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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. New day, New week---if you need to start over, do so. But do it honestly.

  2. never ever thought in my lifetime that 4 oz would make me full .......crazy huh

  3. on my 2nd day at work w/o my pc.....our IT dept is working on it and i am at (another pc) and i dont have all my contracts/insurance/templates etc......all the while, i will focus on being positive (when i want to run down the hall yelling)

  4. My past does not determine my future. I determine it by how I think, how I react and how I believe

  5. sorry for anyone who has lap band issues, but please dont bash the band. it saved my life and i am so glad i made that decision

  6. happy sunday banderoo''s---hope you are all having a great day

  7. I'm still making the choice to be the best person I can be. No excuses

  8. the most important thing is to understand that just because the scale is not moving (as fast as one would like) does not mean its not working or you are not doing well...if you are losing inches, then you are losing

  9. per Maddy----WE declare today Jean McMillan Day!

  10. “Making a big life change is pretty scary. But, know what's even scarier? Regret.”

  11. we re-hired a former employee, and he said in front of everyone that i looked (amazing)...def made my entire day...he saw me at my heaviest last time....thanks for letting me share..

  12. went with hub and tried on and then BOUGHT a pair of 16 black jeans....from size 30 to 16 ....i have no words right now, just tears

  13. hey florida banders--you be safe

  14. be thankful today for your loved ones and friends....hold them close and let them know you love them...

  15. i dont mind saying it, but i did great this week. i dont normally say positive things about myself, but dangumit, its about time

  16. weighed exactly 199 at my weigh in...hello one-derville..(am crying as i type this)

  17. just because the scale is not moving as quickly as you like, does not mean the band is not working.

  18. battle of the blues.........GO HEELS

  19. "We're fired up to play North Carolina because it's North Carolina

  20. thought for today: this too shall pass....

  21. only you can make yourself have a can do attitude. and only you can make yourself be (woe is me). you make that choice.

  22. Its a great day. Even if you dont think it is, make it a great day by your attitude.

  23. happy veterans day to all the vets (including my hub and son)...thank you for your service

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