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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. 3500 equals a pound (whether you eat it or drink it) if you take in more calories than you burn off, you will gain (or not lose)

  2. rainy here, maybe (snow-wee bit overnight)...first snow with lap band :)

  3. freeking winter storm watch??? how kewl is that

  4. Elvis ain't dead. He's just gone home...

  5. “In order to do what really matters to you, you have to, first of all, know what really matters to you.”

  6. FIL has dangerous low potassium levels..running more tests...do not think it was a stroke or seizure but tests will convey that or not. appreciate all good wishes. PLEASE, take care of your health. its all you got.

  7. you def have to change your mind set from i cant this and i cant that to yes i CAN and from i need will power to i have WANT power.

  8. rescue came and took my FIL to ER..some sort of seizure.....

  9. realize that you are important but you need to believe it. believe it enough to want to change those bad habits and make yourself well.

  10. trying to make my new pc and windows 8 work......like it but way different...and 2 moniters is kewl

  11. protein, veggies and fruit today.....its a good day to be had

  12. hub home safe......talk to you all tomorrow

  13. hub and friends on way home from mc trip, hubs friend (2 bikes ahead) hit by passing car...on way to hospital..hub fine.....thoughts/prayers appreciated for prez

  14. I have to do something about it. You can sit here and wish it was different, but there’s that moment where you go, ‘You know, I have to do something. Don’t I?’ ”

  15. if you eat more calories than you burn off, you will gain

  16. all want power and can power....

  17. .leave the junk foods where they belong, on the shelf at the grocery store.

  18. today, eat healthy foods, drink alot and stay positive...but keep going

  19. holy crap..i can see my collarbone :)

  20. then band is a commitment..its not easy. its not a miracle. its merely an aid to help.

  21. if you want to lose weight, then do it...no more excuses (let the band help you by you helping it)

  22. 7 month follow up report..down 94 with no fills

  23. not hiding my face/self anymore. that pic is who i am...i am proud of who i am today. 7 months post op.. Hello everyone

  24. if you take in more calories than you burn off, you will gain...3500 calories is a pound whether you drink it or eat it....

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