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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. great thing about life is that it always goes on and another day happens

    i think we (all) get off course or get side tracked or even lapse somewhat back into

    what (we) use to do..old habits? not exercising, eating more and eating less of the better for us type foods...yes it happens...

    so what do we do..how do we handle this?

    do we sit and cry and go woe is me....or say screw it and pig out or blame it on elvis..

    what we do it start right now......eating better, small changes to take us back to where we are

    back in control......drinking more liquids, moving (even if it is 5 min...as long as we are moving, it counts)

    you are a success

    you have this day

    focus on doing the best you can today...we cant go backwards

    but we can go forward...

    hang in there

    back to basics......eating clean, drinking and exercising

    you need motivation....look at your before picture before surgery..

    compared to the goddess you are now/today...

    that should motivate you

  2. The band is amazing and like many others have said it is no magic cure! It takes work and commitment…as does most good things in life!

    I am one year out and down 93 lbs. I have had no fills and no stuck episodes. Everyone is different and needs to make their own path down this journey. There are no comparisons of how much one person lost over another or how much they have in their band or whether you are walking around the block or doing a 5K.

    You MUST do whats works for you, in conjunction with your doctor and their protocol. This is not a sprint to the end…it is a marathon….and in my opinion, anyone who is trying to only sprint their way to goal is going to feel bad about so many things.

    Enjoy every pound off of you when the scale moves down…if the scale isn't moving don't cry PLATEAU feel how your clothes fit. See how much more energy you have …see what other NSV's (non-scale victories) you can see BESIDES just the number on the scale. Don't get me wrong…seeing that number go down, down , DOWN is awesome and what WE ALL WANT….but it isn't going to move down every day or every week…its just not always going to happen.

    I don't even read the negative nellies on here anymore…and its one of the reasons Im on here less and less…it is sad but true….sometimes those people get the best of you no matter how hard you try.

    Best of luck to all…we ALL deserve the BEST!

    you need to copy and paste this post by you on every post asking for help in stalls, not losing, cant lose like so and so...this is superbly written and 100% accurate.

  3. as long as one is losing (fast for us larger folks usually at the beginning) and slower in some cases for others for various reasons, it should be seen as a happy thing..its not a contest or a race, it is a lifetime/healthy way of living and dont compare.....

    inches lost are actual/true weight loss

    even if the scales stop moving or slowly move...

    no such thing as stalls in my eyes...it will catch up eventually

    sounds like you are doing great

    no encouragement needed to be giving to you

    your weight loss so far and your better health is encouragement enough.

    well done

  4. I strongly believe that all procedures are safe and effective and that the choice of weight loss procedure is between the patient and their surgeon.

    Here are key data points for the Safety and Efficacy of the LAP-BAND:

    1. The LAP-BAND is the only FDA-Approved device for patients with a BMI of >30 with a comorbidity or BMI>40

    LAP-BAND for Lower BMI: 2-Year Results from the Multicenter Pivotal Study

    Obesity (2013) 21:1148–1158. doi:10.1002/oby.20477,

    Robert Michaelson, et al.

    · 149 Patients

    · BMI of 30 -39.9 w/ Comorbidities

    · Primary Endpoint - >40% of subjects achieved >30% EWL at 1 year

    · Results:

    o 84.6% achieved >30% EWL at 1 year

    o 65% Mean EWL at 1 year

    · Conclusion - LAGB is safe and effective for people with 30-30.9 BMI, with weight loss and co-morbidity improvement through at least 2 years.

    2. The LAP-BAND has shown Long-Term success when patients are managed with appropriate aftercare

    Long-Term Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery: Fifteen-Year Follow-Up of Adjustable Gastric Banding and a Systematic Review of the Bariatric Surgical Literature

    Annals of Surgery , Volume 257, Number 1, January 2013,

    Paul E. O’Brien, et al.

    · 50.5% EWL at 3 Years

    · 49.6% EWL at 5 Years

    · 47% EWL at 10 Years

    · 47.2% EWL at 15 years

    · 3227 patients, 714 with 10+ years follow-up only 5.6% removal rate for the entire group

    3. The LAP-BAND has been shown as safe or safer than any other bariatric procedure

    There are a number of databases that healthcare organizations and professionals use to monitor bariatric procedures after surgery.

    A recent review of data from the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and the American College of Surgeons databases showed the following:

    LAGB Sleeve RYGB

    Total Complications 6% 18% 24%

    Reoperation Rate 1% 3% 5%

    Hospital Stay After Procedure Less than 1 day Approximately 3 days Approximately 3 days

    Illness After 30 Days 1% 6% 6%

    · 75% lower 30-day morbidity compared to sleeve (ACS – Hutter 2011)

    · 1/3 the complications compared to sleeve through 1 year (BOLD – DeMaria 2010)

    · 68% lower readmission rate than sleeve (ACS – Hutter 2011)

    · 1/3 the reoperation rate compared to sleeve (ACS – Hutter 2011)

    · Shorter length of stay than sleeve and bypass (ACS – Hutter 2011)


    I strongly believe that all procedures are safe and effective and that the choice of weight loss procedure is between the patient and their surgeon.

    well said alex

  5. a loss is a loss with or without fills

    be a small loss or hum dinger one..be thankful to lose.

    i have no fills but i was giving some Fluid at surgery (no idea how much)

    and by me exercising, making better food choices and listening to my band

    (that means just because i can eat 3 cheeseburgers) doesnt mean i should.

    hang in there

    you are bound to get many responses to this thread.

  6. Thanks for starting this thread -- I came back here after the Rosie thread which left me so disheartened. I need to be with band-positive people. Instead of getting a lift here today I feel sort of crummy now. The good news: I already had an aggressive one-hour walk around a beautiful lake early this morning and I am not responding to my feelings with food. I'm here instead. Have a great day every one, and yes, I love my foreign object.

    crummy my ass....you have lost nearly 100 pounds

    better health..more mobility and if you think someone who

    is saying nanananabooboo your WLS sucks is going to rile you up,

    let me say here and now i wont let that happen GF

    any WLS works

    any WLS also doesnt work

    what matters is the WLS you have (and are using to the best of your abilities)

    is working for YOU.

    and judging by your weight loss, it is....

  7. Carolina girl,

    I was specifically asked to back up my statements so I did. I think Rosie is entitled to say whatever she wants and for everyone to be all "offended" is ridiculous. She stated true statements...it wasn't a personal jab at anyone and she deserves to be defended so I will defend her. That doesn't mean I don't wish others well, it means I think others are acting childish and ridiculous.

    I think I may have my band removed. It is failing me.....

    OMG jim

    i am sooooo OMG in awe

    you were one of the first people who friended me on this site

    and you are still my hero..

  8. whatever one WLS one gets (or removes to get another) or whatever,

    lets just wish them luck..going back and forth with webpages and statistics solves nothing

    and its kinda pointless to be honest...we all got opinions..

    i like UNC and catfish likes UK, who cares??

    so whoever reads my words, whatever WLS you have or about to get,

    congrats and for best results, do as your doctor advises..and get well

    that is what it is all about anyhow..

  9. pre op and post op diets are to prepare the body for surgery not to lose weight.

    hell if we could lose weight w/o WLS, as TMF says often, why get the surgery?

    if you do lose, it will be mainly Water weight (not actual true weight loss), those and

    those inches that matter over what the scale says come later on down the road

    if you are not following your dr's advise on the pre op dieting then you are doing it wrong,

    if you are doing what you are suppose to, then everything is fine...give yourself some credit

    and keep doing what you are doing...do what dr says for best results..

    all the best.

  10. well all i will say is what i thought when i read alex's post.

    any WLS can work and any WLS cannot work

    sometimes it could be due to a patients incompliance or it could

    be an issue with the surgery or maybe a little of both...

    BUT for any WLS to work, (with or w/o WLS), we must eat less calories than we can burn off

    (and this is the truth and its reality to face and deal with head ON and accept.

    at one time the lap band was the bomb...then along comes a new gadget

    and all the naysayers jump on board and it will happen with the sleeve too (as it

    is now happening with the other WLS that are not as (popular)..esp if new and improved WLS

    are created..

  11. Hi all,

    So tomorrow I'm going ploughing with our horses all day and I need to take my own food.

    I really struggle to think of ideas that are good for me and the band when I'm going out like this. All I can think of is sandwiches but I don't want to take bread as it can get stuck!

    I'm trying to stay away from Pasta and rice too..

    Since my op Iv really gone self-conscious and the thought of people stood around all day watching me petrifies me but I know it's something Iv got to do to get over it...anyway... Because I'm so worried I thought I would take some soft foods with me?

    Any ideas on good soft food?

    well....if you can take alittle cooler w/you...i see nothing wrong with some tuna salad or chicken salad with some mayo....soft and tasty..toss in some apple sauce ....no need to be (petrified or self conscious)......and trust me no one is caring what you eat unless they are nosey b**itches and who cares what they think anyhow..but def remember this is about YOU.....and if you wish to just drink a Protein shake, that is terrific...you are not on a diet or a timer to eat at this allotted time...eat when hungry.. have fun w/horses :)

  12. Had my surgery in April 2013 and my life is unrecognisable from then until now. My mind is unrecognisable never mind my body, lol. I am happy and nothing in life is a problem...

    Luckily for me that's what keeps me smiling when an acquaintance repeatedly tells mutual friends she is just waiting for me to "pile the weight back on".

    Hell will be freezing over before I give her the satisfaction of seeing me gain a pound. But what a sad life she must have if taking pleasure in waiting for someone to fail is the highlight of her life.

    The old me would have fretted about whether she might have a point. The new me says "feck her". And if she ever says it to my face, that's the gist of what I will say to her. Not very sophisticated - but I think it would be very effective in shutting her up once and for all!

    ugliness/jealousy is a nasty thing and its on HER

    as you indingo dont have a mean/nasty bone in your body

    some people see your (success aka healthier body/healthier mind) as a reminder

    to them of what they (cant or havent chose) to do yet....and that is get well

    you have

    you did

    you are

    atta girl :)

  13. My husband is the most amazing guy -- funny, kind, thoughtful, smart, adorable -- but he's struggled with his weight all of his life. Literally since the day he was born. I think for him a lot of it is genetic (his mom struggled and lots of his cousins do too) and also that he grew up in a household that revolved around food (his parents came to the U.S. from Italy when he was little and I think turned to food as a way to make up for their loneliness here). He turns to food when he's sad and he's had lots of really tough things happen to him in life, particuarly in the last five years or so.

    Although he's lost weight before, he wasn't able to keep it off. He's 43 now and close to 400 lbs. and I'm so scared for his health. He's a tall, solid guy, with the weight really evenly distributed, so he doesn't look like he could weigh that much, but I know it's too much for him and I'm really worried for his health. He already has sleep apnea and high blood pressure. I'm 32 and we've been trying to start a family without any luck and it's been really hard on our relationoship. I don't know if his weight is a factor in that, but I'm afraid it might be.

    I've been trying to get him to consider weight loss surgery but he gets so upset any time I mention it. He says he's lost the weight on his own before and that he can do it again. But he's been promising me he'll lose weight for years and I think it's just too much for him to do on his own. I've tried to be supportive (encourage him to come walk the dogs with me, be supportive emotionally, etc.) but it doesn't help and I'm starting to feel resentful and angry. Like shouldn't he do this out of his love for me? Rather than potentially lose 15 years off of his life and leave me alone?

    If anyone has any ideas of how I could help convince him or support him in the process I would be so grateful for any suggestions. I feel like his weight is destroying him and I can't stand to watch him suffer like that.

    i think anyone with a weight issue knows it

    and if someone would have told my 5'1 and 336 pound self i needed to have WLS

    i would have died of embarrassment/shame and been mortified someone had the balls to say that to me...

    support that person

    you mentioned it..now it is up to him as others have said to make that choice

    because that person has to do it...my hub before surgery could have said/done and danced around me naked promising he will take out the trash if i had WLS but until i hit the bottom (me not being able to walk or wipe my butt) it was not going to happen.

    how about cooking healthier..how about going for walks and how about let him

    know you want him to live forever and to do that, he and you need to be more active and eat better......and see what happens.

    all the best

  14. no need to be angry

    just get back on track and do what you need to do as your doctor advised you.

    being angry or upset is a waste of your time and energy. so what you binged. who hasnt..anyone with a weight problem has done that...read that again, you binged.so what...

    that moment is long gone and never to return. what you can control is the here and now. so pull up your panties, put your gorgeous smile on your face (cause i know you have one), put them shoulders back and make yourself well..

  15. Did anyone have regrets? I keep reading how everyone is so happy! I want to be happy but I am in pain, starving, and not sleeping.....I had surgery on Wednesday...when did people start feeling good???


    me being super morbid obese made me realize i did that to myself and i have no reason/right to judge anyone..people judge me enough (then/now and will always) and i know how it feels..being that large of a person only made me more compassionate of a person..shame it hasnt done that for everyone..

    around the 6 week mark post op i would say i was back to near 100%

    every day it gets better..move, eat, (when you are able), drink alot, stay positive

    and just think in a few months, you will be on here saying those very things to newbie patients also...and that is be patient, it will happen..

  16. I don't know about anyone else, but if feel there is an over abundant amount of negative post regarding the gastric band, on the board right now. I've been very happy with it over all, but my gosh, all the bad press it's getting, it makes me wonder when "disaster" is going to strike!! Lol!

    yes there is a lot of negative (and i try not to read them) because i figure when those people first got the band themselves, they were as excited as i was to get a WLS to help..i told myself if anything ever happened and i lost the band for whatever reason i would not be one who spouted the negative..it gave me mobility back..it gave me the ability to wipe my ass again...it gave me my life back..i am eternally grateful.

    all/any WLS can have problems

    all/any WLS can have no problems

    its life..its time we lived it and kept our thoughts on the prize.....living healthier

  17. I rely on fast food for lunch breaks and sometimes for Breakfast. Occasionally dinner. That habit isn't likely to significantly change. What must change are the food choices from those places.

    I've made these band friendly choices so far:

    Wendy's chili

    Subway chopped salads

    Not so good for weight loss so saying buh-bye for now (saying buh-bye forever is too sad):

    Popeye's chicken strips (fried)

    Starbucks mozzarella and Tomato panini (carb-y)

    I know I am not alone. Many of us rely on takeout for our meals. What are your band friendly choices?

    I eat (out) but when i do, i just make as good choices as i can

    sometimes they are not so great choices....but me having WLS is not

    about me being on a diet..my lapband/plication will only let me eat so much

    aka a small amount..but i choose not to eat bread/rice/pasta..and usually

    get chicken nuggest/tenders or a beef pattie or a ceasar salad..(or tuna at subway)

    living life with WLS is great...great post Just watch

  18. i have struggled to lose every ounce that i have..it was not easy.

    and i started out with a huge BMI at surgery and some have said i am lucky to have lost

    as much as i have so far (170+)

    i would have preferred to be what most are now ( under 300 or even under 200)

    at my journey starting point (336 pounds and 62 bmi)

    i am now where some are starting out (pound/bmi wise) and i know what

    it took for me to get to where i am now.....i hope you realize from a bigguns stand

    point (aka me), how lucky some of you actually are to be where you are now..

    keep going

    eat right, drink a lot, exercise and stay positive

    just because the scale is not moving as fast as you want does not mean the WLS

    you have is not working.....it will catch up dont worry.....also judge your success by

    inches LOST as that is true/accurate weight loss..

    all the best everyone.

  19. I got banded in march of 2014 and have only lost 30 lb, but I have lost a lot of inches. Its now Sept and I feel like I should have lost way more than 30lbs. I have hypothyroid and work a full time job with no time to exercise, when I get off from work I am absolutely wore out I go home and wipe out body and in mind. Honestly I don't feel that the lap band is working. I know they said It would be hard for me to loose weight because of my thyroid but this is ridiculous I have a friend who had the sleeve 2 days after me and she is a bone I know at least a size 6 me a snug 12 I'm very discouraged I need help any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advanced


    when i had lap band surgery in 2012, i was in size 5x clothes and a snug size 30 stretch jeans

    and now i am in 12's....and let me tell you how happy i am about that number

    try to look at it from a realistic stand point..having WLS is not about being skin/bones

    it is about having a better quality of life..to be able to walk, wipe ones ass and enjoy being alive..just because you are losing slower than you want does not mean its working...

    the only advice i can say is be thankful you are losing and seemingly at the correct

    place for your body......WLS is about health.....some people seem to forget that..

    and some people dont believe that losing inches means one is losing weight..i will take that over what the scale says any day.

    all the best to you and wishing you a life long success to your goal.

  20. Hello everyone I'm new to this!! I got the lap band jan.17th 2014 so far I have lost 70lbs I'm just having promblems knowing what to eat without throwing up!! I got a total of 6.6cc's in me Any suggestions I really would love some feed back!!! Thank you

    you shouldnt be throwing up is what i know of being a bander.

    i have read if one eats too fast or too big of bite, that they could have issues..

    congrats on the loss so far as that is just fantastic...i have been banded 2 1/2 yrs and not thrown up yet...if you are concerned or have thrown up, you need to discuss with your doctor..they are the best ones to answer these type questions,,

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