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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i will give you some tan for some of those gorgeous sexy bod you got.... i see that as a fair trade GF **you are a walking/talking/looking success story** from one biker ole lady to another....YOU f**king rock
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Ibuprofen, Motrin, Tylenol?

    a pool sounds so nice......good for you on doing laps sweetheart...
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Ibuprofen, Motrin, Tylenol?

    some dr's say its okay and i am sure they will tell you but mine said no to motrin and stick to tylenol but on bad TOM, i sure miss my motin 800
  4. i look in the mirror now and go ok, you are getting there where as before i would not look and if i peeked, id go YUK

  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    August 14 is my surgery date

    if you think you (cant) you wontbut if you think you can (i believe you will) absolutely ok to be nervous.....just think of what is ahead for you NO, not the pre op and post op diets (that are to (HELP YOU) and yes you wont die because you are hungry i promise........but smaller clothes, feeling better physically, getting mentally right and caring about yourself again......what a wonderful thing you are doing.......just take it slow......go step by step, stay busy, drink ALOT, keep your mind occupied (read alot of posts on this forum), keep an open mind that its not a miracle.......and sleep will come......granted you may have to clean up counting sheep poop but it will come......BEST of luck to YOU :wub:
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Got to love the confusion about 'ideal weight'

    i couldnt agree more... my goal weight by the doctors charts (are something i dont think i can ever get to) and i am not saying that to sound b***h** but its true..for my height, it is what i weighed when i was in my mom's stomach when she was pregnant...i told my surgeon, the number i want to get to is me being healthy, mobile and something i can get to and stay with (and maintain happily)......i believe that the band/plication will help me with that part.... i recall sitting in his office and him asking what did i want to weigh at the time he said it, i was well over 300+ and i said i'd like to get to 299....and then 289 etc......and he laughed......and then i said eventually, i'd love to see 199.....and if i got there, i am okay with that....he said it is technically (obese still) but i said its something i can get too and right now that is all i care about..... i am not a hooked on number person i dont own a scale and use the clothes i have (or now have to buy all the time) as my guide....call me strange, but it works for me... so do i have a number in mind after all this rambling, well yeah but right now, i just want to see 199 make an appearance . GREAT post lellow GREAT comment missy
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lap band w/ pllication

    going well the food consumption is (fine) although i dont know what you mean by that...i eat my allotted amounts and have not pb'd, slime, got stuck or came across anything i cant eat...i have done a 100% turnaround from what i use to eat to a totally different lifestyle (thanks to the band/plication) and the motivation it gave me to make myself well..it is just a (helper) and if we help it, the success is there for the taking.......congrats on your surgery.....pm me anytime if you have questions
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    6 months post op: PROGRESS PICS

    well done and thanks for sharing
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need to have my band removed :(

    well, best of luck with the new bands just do the best you can and remain positive..it helps
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Babynae is banded 7/26

    didnt your dr's staff give you handouts/instructions? i would assume SF popsicles are fine but that is really a question for your dr congrats on your surgery
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i agree with mis term an example.......you just finished your meal and some one next to you starts eating something, chips or something and your done (your full) or you had your allottment...but you want to eat too because they are....or its late night, watching tv or bored..your not hungry (you think you are)..... i would say the majority of head hunger is due to just your body being thirsty.....if you are hungry, drink something and in a few, you are still wanting to rob mcdonalds, then eat something good.
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pain in my left side when I breathe

    if your scared, confused or in pain, the best thing to do is call your doctor's office for advice/advisement/guidance
  13. for anyone: if your scared, confused or in pain, the best thing to do is call your doctor's office for advice/advisement/guidance

  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What happens when....

    for anyone: if your scared, confused or in pain, the best thing to do is call your doctor's office for advice/advisement/guidance
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Your favorite nsv's?

    i love all the above wonderfuls here are a few of mine i was happy to be able to walk from parking lot to a grocery store's door with out hub dropping me off......i was happy to be able to fit into a reg bathroom stall.....i was happy to be able to use my seat belt (being short, i had to scoot seat up to reach pedals and the belt couldnt fit/strangle me)......and yes a TMI but its true........i was able to clean myself after going to bathroom and being able to ride bit*h with my ole man on his harley....... life is now being lived again by me
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Unpleasant experience

    just the bands way of saying slow down and take smaller bites..no more wolfing and you should be okay
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Insurance submission on Monday

    best of luck and nothing but positive vibes being sent your way
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Need A Fill

    you sound as if you are right on schedule...like you, i had a hernia repair and my fist week, i wasnt hungry at all but it was important to stay hydrated so i sipped and sipped and sipped some more..you are doing nothing wrong..the more you heal, the swelling goes does and you will again to feel hungry..doing GREAT you are :wub:
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠


    has anyone used this? i keep seeing it advertised on tv if you have, does it work like they say..
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Chocolate meltdown

    one meal or bad day wont make one gain a zillion pounds it constantly eating and eating more calories than you burn off...........do better now you have/are doing well-----i dont see that changing (i love chocolate too) :wub:
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Need A Fill

    agree with posters, drinking should be easy and as time passes and swelling goes down, it will get easier...i agree, drink more especially if you think you are hungry, you will find its your body saying its thirsty...and from what i have read and discussed with people, when you get a fill, you still get hungry....i also am a firm believer to eat when truly hungry..make it filling...protein/good for you foods...(heck a protein shake works wonders for me at 13 months out.......keep busy and eat to live.....not live to eat
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Im Starving!!!!!!!

    you drink your shakes,,,,,,,drink your free liquids, eat popsicles and stay on course by keeping yourself busy and finding things to do...you come this far..........alittle bit longer GF
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠


    you have come along way GF.......proud of you
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Almost Died with the Lap-Band!

    wow, def sounds like your dr and (not the band) was to blame via what you wrote sorry you had to go through this....
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need advice

    excellent post....just last night, i was not hungry...not one bit...i ate my lunch around 12 noon..had a protein shake about 5 and i was done...hub asked about 9, was i hungry or did i want dinner. i said no, not hungry...i asked my dr and nutritionist, they both said eat when hungry... hope this helps.

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