cause my ex did the oppostie of me and got depressed and gained 80 lbs! I'm nervous about the future of dating cause I don't wanna get rejected by my loose skin :(

  5. I was teaching Adult Dental College and I needed to take 2 whole weeks off. I thought I was ok to go back after 1 week but I have dizzy spells and needed more rest. 2 weeks was perfect for me, the extra week was very healing physically and mentally for the new me!

  6. Thank you for feeling the way I feel!!!! Some days I feel like i'm 250+ pounds again, anxiety about booths, or ppl looking at me when I walk into a food joint! then days I look into a mirror and my face looks like skin and bones, but I feel fat. I still have 30 or so lbs to go and I too have ppl telling me to stop loosing weight! I've never felt certain bones in my body before and I've never been the size I am as an adult! But there are still those days that creep up and I feel like Jaba the Hut!!!

  7. I as well was EXTREMELY nervous! I've never had any surgeries before this either! I worked right up to the night before and did my liquids and went straight to bed, I'm not used to getting up that early so i was super tired and only got anxious when they brought me back and put the IV in! Keep yourself busy! Just like Loneil said "don't think about it"...Try not to!! I'ts always going to be in the back of your mind so just make sure you keep yourself busy!!! Dont forget to be ready for pre op and post op Liquids and foods!!! Good luck and you'll do fine!!

  8. I was also told by my Dr to stop smoking 2 weeks before my surgery, I was and still am a light smoker 1 pack a week. I was nervous the days coming up to the surgery and had 1 a day. I didn't smoke again till 3 days after my surgery.Still my small amount less than 1 pack a week till a few months after. I healed very well.

    Now the comment above saying smoking can increase your chance of band erosion into the band does put the thought in my head to quit soon.

    I too am not ready to quit....

    Like Yummy said above "I can only work on one vice at a time, and this surgery was my first step in living a healthier lifestyle. "

    Good luck

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