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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. am i the only one who sneezes in 3's?

  2. eating my lunch and started having my baby hiccups---knew i was DONE (love my band/plication)

  3. if you are reading this, dont forget to take your vitamins :)

  4. gosh, i love applesauce

  5. sometimes you just gotta roll with it...take whatever comes your way and deal with it. (with a smile and a positive attitude)

  6. feeling good, feeling great and hope you are too.

  7. if you are reading this, are you thinking positive about yourself?

  8. Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.

  9. If you think you did not do well yesterday, do better today.

  10. anyone remember the pina coloda song??

  11. if you are reading this, are you drinking your water/crystal light?

  12. Taking a look around me, and realizing, life is what I choose to make it.

  13. the floor people told my hub that it looked like i lost weight since the last time they saw me, hub told me i had the band surgery and that he was PROUD of me..made me feel good.

  14. fat free turkey beast hot dog on grill for lunch (9 grams protein) (no bread---very filling)

  15. if you read this, have you took your vitamins today?

  16. granite tile for my fireplace is HERE

  17. thinking positive and doing what i have to do to make myself (well)

  18. decide which way to go when the moment truth comes

  19. if you read this, remember your protein :)

  20. looked in the mirror and thought--not too bad

  21. floor people are here. they are removing old carpet and putting in my stone floor. should take 4 days

  22. walked at lunch. not far but i walked. that is a good thing.

  23. was just told i am all that and a PBJ sammich......i can deal with that :)

  24. Friday, we made it. See, I knew you could do it :)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
