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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Starting our Cruise Thursday!

    have a nice/safe trip
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Slow Losers???

    slow and steady will prevail in the end.....larger people can lose more....no idea why just happens.....but 2 pound loss for you is the same 2 pound loss for me....so take it as its coming off and go atta girl to yourself
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    When did you go back to work?

    i had surgery on a wed and have a desk job and i planned to go back on monday.....i am glad i took that entire next week off......and then the following monday, i was nearly 100% ready....first day or so i did get tired, but just paced myself......everyone is different..
  4. just do the best you can.....as a poster said, it is to shrink your liver to get it ready for surgery as they go inside and move stuff around..have read a few stories of people who it couldnt be done as they did not follow the diet but who knows why that was.....its not easy being on all liquids, as i did that myself as others.....and its bound to get tougher....you need to drink more (protein if need be), use your free foods they gave you, prepare ahead where ever you go (as there are always options)....you dont have to cheat if you dont want too...just saying.....i say that as i was 336 pounds and me drinking a diet coke off that big mac........NOT...........so do the best you can.....as it will get harder and if you cheat (eat too soon too much after surgery) you could hurt yourself.....try to get in the game now......hang in there, you can do it..i know you can...
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Feeling totally frustrated

    if you are exercising/eating well and if you are losing inches, you are losing weight even if the scale is not moving as fast as you would like...no need to be frustrated...just keep doing what you are and it will catch up...
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Caffeine (coffee!!)

    i had coffee 2 days post op..sipped it and it was heaven.....i have 2 to 4 cups, reg daily..........if it gets cold in office at work, i drink some in the afternoon to warm me up...
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Worried about complications? Worry about this...

    my aunt was so large, when i was younger, that once when she fell out of bed, the fir dept had to come get her up and my sis in law was over 700 pounds.......i (saw) this and still allowed myself to get nearly into that position...never again will i be (super morbid obese) and i was, mere months ago....
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lap band with plication?

    you are doing so great...i am so proud of you....just keep in mind that just because one has plication, it still must be used correctly..i think some are thinking it is like the sleeve..the results vary by usage.. but it still takes work aka eating better/exercising...(when i am hungry, i eat more protein and drink) hang in there :wub:
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What to do

    did your dr give you a post op diet to follow?
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lying About LapBand

    but you are the bomb to me :wub:
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Chest pain

    i sipped crystal light and protein shakes/broth....i was all liquids for 2 weeks
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lying About LapBand

    if you are losing weight (with the help of any WLS) one is eating better and hopefully exercising.....that is not a lie as its the truth....so what if we have a white necklace attached to our tummy.....our business...tell or not tell, that is everyone's on private choice to do or not do...but if you do tell, head up and brag on yourself..
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Chest pain

    means you very swollen inside and you are not sipping slowly (to drink too much or too fast) so soon after surgery, will cause pain..so dont do it....baby sips all day long..if it continues to hurt, call your doctor's office and let them know.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Would you get lap band?

    i will risk (any scar tissue and any additional surgeries (if/when it does happen) just to have what i have now.....a better life, better mobility and better health..i was told any WLS won't help unless i help myself...only you can make that decision for yourself.....if you get it, go for it.....if not, make better food choices/exercise and try to get healthy regardless.
  15. i felt the exact same way on my pre op.....i was only allowed liquids...2 1/2 weeks on pre and 2 weeks post op....what i learned was the difference between head hunger vs me being really hungry.....i also learned i was way stronger mentally then i thought i was.....sure i b*tched and complained but i woman'd up thanks to my ole man who told me to do that on my pre op and got on with it......because if you can do this.....you can do and be successful with having any WLS...i believe that......and i believe in you..
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre op diet

    yes you CAN do this.......the first 4 or 5 days is the hardest....detoxing from the chemicals....you realizing what head hunger is vs really being hungry...you are this close......once you realize you can do this, the rest will fall into place...hang in there
  17. the band wont stop you from being hungry....it will help you eat less..since you are so recently banded, as your swelling as went down, your hunger has returned.....this is where you learn how to control head hunger vs really being hungry....focus on protein and drinking alot and stay busy and get your mind off the food.....(i am 14 months post op with no fills yet..so you can lose weight with the band and no fills (or even alittle fill).......eat smart, eat your allotted amount and get well...best of luck to you..
  18. let me add my no regrets in regards to my banding procedure on this thread also. i only regret one thing....that i upset people with me telling them to be responsible for themselves and to let the band do its job..it doesnt make me ms popular however....the band gave me the belief that it can be done if one truly (wants) it and i advise people to do just that...but if i have helped one person, that is what is important....as when i started on this forum last year, i got that same advice..
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lap Band & Love Life

    if you love him, love him and if he loves you, let him remember the ring is for better or worse, sickness and health and you being happy within is what matters i have lost 130+ and i still want my ole man.....and him me and he loved me 130+ heavier...love is love...not weight if you get a ring, make sure you post the picture
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    unexpected news

    am sorry honey i dont know what else to say except i love ya
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    pre op liquid diet gone bad

    just do the best you can NOW and try to follow the guidelines that gave you.
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Afraid of failure!

    if you try....and do the best you can....how can you fail..
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How different do you feel?

    i had trouble walking and wiping my butt at my highest and wore 5x skirts/size 30 pants...and the surgery gave me my life back.today wearing size 16 pants...things started to turn around for me mentally (it clicked) when i was on my pre op diet (2 1/2 weeks all liquid) and i was b*tching bad.....and my ole man told me to woman up....he pointed at me and said you wanted this (surgery) so do what you have to do to make it work/happen....that turning point got me to where i am today....losing inches steadily.....walking/moving/believing in me......so it can be done....you just have to decide to do it and then actually do it........make up your mind to go for it.....its either that or get bigger.....that was my option...dont let it be yours...you can do it..
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How do you....

    well since i stop eating at the 20 min mark, i am now use to my food (cooling off) the results are worth it....
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    2 days away and sick...

    i agree, only your dr can advise you on if you should or can take over the counter meds before surgery....best to listen to them.....hang in there okay

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