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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. god be with those kids/people just shot killed in CT elementary school, I am crying as i write this.

  2. sad news..one of the people that work for us, his brother just died in a plane crash......life is so short...its there one min and not the next. make it count. right now. today.......heart is heavy

  3. started a new group for people like me :Summer Bandsters

  4. You will find, if you read my blogs or posts, that I do not coddle or say its okay. I will try to keep it as real and honest as I can as this is not a game to me. This surgery saved my life and I am totally committed and take it seriously.

  5. j geils band is on radio..who remembers the centerfold song??

  6. Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest.”

  7. if you are following the bands guidelines, drinking/eating allotted amounts, then you are doing great..even if you dont feel like the band is working, it is...be patient it will come

  8. nothing off limits.....but there are better choices...

  9. Too often, we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles to frown, BUT it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and b****-slap the mother-f***er upside the head.

  10. happy 29th anniversary to me and my hub...went and got flu shot (ouch) and weigh in for me..lost 5 pounds..total 145 pounds lost/no fills/17 months post op

  11. “I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.”

  12. cant believe i am in 1 derville....15 months. i went from 300s, to 200s and now in the 100s.

  13. Friday, we made it. See, I knew you could do it :)

  14. soo busy at work..... stopping in to say hey bandit friends of mine

  15. If you are hungry, drink some cold water/crystal light and see if that helps.

  16. “Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

  17. only you can help yourself to lose weight....if you want to

  18. remember, to lose weight, you must eat more calories than you burn off (no matter what WLS you have or fill or no fill)....3500 calories is a pound ate or drank...

  19. 1st dr post op appt today at 4

  20. the band is merely plastic put around my stomach, its up to me to eat/drink the healthy/correct (small amounts)

  21. you CAN do this if you WANT too...

  22. happy sunday bandits :) hope you all have a great day

  23. Happy Friday. Let's make it a great day. Keep smiling. Keep the positive vibe and just keep on keeping on

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