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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No more cravings?

    15 months out and dont really crave anything.... maybe cold watermelon that is in my fridge as i type this at home...perhaps
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Spouse is NOT on board.....

    hang in there kiddo..sorry this is happening to you....seems someones insecurity and knowledge (of not understanding what exactly WLS is) is raising its head....you do what works for you. i agree with the above post, take hub along to a doctor visit and let him ask a zillion questions (mine wrote some down and asked and he did some right before they wheeled me out for surgery).....what you are doing is getting healthy for yourself....i agree with my friend sharp, you must be happy for everyone else to be happy around you...including hub... congrats on your upcoming surgery and going to the gym. sounds like you got a great mind set honey
  3. legs sore from walking all afternoon....just happy that i am able to now.....such was a time not long ago, i couldnt have......LOVE what my band/plication gave me back...my life

  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Beef jerky

    sure but seems to have quite a bit of sodium..
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    impromptu party at my house

    well whats done is done i am not sure what type of pre op diet you are on but def try to stay on it til surgery and def follow the post op diet after surgery.......ps i had a slice of pizza thursday and it was so good you could have peeled me off the ceiling
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    PROTEIN max amout absorbed at one meal

    i by accident drunk a shake with 2 scoops of protein it didnt hurt me but it made me not feel so good for a short time i am with whomever posted to spread it out throughout the day...i aim for 70+
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banded 9/12/13 & starving

    the best thing is to keep drinking (i used my protein shakes as my food) and sf popsicles saved me.......of course you (think) you are hungry because its all liquid you are consuming...just stay busy and drink alot......most times we think we are hungry because its dinner time or other people are eating....you are tight as you are recently banded and very swollen on the inside...as mis and sharp stated, following dr's instructions are for best results...but i suggest more protein and def patience as its a process.........more mental than anything...BEST of luck
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    5 days post op..

    job well done.....use this loss to spur you on when it (slows down) you will be under 2 in now time
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What's on your "Do Not Eat" list?

    i eat 96% lean beef patties, lean steak (tbone my fave as well as filet) and chicken beast and beans...also protein bars (some have 20+ grams and higher..this is in my purse, drawer at work)..protein is what i eat first and its what i eat when i am truly hungry (and its not head hunger or me just eating because everyone around me is) the meats i eat cost a little more but you know what, i am worth it...so are you
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Being me

    just beautiful what a gorgeous lady you are....killer smile
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    need suggestions

    for best results, follow your dr and nutitionist diet guidelines........they are in place for a reason..mainly so your insides can heal....eating too much too soon could harm you and def vomiting is a major concern..... my hub drained Soups and mixed the liquid with the broth and it was very flavorable and doable...i will say its been 15 months since surgery, after 5 weeks liquid diet (pre and post), i havent had soup/broth since..
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Going to the store

    SF popsicles were my life saver and was/is crystal light peach ice tea and my dr ok'd me to use immodium a.d and he strongly recommended a daily probiotic and most important, a Protein powder i enjoyed drinking (and do daily still) my hub was a godsend and the one thing i found i needed was patience....and he told me that over and over again. its doable one day at a time....learn to go slow, not to expect overnight miracles and rest/sip........ best of luck honey
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Started exercising!!

    i see a success story in the making......great job
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    NEWLY BANDED 9/13/13!

    congrats on surgery keep sipping and sip some more...keep moving and def rest...and live the your dr's instructions best of luck to you
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠


    yes...........and its getting better day by day
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What's on your "Do Not Eat" list?

    i dont have any (carolina girl cant eat) its more like what carolina girl chooses not to eat... i eat what i want and find 15 months post op, i prefer veggies, fruit and lean protein... am lucky, no stucks, no slimes, no issues for me...this procedure gave me my life back
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Losing slow

    as long as one is losing........(and losing inches counts no matter what scales says)..it shouldnt really matter how fast or how long it takes or how ever many fills one has or doesnt have......its not a race or who can do better or faster its about getting healthy..
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i hardly saw you......love this picture
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-op Finish Line

    yes, my advice, take it day by day.......you already are a successand when it gets tough, and it will...remember how far you have come
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Not happy with arm lift 12 months post op

    i think you look beautiful..we seem to be our own worst enemies dont weanyhow, i think you look amazing..just wanted to tell you that.......
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠


    agree with miss, the dr's give patients a diet pre and post op, its best to follow that everyones drs are different.....so go by what yours advises you to do..no matter what anyone else says/advises you on this forum
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    why did you choose lapband?

    allowed myself to get into the super morbid category i needed help...wls was the option...i read, asked alot of questions but i undersood after the lapband doctor told me that unless i changed (what i ate and started to move) no wls wont help me so if you get any wls, follow the guidelines and make yourself well as with all things, results will vary for whatever reasons you do the best you can its not a miracle save all its not a quick fix its not a sure thing but it will help if you (help) all the best
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Sweet Indulgence

    enjoyed reading your blog and viewing your pictures. thanks for sharing and def keep up the great work
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    4 days post op. feeling horrible! help?

    each day that passes, you will find you feel better you wont believe it, but its true....keep sipping, keep moving, keep thinking positive.. having a lap band is major surgery and its uncomfy and your insides are swollen... do what your dr advised you and def remember this......in 6 months, you will be posting to other newbies just what i told you now..hang in there.
  25. after reading some posts today, i have to say this-- having a lap band is major surgery..its uncomfortable and it will take a positive attitude it will also take common sense and a willing to change your life from what you did to need WLS to what you can become...it starts and ends with you.

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