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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. went and bought some sun dresses at lunch. so pretty and i am happy they (fit)

  2. ♥You can do it with Want Power♥

  3. Whatever you thought you did (not do well yesterday) do better today.

  4. really?.....common sense...

  5. “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”

  6. about to go to nutrionist.. What will she say/ask? will she give me a clearance? is there a reason she wouldnt?

  7. hail storm broke my sunrooms window....gheesh...

  8. enough about why you cant...you need to find a ways you can....

  9. stop with the I can'ts, the excuses and they why nots today..Just do it

  10. If you are reading this, did you remember to drink drink (sip/sip)??

  11. can you drink diet coke after getting lap band?

  12. if you want to lose weight, then do it...no more excuses (let the band help you by you helping it)

  13. trying to make my new pc and windows 8 work......like it but way different...and 2 moniters is kewl

  14. i became a grand mother yesterday to baby girl Eryn :)

  15. i became a grand mother yesterday to baby girl Eryn :)

  16. it is much easier to avoid bad foods when you are full of good foods..

  17. raining and my left knee hurts like a bugger......

  18. did my chest xray & upper gi & ekg today--can still taste the barriun yuksville

  19. realize that you are important but you need to believe it. believe it enough to want to change those bad habits and make yourself well.

  20. hub texted me this message this a.m and thought i'd share..YOU BE YOU

  21. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.

  22. hanging in there........

  23. whats done is done and we cant change what happened yesterday, but we can change what happens today

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