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Posts posted by thunderbeast77

  1. Excited to do my first challenge!!!

    Name, real or screen~ Jeni (Thunderbeast77)

    Goal weight for October 29th~ 270

    Weight on October 1st~ 278.2

    Age~ 27

    Dietary goal for October~ Cut out liquid calories

    Exercise goal for October~ Start hitting the gym at my university

    Personal goal for October~ Continuing to work on self acceptance.

    Date banded~ July 11, 2012

    Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 42 lbs.

    What is your favorite Halloween Activity?~ Doing make up for all my friends costumes.

  2. My old pants (size 24 bought at my heaviest) are literally falling off after 35 pounds and losing 22 inches off my bod so I went to Torrid to buy new pants.

    The first pair I tried was a size 20 that were great except a little too tight in the waist. They didn't have them in 22s so I tried some other styles.

    None of which remotely fit. Except a pair of 26. A size UP from what I was wearing at my heaviest!

    What the hell is that? Talk about discouraging.

  3. Hey all. This is mostly just a check in.

    I had surgery July 11th and I'm down about 35 pounds and I've lost a 22 total inches since surgery. I'm pretty pleased but starting to get discouraged. I've been at a plateau for about three weeks now.

    I've started doing Crossfit training about a month ago and initially saw good loss and now it's tapered off. I have no idea if I'm eating enough or too much. My daily calorie intake bounces around 1000-1500. On days I don't work out I tend to eat less, but a few hours after cross fit I want to eat everything.in.the.world. Trying to watch carbs - no more than a 100 gms a day and ussually less, and mostly from potatos. I've had a hard time getting ahold of the nutritionist so I'm feeling a little lost.

    I have my second fill tomorrow (which couldn't come soon enough) as I only have 1cc in my band and hardly feel any restricition at all. I'm hoping that tomorrow I can get a few more cc's in there to be noticeable.

    Anyway, if anyone has any feed back that would be wonderful. If not, hey just checking in and hope Bandland is treating the rest of you well. :)

  4. Hey all - I was wondering if any of you have this problem or have some ideas.

    I love salmon and I eat a lot of it. But I almost always end up getting stuck with it. Doesn't happen ever with tuna or halibut. But the salmon damn near every time. Smoked, grilled, poached, pan seared doesn't matter.

    Thr filets I have are all deboned as well. My theories are tiny bones that I'm not seeing or I eat it too fast cuz I love it so much. But I honestly have no idea. So anyone else having problems with salmon?

  5. Hey all a barrel racing friend of mine has offered to start giving me riding lessons on the cheap in exchange for work around the stables.

    I know nothing about horse riding at all sounds like it could be fun and according to my fitness thingy it'll burn around 650 calories and hour (not counting bailing stalls haha). Seems like a win win situation and a new thing to add to my workout repetoire.


  6. I do Crossfit two to three times a week. The only issues I have is ab work outs partly because I have no core strength to begin with and partly because of scar tissue in the region. Sometimes my port feels pinched. If you're new to working out I don't know that I'd go straight to that kind of a work out since its pretty brutal. I did, but for being a fat kid I was in pretty decent shape so it's not been that big of a deal.

  7. Hey everyone -

    Thanks for all your encouragement and words of advice and experience. It took me awhile to get back to everyone because I decided I needed a mini vacation and went to visit my mom, who lives in rural Oregon so not much for internet down there. :)

    Anyway, I'm doing much better since I posted this, and actually managed to lose 5 pounds this week! I'm allowing myself around 1500 calories a day with the working out until I can talk to my nutritionist.

    Anyway, thanks again for all the love and support it means a lot to me and I'm so glad to have you all on this journey with me.

  8. Tonight I had a huge emotional breakdown. Over tired, over hungry, feeling shitty after not being acknowledged by anyone at a social gathering.

    Hit taco bell with a friend on the way home and thought I made decent choices but after looking them up realized my choices totaled a thousand calories. Freaked out threw the food out the window (real dramatic I know). And had to pull over and literally sobbing.

    I haven't wanted to go on an insane binge this bad since I had surgery.

    My exercise just kicked into balls to the wall status since being cleared, I'm not at adequate fill level, im not taking my Vitamins regulalry and there's a lot going on in my life.

    I'm about a month and a half post op and I guess the pink cloud finally burst and this has become really real.

    I've struggled with drug addiction on my past and in resolving that a food addiction was born and tonight I just wanted to say f'it and either binge til I puked and then binge again or get loaded or both. Ugh not a happy place to be. I expected some real rough seas ahead before I got the surgery but since I made it this long with out losing it I thought I was in the clear.

    Encouragement, empathy, or how you've dealt with this kinda stuff would be really helpful.

  9. Hey all -

    I just started to work out pretty hard - for example sincw sunday I've done - crossfit (oh my god if you want a work out.....) and on the days i dont have crossfit played basketball for an hour and did calisthenics/situps (etc) for a half an hour and I'm noticing I'm insanely hungry.

    Before I was trying to keep calories around 1000 (which was challenging enough as i feel very little restriction) a day and I've shot up in the last few days to around 1800. I'm also craving sugar/carbs harder than I have since Pre-op.

    I know pretty much nothing about working and all that fun stuff so is it ok that I'm eating that much and having some extra carbs since I'm working out so hard? I still want optimal weight loss so I feel I need to not really go beyond 1200 if I must. According to the lose it app I'm burning 966 calories in an hour or circuit training (that's the closest I could find to crossfit) but because my calorie intake is set to 1000 a day its saying I'm eating pretty much everything I've burned.

    Ahhh! Help me out I feel like I'm doing this wrong!

    Pertinent info - was banded July 11th with a 1cc fill (ugh give me more please) have lost approx 30 pounds.

  10. Grass is probably always greener but I have giant tatas and I've notices they're significantly smaller and I'm thrilled. I was planning on having breast reduction next year but I'm wondering if I'm even going to have to now. For me this is great - id gladly trade places with you if I could!!

  11. I began walking as much as I could the day after surgery.

    A week after surgery I was doing gentle hikes and such.

    Four weeks out I was swimming and kayaking.

    I did however do a little too much a little too soon and as a result popped the stitching around my port and now my port is tilted at a weird angle. I'm assured this isn't a problem as long as its still accessible for fills but my fills apparently hurt more than the average bears.

    A month and some change out from surgery I've begun cross fit hardcore circuit training modifying the ab portion of the work out since I'm trying to be a little more gentle on the area now that I know what I did to my port.

    Do what you can but try not to be balls to the wall like I was so you can avoid complication.

  12. The whole idea of an entire cheeseburger falling out is an absurd and surreal mental image. It doesn't mean that that's what I thought you were saying. The idea of it is funny, the mental picture is funny.

    How is finding humor in something unkind? I think you would do well with more humor in your life and to not be so freaking defensive.

    This is a journey all of us are on, and a lot of it is really not funny. Emotions are raw, a lot is at stake, and for some of us this decision is life and death. So having a little bit of humor is a nice break sometimes. Also, I can't imagine living in a world where I percieve humor as a slight and attacking people for it.

    All you're "my life is so great and everything always works out for me" defensive wall building bull**** really just stinks of extreme insecurity to me. Maybe I'm out of line to suppose, but really anyone who is overweight enough to need bariatric surgery generally didn't get that way because of they're total awesome life and their total amazingly healthy attitudes. I mean, I figure if you have a sane and rational relationship with food you wouldn't need to go to the extreme of having surgery, and in my experience most of our unhealthy attitudes about food are but a symptom of bigger issues in our life and out look.

    You say you don't care what anyone thinks about you on this forum, and yet you care enough to keep responding. You care enough to get SUPER defensive about your whole cheeseburger post fiasco. So, yeah your behavior certainly shows a total opposite of what you're saying.

    Anyway, in my experience, people who have radical lives and don't really care what anyone thinks don't have to make it such a point to express that. People generally pick up on it through there awesome demeanor.

    Good luck and beware the cheeseburgers.

  13. I'm glad that you have the most amazing of lives. Maybe when your ego deflates a little bit you can be kind to everyone else on the forums who are all working toward the same common goal. In my experience with life when you drop your "I'm a total badass" attitude and try work with people instead of against them people tend to respond to you more positively. Whatever you do, again hope everything works out.

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