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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. hey florida banders--you be safe

  2. happy sunday banderoo''s---hope you are all having a great day

  3. Happy Friday Band Buddies. All the best to YOU.

  4. Hope that you had a great day. Did you remember to eat your protein first? if so, at least 4 oz??

  5. What a great freeking day. Sure its overcast and cloudy and damp out. But you know what, I got this.

  6. received my new paula deen cookware---robins egg blue speckled yahoooo

  7. what a great day to wake up and count my blessings....hope you feel the same way

  8. sad news..one of the people that work for us, his brother just died in a plane crash......life is so short...its there one min and not the next. make it count. right now. today.......heart is heavy

  9. sorry for anyone who has lap band issues, but please dont bash the band. it saved my life and i am so glad i made that decision

  10. nothing smells so good as food cooking on the grill......

  11. rainy sunday in nc-----good day just the same..sending my band buddies positive vibes

  12. if you are reading this, make sure you eat some yummy fruits/veggies today

  13. local high school football starting.......me and hub doesnt know a soul, but we are going to ra ra ra anyhow

  14. Happy Friday. Let's make it a great day. Keep smiling. Keep the positive vibe and just keep on keeping on

  15. had lunch and baby hiccups paid me visit---means your done eating :)

  16. update--FIL is doing well. a very bad bladder infection. kept him again overnight. may come home today. thanks for the thoughts/prayers :)

  17. hub and me got our lottery tickets for tonights powerball---wish me luck

  18. Be kind. Be nice. Be considerate.

  19. you either do or you don't....you have to make the decision..

  20. If you are reading this, did you remember to drink drink (sip/sip)??

  21. Monday---a new day. Hope yours is a fantastic day :)

  22. No matter how much you want a change in your life, nothing will happen until you DO something. You can talk about starting an exercise regiment and eating healthier foods all you want, but nothing will change until you START DOING IT.

  23. a year from now, you will wish you started today.......i like this quote

  24. just because its the weekend, dont forget your vitamins and water and your protein

  25. my walking has gotten better, today hub asked me to slow down.....getting better every day

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