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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. 5th month post op today for me...Wonder how ole gal is doing...

  2. period water gain right before my 3rd dr visit :( not a happy camper

  3. i look in the mirror now and go ok, you are getting there where as before i would not look and if i peeked, id go YUK

  4. any WLS is great and any WLS can have complications whichever you get, do the best you can with it (for best results) and with all things, success will vary ..all i can say it is it did save my life..so whatever pick or choose, WORK IT and do your best and make it happen

  5. just do what works for you....dont worry or do what anyone else does/says...

  6. rescue came and took my FIL to ER..some sort of seizure.....

  7. today, just say thank you to yourself....

  8. off to kill devil hills for 3 day weekend.....what about you? what do you have planned?

  9. to any of my bander friends up north braving the cold/snow..BE SAFE

  10. then band is a commitment..its not easy. its not a miracle. its merely an aid to help.

  11. be safe you guys in chicago and surrounding

  12. if you never do, you will never know..

  13. Meeting a very special friend from LBT tomorrow....CANT WAIT

  14. thundering bad here at work.....i love stormy weather.....

  15. "Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can."

  16. holy crap..i can see my collarbone :)

  17. If the band did not work for you, it's not right to post (do not get the band). It does work for some of us. How about say instead, check out other options.

  18. you either do it..or you dont...there is no half way

  19. pureed tuna w/ff mayo is soooooo good

  20. dont think what did i do.....think what you have done.

  21. to lose weight, with the band or any other WLS, you must (and i feel this to be true) one must change what they eat and have a mental change)...from i cant to i want too

  22. weigh in day.......lost another 3 pounds.... so i am down 140 pounds in a little over 15 months..

  23. -7 at 5 month ..total loss is now 80

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