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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. goodnight everyone. talk to you all tomorrow :)

  2. working with a negative nellie at work today--stressing me out

  3. If you are reading this, have a great and wonderful day. dont make excuses, just do.

  4. beans beans beans,,,,the more i eat.....the more i........

  5. if your doctor gives your (rules/guidelines) its best to follow them. that is what they are there for. (all doctors are different as are people).

  6. My heart is with those whose lives were lost on 9/11 (and their loved ones). Heavy hearted today.

  7. Monday--a great day to smile. Hope you are.

  8. happy sunday bandits :) hope you all have a great day

  9. be thankful for where you are now as you are changing everyday. (to a new and better you).

  10. getting ready to purchase clay aiken christmas concert tickets for me and hub :)

  11. Its a new day. Bring that new attitude with you and keep it close. You are stronger than you think you are.

  12. if you are reading this, did you remember to take your vitamins?

  13. 3rd month follow up, -9 more, total of 62 lost since surgery

  14. back from vacation, how are you all??

  15. had to post that tonight i had on a pair of jeans i hadnt wore in 4 yrs (what a great feeling)

  16. Happy Friday Yall....Keep Positive no matter what.......

  17. never ever thought in my lifetime that 4 oz would make me full .......crazy huh

  18. off to kill devil hills for 3 day weekend.....what about you? what do you have planned?

  19. goodnight banders from north carolina

  20. having a great day and hope you are also :)

  21. any banders in LA/New Orleans/MS etc...your in my thoughts

  22. another day in banded/plication land. making it count....are you with me?

  23. just because you are able to eat more than you should, doesnt mean you ought too...

  24. Someone tell me, how can it be Monday already?

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