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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. if your doctor gives your (rules/guidelines) its best to follow them. that is what they are there for. (all doctors are different as are people).

  2. happy birthday to our banded b LISA ((sending love kisses from NC))

  3. if you eat more calories than you burn off, you will gain

  4. “Drop the wrong thought and you lose the problem it creates.”

  5. ♥♥so happy right now..with life, with my band and plication and my ole man ♥♥

  6. do what is right..not what is easy

  7. The band goes around your stomach, not around your brain, or your lips

  8. do anything....anything is better than nothing.

  9. I have to do something about it. You can sit here and wish it was different, but there’s that moment where you go, ‘You know, I have to do something. Don’t I?’ ”

  10. is it friday at 430pm yet?

  11. if you are reading this, dont forget to take your vitamins :)

  12. "Actions speak louder than words. People can 'say' whatever they like, but it's their actions that show their true feelings."

  13. when baby hiccups arrive, that means lunch is finished for me

  14. It's a new day. If you think you did not do as well as you should have, forget it, can't change it...Just do better TODAY.....you are worth it.

  15. poker run went well........we got NOTHING a 8, a 7, a jack, a ten and a 2.

  16. happy sunday..about to go shopping with hubby..hope knees hold out..

  17. hub and friends on way home from mc trip, hubs friend (2 bikes ahead) hit by passing car...on way to hospital..hub fine.....thoughts/prayers appreciated for prez

  18. happy saturday..my little maynerry town is having a harvest fesitival...am gonna walk as much as i can.. knowing each step makes me stronger..

  19. “Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It’s not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make. Period”

  20. kc and the sunshine band is on......shake shake shake your booty

  21. marybaby is spamming, how do we report this?..

  22. instead of (negative thoughts i cant, i wont, its hard) how about YES I WILL

  23. having a great day and hope you are also :)

  24. its not only about believing in the band, but about believing in yourself

  25. Once you get started, you just need to keep going and then keep going some more, as there is no end date.

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