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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. if you are reading this, are you drinking your water/crystal light?

  2. I am having a great day. Are you?

  3. today: remember your vitamins, make sure you eat veggies and fruit today...and dont forget protein (it will fill you up)

  4. Words are powerful, and that includes the words you say to yourself.

  5. anyone watching the debate?

  6. Everything I eat must help or at least not hinder.

  7. if you take in (eat) more calories than burn off with exercise, no matter what WLS you have, you will not lose weight..

  8. having a great day despite puter problems

  9. “The difference between try and triumph is a little ‘umph’.”

  10. i LOVE american horror's new season "coven"

  11. anyone remember the pina coloda song??

  12. if you dont help the band, it wont help you.

  13. nearly done with work today---sending positive vibes to my peeps on here

  14. It’s hard to see progress in yourself when it happens so slowly, spread out over many days. It’s hard to see how you change your life by choosing one action a day. It’s hard to see how eating something healthy and spending a few minutes exercising is doing anything. But it does.

  15. from dear abby: please remember that regret is the cancer of life. You can't change the past, and you mustn't allow it to cloud your future.

  16. Monday---a new day. Hope yours is a fantastic day :)

  17. got a flat tire on my car......hub coming to rescue me...

  18. if you are reading this, did you remember to take your vitamins?

  19. WLS is major surgery, no surprise is does hurt a smidge in post op..

  20. next to sex, or being at the lake at dawn, drinking your first morning cup of coffee is pretty darn close to heaven

  21. add me to the list for the 100 pound loss club...down 7 for total of 101 lost so far

  22. 7 month follow up report..down 94 with no fills

  23. what a great, great day..hope yours was also

  24. protein, veggies and fruit today.....its a good day to be had

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