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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Keeping busy

    your house is really pretty take care of yourself
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠


    oh yeah the band does work and this be proof GOOD JOB
  3. my dr told me that while the band may (be slower at the beginning) as compared to the other WLS, that in 2 yrs, it kinda evens out on the weight loss totals (band vs bypass etc)....and i can say that without a doubt, the more one puts into it (via eating better/exercising) the more can lose based on (findings). my dr told me i was expected to lose about 70 in the first year......actually it was more like 130+.....and there are others....who lost way more then me in their first year.... doesnt really matter how long it takes one to lose weight, as long as they lose it and get healthy..its not a racing contest....it is for better health.....all the best to you.
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    woman has lapband removed so she can eat...

    : Obese mum has band fitted then taken out because she prefers being fat. food addiction, and I’m still addicted to food today. With the band, I couldn’t get used to the small portions and hated not being able to eat what I liked. “My band even slipped. The doctors offered to repair it, but I didn’t want to go through it all again so they removed it instead. “Now, at 20 stone, I’m happy in myself. I’ve realised I’m meant to be this size.” Teaching assistant Diane, from Newcastle upon Tyne, is one of a growing number of people who win approval for taxpayer-funded weight-loss surgery. Last year the NHS spent an astonishing £85million in the war against obesity, and the number of gastric band operations has more than doubled in six years. More people than ever are asking their GPs to approve gastric bands and gastric bypasses on the NHS. They are also asking for free follow-up plastic surgery to tidy up the resulting loose skin. Diane, whose current body mass index of 50.8 makes her morbidly obese, had a gastric band inserted, four endoscopic examinations, emergency hospital visits, a procedure to loosen the gastric band and finally another major operation to remove it... all paid for by the taxpayer. After.. 13½st and size 14. But she wasn’t happy THE REALLIFE STORY AGENCY In addition, she has seen NHS dieticians, psychologists and specialists at up to £100 a time, all approved by her local Primary Care Trust. If Diane had paid for the treatment privately, it would have cost up to £8,000 to have her gastric band inserted. The procedure to loosen the band would have cost another £300-£400, and the final surgery to remove it would have come to between £4,000 and £7,000. Her treatment has amounted to an expensive total of around £15,000. But, according to Diane, she hasn’t wasted a penny of public money. “I qualified for the band, and just because it didn’t work for me, it isn’t my fault,” she says. “It wasn’t a waste of money because it was the journey I had to go on to get to the healthy and happy size I am now.” She insists nobody warned her exactly what life would be like with a gastric band. “When the band was put in, my world changed dramatically,” she says. “I’d try eating my favourite foods, like bits of pizza or lasagne or even a spoonful of beef curry, and they’d come straight back up again. I couldn’t eat the amounts I wanted and when I did it would come straight back up. The surgery made me bulimic because I’d try eating the food I enjoyed and vomit. “I’d had enough of it because I couldn’t eat what I loved. So to be happy again I had the band removed. I’m happy now. I’m meant to be a big person.” Diane was always a chubby child, and by the time she had her daughter Stephanie in 1990, she weighed 14 stone and was a size 14-16. “I have always been a yo-yo dieter but after I had my daughter I battled to lose weight,” she says. “I tried every diet under the sun and nothing worked. “Over the years I put on more and more weight. I was addicted to food. I’d eat a meal, I’d finish my daughter’s meal, I’d then eat six packets of crisps and a family bar of chocolate. Before I knew it, I had hit 23-and-a-half stone and I was wearing size 26-28 clothes.” Before.. 23½st and a size 28. Her weight crept up despite diets THE REALLIFE STORY AGENCY Diane confesses she couldn’t stop herself eating. “Food was a comfort and made me happy,” she says. “I admit I made myself this big. At my largest I had arthritis in my knees and as part of my job I had to sit on small kids’ chairs and my size was getting in the way.” With the encourage- ment of Stephanie, 22, Diane asked her GP for help in 2009 and was referred for weight-loss surgery. With a BMI of well over 40, she met the basic requirements for an NHS-funded operation. “My case was presented to the local PCT board, and after 14 months I was given the green light,” she says. “I was lucky as some people wait for three to five years for weight-loss surgery or other things, like back operations.” Diane, who had her operation in November 2010, says: “I was excited about the prospect of a new slim me.” In the first 10 days she lost a stone. “It was a massive shock and in six weeks I lost another three stone,” she says. “It was extremely difficult to adjust. You have to eat smaller amounts. Eat too much and you vomit.” As Diane’s weight fell off, she revelled in the compliments she received. But she struggled to control her portions and dreaded going out for dinner in case she’d eat too much and be sick. “Half a starter would fill me up,” she explains. “A sip of Water could make me rush to the loo. Sure, I was getting compliments and people told me I looked amazing. But inside I was feeling terrible. I expected to feel healthier and happier, but I didn’t.” Then Diane started vomiting blood, and had the first of four endoscopies to find out what was going on. “It got to the point where I wasn’t eating anything without a problem,” she says. “Finally an endoscopy revealed a tear in my stomach, so my consultant deflated the band in July 2012. I had lost 10 stone by then. “Three months later the surgeons said they could repair the tear and re-inflate the band but I asked for it to be removed. I couldn’t face years of feeling miserable, years of being unable to eat properly.” The band was taken out in October 2012, and since then Diane has gained seven stone. “I now know I was meant to be big,” she insists. “I eat healthily and exercise. I’m finally happy at this weight. Yes, I enjoyed the compliments, but ultimately I wasn’t happy. People told me I had lost my sparkle. “I know it seems a long process and I started at 23-and-a-half stone and am now back to 20 stone, but the band didn’t work for me. “I haven’t wasted NHS money because the surgery could have worked, but I realise now I’m meant to be this size. “I work hard and pay my taxes and I was approved by my GP, a consultant and PCT.” Stephanie meanwhile says she is immensely proud of Diane. “I have supported her throughout the process,” she says. “It was terrible to see her being sick all the time. She looks so much happier now. This is the mum she is meant to be.”
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What time do you need to stop eating at night?

    i eat when i want too sometimes we are out late with the mc and by the time we get home it could be 10 or 11....and i grab a bite to nibble/eat...no issues..for me either
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠


    yes, call your dr and tell them about this....they are the ones who can advise you and maybe give you some of those pills that dissolve on your tongue to aid with that sick to stomach feeling.....keep on sipping to say hydrated......but call your doctor.
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Finally under 300!!!!

    you are just so lucky i am in lust for sammy (the redrocker) hagar formerly lead singer of van halen......all i am saying BF i am sooooooooooooo proud of you stud muffin.......way to go honey....way to go
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    People really are rude...

    perfect example of a a-sshole sorry that that happened to you... i had a fireman friend once who told me something i never forgot...i was struggling with a situation at a bank (i used to train people to be tellers years ago)....and i was having a hard time and my friend to me to rise above the situation.....i have never forgot that...so YOU rise above that a--sshole, head up, shoulders back, gorgeous smile on that face.....you dont need to answer.....just give them a sh*t eating grin..... *no comment or replies speak volumes*
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠


    VERY well put
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-pre op diet

    i had a all liquid pre op for 2 1/2 weeks til surgery and then 2 weeks after.. its hard but it is doable... (my starting BMI was 62)...after the first 4/5 days, it was not that bad...i learned very quick what head hunger was vs being truly hungry......and believe it or not, you won't starve to death (trust me i thunk that more then once during that time).....just do the best you can.....all you can do..(it is to prepare your liver for surgery and so it is a must)..
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Question with eating every 5-6 hours

    i eat when i am hungry when i do eat (since the band/plication wont allow me to eat much) i load up on protein/veggie/fruit in that order but focus on Protein as that is my fuel....the protein is my gas that keeps me full....so if i am hungry, i eat. if i am not hungry, i don't eat......
  12. any WLS has complications no one is better than the other i find it basically boil down to what you want......and what you truly want to do what happens to ms joe blow may or may not happen to you.......who can say, none of us can see into the future........which ever you get, do your best and comply to how to use it.. ps, that small risk that the band (has) was well worth the risk for me i got my mobility back and my life........yes, i'd do it again in a second....... and i'd recommend it to anyone who asked BUT stress, unless you change what you eat, begin to exercise and have a mental attitude change, NO WLS will help.....my opinion
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Significant Others

    a friend of mine sends me quotes every day.....this happened to be one he sent me yesterday......had to share....hope it (gets) to whomever needs it..
  14. if you are concerned/worried, please always refer to your doctor.., they are the only ones you should ask about these things...let us know what they say
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    my doctor/your doctor

    have a great/safe trip.... i bet it is gorgeous there.......so jealous i am but enjoy (and keep smiling) eye candy
  16. as long as you (get there) who cares how long it takes ya GREAT job and excellent and gorgeous pictures of you well done
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    9 Days Post Op-Port Question

    my port location was tender for about 1 month as it is healing and forming scar tissue.....before long you won't even know it..
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    It's Been A Long Road

    with that type of great attitude, girl you CANNOT go wrong
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Band Movement

    madam is right its not your band (your band is sewn onto the top of your stomach) i had a huge stomach and everytime i moved, it felt as if my lower stomach pulled down.....weird but as you heal, it does get better, promise
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    That Darn Shoulder Pain

    maddy is right it could also be from eating too fast or too much (another band sign to slow it down)..i am 14 months post op and it happens every now and then
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Family Reunion

  22. “If you can never manage with where you are, you will never be happy with where you go.”

  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Not Hungry!?

    i eat when i am hungry and sometimes i may only eat once a day and some days maybe 3 or 4...so when i do eat, i just make it count..
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My story--banded for 9.5 years.

    some people maybe in denial and i think some people are in total LALA land who think any WLS will work just because they had (gasp) WLS and then when the pounds start creeping back up or they are not losing (water weight) like they did on pre/post op, they start to spazz out.... we are all adults and we all made the decision to have surgery followed through all the dr appts and signed paperwork that clearly states complications can and do occur....it was a risk we all took...sometimes things happen and sometimes things dont this surgery saved me as it has others and i am sorry it did not work for you and as i posted above, i want you to happy/healthy forever.... but if a banded person, or a sleeved or a bypass begins to gain weight --it is because they overate more calories than they burned off .......it is not because the band failed.....the band wont stop a person from eating junk food or keep them from exercising... i have no idea if my band will last forever i have no idea if i will get hit by a falling star tomorrow but what i do know is that i am gonna do my very best TODAY with the band i have and hopefully continue to better my health..... if/when sometimes happens, i will deal..... just like you are......right now all the best to you.

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