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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. do what you have to do to be well

  2. 4mth month follow up. down 11, total lost now 73

  3. you know housework is good exercise..

  4. storms coming to raleigh.....gotta bring my dobermans in from playing

  5. Hi to my banded friends. How are you??

  6. only you can make yourself have a can do attitude. and only you can make yourself be (woe is me). you make that choice.

  7. think mr sandman is visiting me soon,.......

  8. when baby hiccups arrive, that means lunch is finished for me

  9. you have only yourself to praise or blame

  10. packers and clay matthews is on hubba hubba

  11. to those who support me ((big hugs))....

  12. attitude must change in order to make this band work as well as following dr's instructions, just because you can doesnt mean you should)

  13. pc been down at work and hadnt been on during the day (missed you all)

  14. what matters is right here...right now

  15. per Maddy----WE declare today Jean McMillan Day!

  16. on my 2nd day at work w/o my pc.....our IT dept is working on it and i am at (another pc) and i dont have all my contracts/insurance/templates etc......all the while, i will focus on being positive (when i want to run down the hall yelling)

  17. do what you think you cannot do

  18. storms headed here later today----wicked witch of the south may take flight

  19. have you thanked yourself lately for doing a good job? if not, then you should. because you are doing a great job.

  20. legs still sore from all the walking i did this weekend. but you know what, it feels GOOD (mainly because i am able to walk more)

  21. its not only about believing in the band, but about believing in yourself

  22. happy saturday..my little maynerry town is having a harvest fesitival...am gonna walk as much as i can.. knowing each step makes me stronger..

  23. had catered lunch at work today--talking um good sammiches/cookies/chips, the works----sat in the conference room with my small plate, my 3oz meat/some fresh green beans, 2 cubes of cheese......and was content. Felt amazingly proud of myself today

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