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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. well, my pending court case was closed, the client pled guilty and I DO NOT have to fly to FL for court. THANK heavens......

  2. Work had catered lunch today, my refried beans w/ss/ffshredded cheese was so GOOD. I am so proud of myself

  3. “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

  4. grammy getting me pink mickey mouse ears....i cant wait

  5. my to to list: eat good food, do my step aerobics class at 5 today and know each day i am this much closer to goal...

  6. i am doing today what i know i can do (because i want to)

  7. heading home to my honey and i am making meatloaf (yeah baby) and putting them in my muffin pan so i can freeze small cupcake size loaves.

  8. walked at lunch. not far but i walked. that is a good thing.

  9. if you are losing inches, you are losing weight....hoping some on this forum realize this as its a sure thing.

  10. have a great/wonderful day yall

  11. happy, happy news, hubs stress test results, shows no blockage/no damage/no issues at all.. and all is well...thanks for the love/support/well wishes sent (our) way

  12. anyone hear from maddysgram?

  13. Fix your eyes forward on what you can do, not back on what you cannot change.

  14. the the banders in the midwest/south be careful in this massive storm

  15. the only stats one should concern themselves about is their own.

  16. banded b motto---there's a difference between could and should

  17. “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

  18. annabelle1--cant someone block/delete this person....def spamming stuff

  19. have you lost inches? are your clothes looser? if so, then you have (lost weight). just because the scale is not showing a (loss) does not mean you are not loosing. please look at the entire picture and not get so hung up on a mere number that changes all day long via the scale.

  20. “The rest of our life is being shaped right now by the dreams you have, the choices you make, and the person you decide to be.”

  21. if you are losing inches (going down in clothes sizes) then you are losing weight....even if the scale doesnt show a loss...why dont more people believe that?

  22. dont worry about can you do it...just do it.....

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