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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. off to home depot to look at more stone tile for my den/family room

  2. Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.

  3. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

  4. “What you habitually think largely determines what you will ultimately become.”

  5. great day in carolina

  6. It’s okay if you mess up. It’s okay if you should have started 5 years ago instead of 5 days ago. It’s okay if you plateau or get discouraged. Never forget why you started this journey. For you to lose weight and get healthier...

  7. baby hiccups is my sign to stop. what is (your) full sign or signal?

  8. what is that big yellow/orange thing in the sky?? is it the sun?? is it?? i believe it is..........

  9. home drinking me a protein shake

  10. house smells like roses.....

  11. back from vacation, how are you all??

  12. FIL has dangerous low potassium levels..running more tests...do not think it was a stroke or seizure but tests will convey that or not. appreciate all good wishes. PLEASE, take care of your health. its all you got.

  13. If you think you did not do well yesterday, do better today.

  14. people who divert knowingly off course are the ones who do protest the loudest against those who adhere and are (losing).

  15. my son lives in ok city and for a bit there i was scared...but the tornado's passed south of him and he is fine...my heart to all affected by those tormado's today

  16. If you are losing inches, no matter what the scale says, you are losing weight....

  17. “In order to do what really matters to you, you have to, first of all, know what really matters to you.”

  18. Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.

  19. i am a southern girl with want power and am getting it done

  20. just because you are able to eat more than you should, doesnt mean you ought too...

  21. I've worked too hard to take orders from a potato chip!

  22. brandon Peterson---another spammer

  23. you know your having a bad day if you muck up your pedicure polish

  24. just remember to do what you can, your best, with where you are at now....

  25. found out yesterday, my clinic wants me to wait 6 months before surgery. very (down)

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