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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. OH my gosh--went to my PCD to get referrals and I have lost another 10 pounds since my last weigh in. total of 50 off now

  2. what a wonderful day? got up, had my protein shake and you know what, life is good.

  3. if you are reading this, i hope you have a great day :)

  4. if you are reading this, when you ate today, was protein first?

  5. shopping for housewares and doing some walking..def knees are getting better

  6. focus on what you can do/have instead of what you (cant)

  7. I am having a great day. Are you?

  8. True commitment is what transforms you into reality. Are you really committed? (that means to stop making excuses and either do it or dont)

  9. if you are reading this, how did you do today on your eating?

  10. watching hubby paint wall

  11. Decide what to be and then go be it.

  12. if you are reading this, make sure you eat some fruit today (fresh if you can)

  13. You are closer today than you were yesterday.

  14. my granddaughter is rolling over and can stand up (sorta) when you help her. am so in love

  15. the band is merely plastic put around my stomach, its up to me to eat/drink the healthy/correct (small amounts)

  16. If you are hungry, drink some cold water/crystal light and see if that helps.

  17. New day, New week---if you need to start over, do so. But do it honestly.

  18. if you (cheat), dont blame the band for no weight loss

  19. if you are reading this, dont forget to eat some yummy fresh fruit today

  20. if you are reading this, dont forget to eat your veggies

  21. great saturday..did alot of shopping and alot of walking. 2 months ago i couldnt have walked around as i am now. thank you lap band/plication

  22. my heart and prayers go out to everyone affected by the horror in Colorado. How awful.

  23. Work had catered lunch today, my refried beans w/ss/ffshredded cheese was so GOOD. I am so proud of myself

  24. if you are reading this, have you drank half your fluid intake today yet?

  25. if you are reading this, did you go of course with your eating? if so, do better tomrrow

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