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☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Right Here, Right Now.......
I think all of us tend to look way down the road. Oh, how long will it take me to get to 100lbs lost, when will I be skinny, ect. Sometimes these thought hender us from reaching our goals. The job just seems to big to conquer. Instead we should set smaller goals for ourselves and celebrate each one, then when we reach the big one it won't feel like it's taken so long.
When I first had surgery, my first goal was to be below 220 (started at 244), then it was 210, now the next one is 200. My goal had been to reach 199 by Thanksgiving. This morning I weighed in at 201.4. So I may not make it quite to goal, but I will get there. All total I would like to be 100 lbs down in one year. But, I know me, if I think oh 100 lbs it will seem like way to much to accomplish, but when I take it in 10 lbs blocks it seem easier.
The last few weeks I have been sitting at a plateau, my weight bouncing between 202.8 and 201.8, today I saw 201.4, so hopefully the downward trend will continue. This frustrated me so much that I wouldn't make my first goal. My thought was here we go, the begining of my utter failure (yes I can be dramatic at times- I am a chick- sue me). My hubs had to get stern with me and tell me to get over it. I have been doing great and I just need to stick to the plan like always and in time the weight would start moving down again. He keeps reminding me that I only start to fail when I admit failure.
So today, I will not admit to failure. I am still trucking along and will continue. I will get through Thanksgiving and not feel like a stuffed turkey and I will enjoy the bites that I do have. I will continue to lose weight, at my bodies pace.
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, First To Sit Down?. Last To Finish
Thanksgiving is next week and with that is the all too famous family dinner…
I will have my band portion, 3-4oz of turkey, ½ green beans, sweet potatoes & carrots, ¼ cup stuffing. I will be first in line and first to sit down at the table (my family makes me go first cause it takes me longer to eat).
I will take my small bite and chew chew chew, then I’ll wait about a minute. In the mean time I’ll watch as my family members take bites the size of Mt Everest, chew 3 times and swallow while preparing the next bite…
“Did you taste that?” “Can you taste the juices in the turkey?” “What about the stuffing? Can you taste the pecans and bacon?” “Oh my, don’t forget to breathe…”
Wow, do people eat fast? My family sure does!
So, I eat and watch. Everyone is finished except me. I tell my mother to go ahead and serve dessert while I finish my meal. Again, they wolf it down. “Hey, savor the bites I spent hours in the kitchen making those pies. Enjoy them, please!”
I finally finish my dinner as my mother and niece finish clearing the table. The men make their way into the living room moaning and groaning about how full they are….. Me I am satisfied!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Down And Out
So I am pretty down at the moment. Last month I kicked butt - lost 8lbs. This month 1 so far. I am stuck at 201. I know that for the last week I am eaten a little more than normal, but still well below my BMR. I know I only have myself to blame so I should just shut up and get back on the program.
With Thanksgiving coming and me cooking it, I hope that I can be good. I am really an addict. I see all the wonderful food and I want it. I have got to get back in touch with my control. I was so gun ho at the get go, but now I am falling down. Life has gotten busy and I am rushing trying to prep for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have something scheduled every single weekend from now until mid-Jan. I don't make time to excercise because I am going from before the sun rises until my head hits the pillow at night. Hadn't even had time to have "play" time with the hubs in 2 weeks until he finally said last night you gotta stop I just need a little time- so I stopped at 8:30 and spent and hour with him, feel kinda bad I feel asleep on his should.
I know this journey is all about me and I have got to take ownership of it, it is my responsibility to do what is required to make the band a success. The thing of it is that I have never had a lot of confidence in myself so I always have that fear in the back of my head that I will fail.
Today when I get home I have to go to the attic and get out all the christmas stuff - since Thanksgiving with the in-laws is both Thanksgiving and Christmas we are decorating. This is going to be a long couple of months!!!
Any encouragement would be appreciate!
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Another Size Bites The Dust!
I went shopping today for sweaters. It appears that I am cold a lot these days & I don’t have many long sleeve tops that fit.
So I picked out a few tops and walked by the jeans…. Out of complete curiosity I picked out a couple of different style in size 10 (currently size 12).
Holy Sh*t they fit!!!!! I was dancing around in that dressing room and laughing. I’m sure the attendee thought I was nuts (ok I know I am but that’s a different story).
That explains why the size 16 pants that I wore today bugged me so much; they were 3 sizes too big.
Wow I don’t even know how old I was the last time I was size 10, 9 maybe 10 years old??
I am so floored, I’m numb.
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Ever Evolving Process......
Thanksgiving day will be my 5 month band anniversary. As of today I have lost 43 lbs. I feel good and feel that I have been pretty successful. This hasn't been the easiest journey, but hasn't been as difficult as I once imagined.
I struggle with hunger at times and am in an ever evolving mode of searching for new healthy food options. I love finding tasty new ideas that are healthy. I have found a tasty stir-fry that both the hubs and I love that uses chicken breast, onions, 2 cloves of garlic and a bag of bird eye steam fresh asian medley veggies- so yummy with just a touch of low sodium soy sauce, a sprinkle of ginger, and a dash of red pepper flakes for heat.
Breakfast has become a struggle since I don't do mornings and can't drink protein shakes (makes me sick- I am odd I know). Some bandsters on here said to try a boiled egg or oatmeal- which I will be trying over the next couple of days. Gotta come up with something that will feel me up and not let me get so hungry before lunch.
Each time I go in for a feel and as I lose more weight things change and evolve regarding what works and doesn't work. At the start bread was no issue for me, however now, bread gets stuck, I guess that is because of the band being tighter. Whole wheat thin toast works ok. All meat use to be ok, but now if it is the slightest bit tough and I mean slightest I can't do it- just as well spit it out (I know gross). I have had to learn to brush a touch of olive oil over my chicken breast prior to baking so they are tender and juicy and that works great.
I am learning not to be so picky. As time goes on, I can eat so little at one time that I have gotten over being picky about what I have for a meal. If I have some left over veggies and can sprinkle some WW cheese on it heat them up and call it a meal. Before I would have had to have a full course.
I suppose everything is an evolution, I evolved into a fat person over years of over eating, not I am going the other way. I guess a slow steady evololution is the best way to go, which is what the band is helping with.
As this journey continues, I wonder what else will change? I wonder what I will learn to eat and what I will learn I don't want any part of?
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to jkevhack for a blog entry, A Proud Moment
I am 6 days post op and must say its been a rough week on all liquids. Took my grandson to Mcdonalds drive through and thought a shake sounded good.... Then I saw it ---- The Eggnog Shake!!!!!!! Started to order it, (it is a liquid) then I saw the calorie count posted 680 calories!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say I did not give in to the temptation and went home and had some runny applesauce and protien drink, woooooooo hoooooooooo. It was a victory for me. Just wanted to share:)
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, I?M Allergic To Exercise?.
No really I am. I have to be otherwise I would enjoy it, right?
I truly hate exercising! I’ve never liked going to the gym, it’s boring. I don’t like getting all hot and sweaty, out of breath; heart beating like it will explode out of my chest. Hated PE in school, I was always the last kid picked for the team….
But one of the necessities for successful weight loss is exercise regularly. How do I accomplish this?
I started simple by:
Parking at the back of the parking lots
Turning on some music and dancing around my house. (Dogs got a kick out of this; they thought it was play time.)
Took my dogs for walks around our property. (We live on acreage in the country.)
Then I bought an inexpensive exercise bike that folds up and sits in the corner of my living room (This way I see it every day). When I watch TV in the evenings I get on the bike and ride. I started doing 10 minutes and worked up to 30 minutes. Now I’m working on increasing the intensity (ride faster).
Next, I started moving more at work. I started using the bathroom on different floors (walking the stairs to the floors); and getting up from my desk a couple of times a day just to walk the stairs.
So here I am still don’t like exercising but I do move! I no longer use the elevator at work (and I’m on the 8th floor!) and I ride my bike 30 minutes 3-5 times a week.
It’s not a lot but as long as I’m doing something I’m seeing results.
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to jkevhack for a blog entry, Feeling Much Better Day 5 Days Post Op And Back To Work
I spoke to my Dr. this am regarding my rapid heartbeat. I was instructed to increase my fluid intake and continue with my BP meds. Which I am doing no rapid heart beat today I don't feel near as dehydrated as I have the last few days, just a little worn out. Looking forward to my 2 week post op on 11-21-12 then on to mushies. Love the posts and recipies on this site.
Have a great day everyone :)
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Have You Noticed.........
Since being banded I have noticed and realized a lot of things about food and myself.....
.........some foods just don't taste as good as once I know the calorie count! I use to love pastries, now I look at them and think - you know that just isn't worth the 250-500 calories in them. And I don't want it.
........soft drinks just don't hold the appeal they use to. I use to down a couple of Dt Dews a day, now never touch it. Water is my friend and if I need flavor crystal light is great!
........food doesn't have the power over me it did at one time. At one point I had no self control, but I didn't want to have it- like many say want power is most important. At that time I didn't want to control my intake so I didn't. I just don't think about food like I use to, it's not tops on my mind.
.......I no longer consider not eating certain things giving up on something. Since getting restriction thick breads are a problem. I use to LOVE breadsticks- and I mean I had an unhealthy love affair with them. Now they get stuck, and after getting stuck once on it, I have zero desire to have them again and I'm not really said about it.
......OMG- healthy foods taste good!!! Eating fresh veggies cooked in a natural way taste better. Food in it's natural state cooked healthy has tons of flavor and make me feel good.
...... I am happier. Now I don't know if this steams from weight loss (43 lbs in 4.5 months) or if it's from me eating better foods and not over eating. I truly believe there is truth in that if we fuel our body with the correct things it will make us feel better. Processed foods tend to make you tired and blah, but healthy fresh goods tend to give energy and a clear mind.
.....I am healthy concious. Never ever thought I would start becoming a healthy nut, but slowly it is coming. I pay attention to what I eat and put thought in as to what I should choose based on nutrtion not on taste. It's about what is best for my body not my taste buds- ie I choose the healthy options at a resturant even if I am wanting that calorie loaded tasty dish.
........I am breathing better, I am moving better, my mind is clearer- it's like coming out of a fog. I call it walking out of the fat fog. I lived most of my life eating to much and gaining weight. My mind had become slow and foggy, my asthma was progressivly getting worse, my knees were just starting to hurt when I walked to much and my feet killed me.
......... I am becoming REAL! I am getting real with myself about my bad choices in the past and reviewing them to prevent me from back tracking. I am recognizing and calling myself on bad choices (it's ok to eat that cake, it's ok not to work out tonight-just one night off won't hurt--- no, that cake isn't going to do anything from me but make me feel like crap, I'm not hungry so no thanks - yes, I need to work out tonight, skipping one night will lead to two, three, ect, so get your butt up and DO IT) I am admitting that my cooking habits of the past were not as healthy as I had deluted myself into believing.
Getting the band thus far has caused a lot of positive things to happen. I am so glad that I made the choice for me and that I committed to it, instead of doing it half assed (pardon the french). Every time I had tried to lose weight in the passed I never gave it my all, this time I jumped in with both feet and said ok it's time to do this. The band is my guide, my friend, my Gibb's slap (those of you who watch NCIS will get that reference), my band is my tool for making the weight loss and the life style change stick. I look forward the the rest of my life with the band and living a healthier more aware life.
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, Not Enough
Last night I went to my nephew's wedding. It was super, at an industry museum. I got up very late yesterday to start my day. I had my protein shake around 2pm. I know very late. I went to the wedding and wore my new suit, size 18 misses. I looked great! After the ceremony we went for the reception. I didn't have any food because of the choices. It was hot and I guess I went way too long without eating. The room started to spin and I felt faint. My daughter-in-law got me a chair, an oj and a roll. I will never go that long without food again. When dinner was served I ate. Awful feeling. I usually have a protein bar with me but thought the veggie platter would be good but the choices were not for me. The pass arounds were not great either for me. The dinner was great for me. I had wonderful melon for my dessert. The dj played a great mix of music. Must have been about 50, 25-30 year olds. Made me feel young again. There was a photo booth. That was fun.
I finally have my first and only niece.
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Lap Band Success
Love yourself again
A cup of food per meal
Protein first
Beginning of a healthy life
Abide by your doctor’s orders
No vomiting
Don’t deprive yourself
Unfill when too tight!
Clothes are too big!
Confidence increases
Exercise regularly
Stay in contact with your doctor
Support from family and friends
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, No Grocery Store!
Tonight’s dinner did not come from a grocery store. I made a venison roast from a deer that was shot on my uncles ranch and roasted veggies (butternut squash, turnips, yellow was beans & snap peas) that where grown on our land.
My husband pointed out that nothing on our plate came from the grocery store. This made me think, ok the seasonings I put on the roast and the corn starch to thicken the drippings for gravy are the only items from the grocery store.
That is pretty cool! (Just had to brag)
Oh and by the way, it was delicious!!!!
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Market Days
Yesterday my husband & I rented a craft booth at out town’s Market Days. We make several things (wood bowls & trays, bags, napkins, placemats & coasters) and we wanted to try selling them.
The day started early, we were up at 6:00am. As my husband loaded the truck I packed food for the day. We would be at our booth all day (9am to 4pm) so I needed both breakfast and lunch for both of us. Now my band had been tight the day before, probably due to stress and excitement for the upcoming event. So I wanted to bring smart food for myself…. I knew there would be lots of tempting food vendors there with not so healthy choices.
I made a protein shake to take with me for breakfast; I knew this would be safer than trying to eat something. For lunch I took 3ozs of chicken salad and a Greek yogurt, for a snack an apple cut into slices. I also packed a pre-made protein shake just in case I had problems eating and needed fuel….
I also packed 4 water bottles for myself so that I would get my water in for the day (course this meant I had to locate the closest bathroom, lol)
As it turned out our booth was downwind from the kettle popcorn vendor…..yep smelled popcorn ALL DAY LONG…. & watched people walking by with big bags of the stuff. My created husband started asking people, “Need a bowl for that popcorn?”
It was a great day. Business wise we sold a few things did some networking with the local vendors and made some good business connections. Personally it was a great success; I managed a challenging situation by planning ahead and sticking to my plan.
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, Last Night's Dinner
Yesterday was my 42nd anniversary. My husband and I went out for dinner. I did have some bread dunked in oil. For my main course I had the filet with mashed potatoes and butternut squash. I am not and never will be a vegetable eater. Dinner was super. I ate the small filet and some of the others. My husband ordered dessert, wrong thing to do. He is over weight and a diabetic. I did taste the chocolate torte. It was super. Just a small taste. And then this morning I was down 1 pound!!! I try to move my body everyday. I over drink tea, hot and iced with Splenda. I don't leave the house without my iced tea.
Today is cut and color day. I have my daughter-in-law's baby shower Saturday. And Sunday my nephew is getting married. Very busy weekend but fun nice things to do. By then the weather will be wonderful. Snow last night. Rain today and this weekend 60-70. Don't you just love NE weather? I live in the Boston area.
Tonight at my support group meeting we are having a clothes swap. I have about 10 pairs of Lauren jeans in sizes 18w and 20w. I hope they find a new home.
Enjoy your day and evening Lap Bands!
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Truth Be Told.....
We (me) lie to ourselves a lot.
I stayed in deniel over my weight for way to long. Thinking, oh, I'm not really that big. I just avoided pictures and mirrors. If I do see it's not there, right?
Due to my weight though I over compensated in a lot of areas. I was that annoying sibling who did everything my parents wanted. I made good grades, I worked, I was honest with my parents and I never got in trouble - honestly. This drove my brothers crazy. But, a lot of the reason for this was I wasn't popular. I didn't want to go to parties and stay out late because I had no self confidense.
As an adult I am pretty much a stickler for the rules at work and every where else. My weight has been out of control so I wanted to control everything else in my life.
Once I admitted, yes I am over weight, and yes I disgust myself with the rolls, I decided to do something about it. I was scared to begin with of not being successful. After all I got fat because I loved the taste of food- real food - not junk. I talked to my doctor and told him my fears, he ask if I really wanted to lose weight- I said yes. If anything were possible what would be the best way for you to loose- I thought well food not having calories would be nice- but realistically it was for me to eat less of what I was already eating. I already ate lots of veggies, healthy grains, fruit, and lean meats - I had already made that change years ago. I can't even tell you the last time I ate little debbie- never really liked them. He told me that he could help with that - the band would help me eat less.
Now, truth be told, 4.5 months post op, 43 lbs gone, this has not been as hard as I expected. Do I have hard days, heck yeah, but looking over the entire 4 months, once I got past the first 2, it's been pretty great. I don't miss soda, I don't miss the large quantity of food. I do not miss the size 22's. I don't miss anypart of my old life- nothing. Rather than filling like a stuffed cow after a meal I feel good, comfortable. It doesn't take much for it to kick in now that I have had enough since I got restriction. Once that hits I honestly believe if I ate another bite I would be sick- I haven't pushed that, but I feel that way. I hit that point at a cup of food. Left overs abound at my house now and I realize just how much I was eating.
We all say WLS is hard, it's not easy, it's not the easy way out and it's not. However, this is alot easier than continuing to live the way I was - fat and miserable! It's a lot easier to put down that fork now than it was before. It's a lot easier to say nope don't want that now that it was 5 months ago. 5 months ago I would go for any food at any time- now unless I'm hungry I don't want it. My daily craving is water - seriously- I drink 80-100 oz now, I am thirsty.
Anyway- this is just my rant- how do you feel about your journey- has it been easy or has it been hell?
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to Banjo257 for a blog entry, Stars
Good friends are like stars, you don't have to see them to know they are there.
Thanks to my shining stars.
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to raindrop1999 for a blog entry, Grandma
im a grandma this is why i did lapband tobeable to run and play i have a baby granddaughter born nov 4
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Bugsy Caught A Mouse.
My rat terrior mix, Bugsy, caught a mouse and he wanted to bring it INSIDE!
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, 9 Months Down!
I had my surgery 9 months ago, February 7, 2012. It seems like just yesterday, but no its 9 months ago. Wow, time has flown and wow things sure have changed. In celebration of being 9 months reborn I made a list of 9 things that have changed (excluding the weight & inches lost):
No more medication – When I started this journey I had to take 3 different medications to control my high blood pressure. Today my blood pressure is normal without medication.
Giving the elevator the day off – I work on the 8th floor, every morning I walk up the stairs to my office and in the evening I walk down. Plus during the day I go up and down at least 3 floors, several times.
Sex – Sex is definitely better. I’ll skip the details…
How my skin feels – I like rubbing my hand up and down my arm, my skin feels thinner (Don’t know if this makes sense to you)
Wearing heels – When I was at my heavies my ankles couldn’t handle heels. Now I’m back to wearing heels again!
My confidence – I walk taller, I smile all the time, I really like being me now!
I like looking at myself in the mirror – dressed or naked, I like what I see. It’s not perfect but I like it!
Finding my extravert self – When I was in high school I was very outgoing; I had no fear of talking to strangers. When I was at my heaviest I was so shy, I wouldn’t look people in the eyes, afraid to talk to them. Now, I’m back to looking people in the eyes and talking to strangers.
The way others look at me – I love seeing guys take a second look; the expression on my friends faces when they see me and how the family responds to me.
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, My Banded Brain Tool
My Lap-band is a great tool for my weight loss journey, if only I could band my head. How many times have we thought that? I read it on threads all the time. Well, we can band our head. In fact I have a Banded Brain Tool and it’s called SUPPORT. It comes in all different shapes and sizes. My Banded Brain Tool consists of five things:
Cheerleaders – these are my family and friends who from the sidelines are cheering me on. It’s my hubby seeing me struggle and walking up to me whispering in my ear, “You are doing so incredible on this journey, I’m so proud of you.” Or my friends saying, “You look great!”
Support Group – My support group meets once a month. Seeing fellow bandster, exchanging stories and ideas gets me from month to month.
LapBandTalk – I log on every day, check in with my friends, help and support other bandsters as well as get help and support.
MyFItnessPal – Keeps me honest with my food intake and my friends offer help and ideas here too.
FitBit – My pedometer on steroids! I never though one little electronic devise would get me climbing stairs every day. It sends me emails when I earn a new badge (never forget the first day I climbed 50 flights – I was a dancing fool). I compete with my friends to see who can walk the most steps and we encourage each other one.
Between my Lap-band and Banded Brain Tool I have been able to succeed with my weight loss.
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Choices
This last month has been a wild ride.
I started off with the goal of working out daily and eating no more than 1200 calories a day no matter what. The first two weeks I did well and stuck to it even though the scales really didn't move much.
Then my grandmother passed away. Not only was I faced with lots of emotion (we were extremely close- she was my friend as well as grandma) and tons of food that wasn't the best foods for me. Being that I was away from home for 5 days in the deep country- finding better food options really weren't possible. I attempted to make the best choices of what I had, but still felt like I was going way over my 1200 allowed calories even though I wasn't counting (no access to my apps).
When I returned home from the services, I had a sore throat which balloned into a horrible head cold and then broncitis.
So 2 weeks of no excercise and not eating the best in the world, but drinking water and SF hot tea like crazy. I thought for sure that when I went in for my fill my weight would be up and they wouldn't give me a fill. Low and behold - I had the best month since month 1. I lost 8 lbs!
My weight is at 202, just 3 lbs from my first major goal- onederland! I did get another fill and an agressive one at that. My doctor is super excited and said for where I started most patients don't hit this point until month 6-8, so she is very happy.
Maybe I could increase my weight loss more by cutting out carbs and such, but what I am doing now is sustainable. I am still eating the foods I love (pizza and pasta's) just eating far less of it than I did at one point. I use to think my metabolism was really low because I didn't eat that much so it had to be screwed up for me to weight that much- well I was in denial. I was gorging at times. Food consumed my life rather than fueling it. That has changed - I eat what I like, I am just mindful about how much and how bad it is.
I choose to make better choices and that has made all the difference!!
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Is Your Food Okay??
I took my husband to Longhorn Steakhouse today for his birthday. I knew exactly what I was going to order (plan ahead is the best advice for eating out). I ordered a 6oz Renegade Sirloin Steak with fresh veggies and a mix salad, raspberry vinaigrette on the side. I also knew I would be taking over ½ of it home with me (part of the plan).
Salad comes and I have 2 or 3 bites and stopped, I wanted my steak so I wasn’t going to get full on salad. Waiter comes up and says, “Is everything alright with your salad?”
“Yes, everything is fine.”
I push my salad aside (wouldn’t let them take it away…..my chickens would never forgive me if I did).
My steak arrives; I eat about 2oz of the steak, 1 small crown of broccoli & 2 small carrot bites. I’m full.
The waiter comes up and says again, “Is everything alright with your steak?”
“Oh yes, it’s delicious.”
He walks away with the most confusing look on his face. Meanwhile my husband is sitting beside me trying to not laugh at this guy. I notice the smirk on my husband’s face and ask, “What?”
To which he replies, “You are enjoying this aren’t you?”
“I don’t know what you mean. I’m enjoying a nice steak here.”
The waiter returns and I ask for 2 to go boxes, one for our food and one for the food for my chickens (yes, I spoil them). He brings me 2 small boxes and I say “Do you have any bigger boxes; I have a lot of leftover food here?”
“I’m sorry, was there something wrong with the food, you didn’t eat very much?”
At this point my husband couldn’t hold it in anymore and started laughing. I replied, “The food was wonderful, I just can’t eat the volume you serve.”
“We do serve a lot of food here, but you would be surprised how many people can eat it all.”
He brought me the larger containers and we left, both happy with our meal.
Plus, my hubby gets steak and eggs for breakfast as well as a baked potato with everything on it (He ordered but didn’t touch) for lunch. To top it off my chickens were so very happy with their treat tonight!!
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?
I read a post today that irked me, no it pissed me off. This Texas gal was ready to put her boots on and find her gun….. Hunt her some grammar and spelling police.
A fellow bandster said they read a thread where bandsters were criticizing the grammar and spelling of other bandster’s posts. It hurt this bandster so bad that she had steered away from LBT. REALLY…….why?????
Does it matter if we don’t use complete sentences or if we spell words wrong?????? Those of you who have a problem with bad grammar and spelling please comment and tell me why it’s so important to you. Cause (oh wait I should say because) I don’t get it.
We are all fighting a terrible disease called obesity and one of the side effects of this disease is low self-esteem. We don’t need our brothers & sisters pointing out more of our faults….. We do just fine doing that ourselves.
You are wondering why this bothers me….. So many times I hit that POST button and watch my written words appear on a thread and think SH** I spelt that wrong or that doesn’t make any sense hope they get my point. We are here for support in our weight loss journey. We consist of all different people, different education levels, different languages, different everything and we need support.
What we don’t need is the grammar and spelling police after us!
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, How To Become A Banded B*****
First you have to be willing to jump in anytime
Then take the thread completely off topic and talk about pretty nails, dragons & princesses .
And finally you have to kiss the pink princess’s butt.
Once you have been accepted by the princess you must protect the princess from all evil (especially VD).
Are you up for the job?
☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Scale-A-Holic
My name is AJ and I’m a scale-a-holic.
I have lied to my LBT friends, it wasn’t intentional… I don’t know how it got so out of control.
You see in the beginning I only weigh myself once a week, but back then I was seeing my doctor every week or two. Now I go every 4-6 weeks and that will get stretched out more. When I weigh in at my doctor’s office, that is my ‘official’ weight, I update my profile based on that. So when I weigh at home it doesn’t officially count….
Like I said I started weighting once a week, I even had a set day (Sunday morning). Then I started ‘just checking’ on Wednesdays, then Fridays too and before I knew it I was weighting every day. Then it was twice a day, once in the morning & once in the evening (just to see if there was a difference). It wasn’t my ‘official weight’ so what harm is there…..
Well my scale died last night. Yep after ten plus years it went kaput. My beloved scale was no more. Panic set in, how am I going to weigh myself in the morning? Where can I get a new scale and fast….
Boy was I in a panic! I searched on line all evening, need to find a good scale and fast. Thankfully, I go to the doctors tomorrow and will get an ‘official’ weight.
But in the mean time I realize that I have an addiction that I need to manage. The first step in the detoxing is cold turkey. I found the scale I want on Amazon, ordered it & selected Super Saving Shipping (It wound get here till next week). Next, if I have to I’ll have my husband lock it up….hopefully that won’t be necessary. lol