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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. for anyone: if your scared, confused or in pain, the best thing to do is call your doctor's office for advice/advisement/guidance

  2. If you think a thing is impossible, you’ll only make it impossible.”

  3. am i the only one who sneezes in 3's?

  4. goodnight banders from north carolina

  5. going to get my hair colored and trimmed today....

  6. I am very happy with my band

  7. do what works for you and dont give a flying f**k as to what anyone else says/does

  8. Love that feeling of fullness from my plication after eating

  9. how do you like me now? before i wouldnt show my pic because i was embarrassed......now, here i am yall

  10. Enjoy who you are. Don’t hate yourself for what you aren’t.

  11. my like button wont (like) help help help

  12. “If you can never manage with where you are, you will never be happy with where you go.”

  13. had lunch and baby hiccups paid me visit---means your done eating :)

  14. heat headed my way the next few days

  15. yippee--they start my stone floor tomorrow

  16. if you are reading this, did you go of course with your eating? if so, do better tomrrow

  17. “Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.”


  19. one of my fave songs--blinded by the light is on.....

  20. OH my gosh--went to my PCD to get referrals and I have lost another 10 pounds since my last weigh in. total of 50 off now

  21. do what you have to do to be well

  22. Monday and woke up with a great attitude. It will make or break me.

  23. nearly time for my 1st month follow up

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