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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. 50s, cool....windy.......damp.....here in raleigh nc

  2. 99% of failures come from people who make excuses

  3. make this a great day by smiling and thinking positive :)

  4. hub called and said today was national call your wife and tell her you love her day....so he said he called to tell me that......awe

  5. The band will not be there to make good food choices for you. You will have to do that. Always.

  6. heat index is brutal

  7. my PCD finished my clearance letter and are faxing to lap band clinic. Will follow up tomorrow.....am happy/excited/nervous

  8. taking responsibility for my success....

  9. i am an intelligent person, i will control my emotions and not let my emotions control me

  10. today is a new day..spend today thinking i can instead of i cant, its too hard...

  11. He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the fray. He laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; he does not shy away from the sword.

  12. i am not there yet but am closer than i was yesterday

  13. Elvis ain't dead. He's just gone home...

  14. i am wearing a pair of jeans today, size 22..but just think, almost 6 months ago, that number was size 30....how's that for a great day.

  15. Your strength is in doing what you believe is right and not concerning yourself with other people’s responses.

  16. enjoying a quiet saturday night watching chopped on food network dobermans at my feet surrounded by snowman's and chilling with my b's life is good

  17. with whatever WLS no one is better than the other.. what works is you helping the (source) of help

  18. sorry, have to post this: people need to chill and ALLOW their body to heal/adjust from major surgery and change what they eat and exericse to be a success...

  19. if you are losing inches, you are losing

  20. No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change ~Bill Phillips

  21. am i the only one who has the runs?

  22. bought my new stainless steel fridge last sat...fnally got it today (last sunday they delievered one damaged that i said no way)...but its nice

  23. instead of worrying what you are doing wrong...how about focusing on what you are doing right....

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