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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. going xmas shopping with hunnka hubby...(excellent walking for me--hope knees hold on)

  2. i am having a great day..love my b's

  3. i am too blessed to be stressed today

  4. pc back and i am back online

  5. am i the only one who cant see their signature?

  6. If you truly want to lose weight, you must make it a priority––not only when it’s convenient or easy.

  7. “People are so worried about what they eat between Thanksgiving and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Thanksgiving.”-Author Unknown

  8. watching emeril deep fry cheese cake..

  9. be thankful today for your loved ones and friends....hold them close and let them know you love them...

  10. rained all the driving home from work.........

  11. my like button wont (like) help help help

  12. my office is sooo cold......developing frost bite on my butt cheeks

  13. BB will get tiara today :)

  14. happy veterans day to all the vets (including my hub and son)...thank you for your service

  15. dont do better tomorrow, do better today

  16. The majority of people meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those, which fail

  17. if you are reading, did you remember your vitamins ??

  18. just do and do it and do it right....if not, dont blame anyone or the band..

  19. -7 at 5 month ..total loss is now 80

  20. 5th month post op today for me...Wonder how ole gal is doing...

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