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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    what a great picture. love the building and surroundings WOW....and what a gorgeous gal you are (nice looking couple)
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Best NSV Ever...sort of

  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Had my Lap Band out! Yahoo!

    glad you are on the mend. best of luck to you now and always
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hormonally hungry..aaaahhh

    if you are hungry (eat) there are some great options (chocolate, crunch wise or sweet wise) and def eat something..no need to deprive....alittle something something isnt bad...(as long as you dont eat more calories than you can burn off), you are good in my eyes i dont do sweet stuff but on my TOM, i use a chocolate Protein bar or make am protein frosty in my vitamixer w/ice and enjoy myself...
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Bucket List? Life after Lap Band.

    i wanted to be able to push my granddaughter around the block in her stroller i wanted to be able to use a regular bathroom stall again i wanted to be able to wipe myself i wanted to be able to stand without pain i wanted to ride with my hub on his harley's again i wanted to like myself again.......... every day i am alive is a bucket list item for me
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Just wondering a few things

    agree with mis and sharp the carbo rule is what YOUR doctor advised you to do...if you want to know, def ask them...as they are the ones who gave you this tool to use correctly. the cracker i have never heard of and had to google it..(sorry i must not get out much in the real world) but it seems not be very filling/protein wise..but if you like it go for it. it looks good to me but not as a Protein meal. anyhow, have a great day
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Scared after reading

    sharpie (as normal) made a great point..... let me say that yes things do happen *as with all things in life* i could walk into the hallway and get run over by a herd of pink zebras and yes sometimes complications arise from faulty doctors, lap bands, surgery issues and more often than not, the patient....you cant spend the rest of your days wondering.....i did that........and if i would have decided not to, i can guarantee damn bet you i would be over 400+ and nearly immobile because of my large size that i started out as.....no question..... the dr will give you instructions on how to use the band for best results..follow it to the letter.....and do the best you can....and if you do, i bet, i just, bet you will do fine.... PS: if something happens to my band and it has to come out or whatever, i will never blame the band or become a neg nellie as the band has gave me my life back....it truly has.......i want you to feel like that also...((happy))
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Anxiety over being "Normal"

    yes (dan) is awesome. he was one of the first people who saidhey to me when i joined this forum last year and has encouraged me and been super nice.....very nice man.......he a bit cray cray but maybe why i likes him
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My secret reason!!

    go for it girlfriend
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    odd NSV

    i was scanning and faxing alot of contracts a big ago and came across a NSV that never occurred to me..and i was thinking i have got to post this and hope someone reads it and goes, hey, thats right, so can i and just maybe....encourage (esp a larger bmi person like myself)...even if for a moment.. I have posted NSV on tying shoes, no more seat belt decapitation, putting my own socks on, fitting into regular bathroom stall...and the list is endless.... i have no shame, i just post reality as i experience it... last year i couldnt stand for more than 5 min at a time (100% TRUTH) and here i was standing and faxing for a good 25 minutes.....i recall with great clarity having to fax one or two items and coming back to sit down as my legs, just couldnt handle the girth/weight granted its not much ado bout anything but to me, it was MAJOR thought id share
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    odd NSV

    i am so proud of YOU.every step is a step forward..last year when i started this, to get to the bathroom here at work was 54 steps one way. with me being as large as i was, it was so hard. and i had to pause half way.....but after surgery, i went every hour and you know after a while, those 54 steps became easier and easier....that little jaunt down the hall actually helped me.......so you are 100% right GF, just keep on doing it and looksee what happens....you and stairs. this is for you honey from me
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Too tight? Or is this typical?

    ignoring you......T
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Too tight? Or is this typical?

    ok, my friend AJ just said a crab is not a fish. so i still wont eat it...no matter what..now that i embarrassed myself i will go blog about sammy hagar or something.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Anxiety over being "Normal"

    you are just rotten sometimes
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Thought it would be hard

    in my opinion, it is as (hard) as you make it......
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠


  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Discouraged but trying

    if you are losing *inches*, you are losing weight....the scale goes up and down all day long.....that being said, it doesnt matter how long it takes you to lose weight to get to where you want to be (as long as you get there).....you will lose at your pace (and the correct/healthy way) and in the long run, this process will make you healthier.....that is what WLS is about.....not how fast one loses.....sure some larger BMI people lose faster and sure some who are super duper tight and cant drink/eat lose fast but what matters is you listening and following your doctors instructions, eating healthy, exercising and staying focused on the goal.....your health. you got this.......keep going
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre op Diet Struggles

    well, you just do.. on mine, the first 4 to 5 days was the hardest for me.....the detoxing effects of headaches, liquids in and liquids out and me whining about it and saying i am starving etc....in reality, we wont starve and its more a mind game.....the pre and post op diet was the hardest thing i have ever done in my life.....my ole man got tired of me whining on my pre op and he looked at me and said something that made a light switch go off in my head...he said you wanted this *surgery*, you do what you have to in order to have it and told me to woman up....he sure did.....and you know what he was right.....i went through all the dr appts, follow ups, sleep tests, blood work, xrays etc.....and well, i am saying YOU can do this.....stay busy, drink alot......use SF popsicles (my life saver) and think of the big picture (not the i am hungry because you are just thinking you are right now as we are use to eating all the time/whatever we want)...... go hour by hour stay busy, drink alot and get on with it.. keeping my fingers crossed
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Too tight? Or is this typical?

    it isnt? its in the water right?no wonder i dont eat fish......i cant figure out WTF it is...
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Anxiety over being "Normal"

    terry t and miss said it great with their comments the only thing i can say is, if you enjoy your weekend (and so what if you over do it once or twice, food and life is meant to be enjoyed/lived), get right back on it and basically do the best you can where ever you are by making good choices (or best you can)...but eating this weekend wont make you gain a zillion pounds...heck girl, just go and have a good time.....you are mentally in this game and you will do and BE fine.... take pictures
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Too tight? Or is this typical?

    BOOM and i love your comment.....makes 100% sense. (except the crab stuff as i dont do fish )
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My First challenge.....PMS with the band!!!

    need chocolate?...me to and i am not a sweet person........on my pms days, i quench that thirst with a chocolate protein shake put some ice and ff milk and chocolate protein powder in a vitamixer and make my own frosty shake delicious and good for me.........or sf pudding
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Wtf!!! Save ur comments

  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    For those who measure...

    hub and myself prepare my foods 95% of the time (measured and weighed out) protein 4 oz, veggies 3 to 4 oz and some fruit 2 to 3 oz.....not all ate when i do eat.....as the band lets me know when enough is enough.....that being said, i choose not to eat certain things so i know that the foods i eat are considered in the calorie counting process (high fat/cals etc)...3500 is a pound.....if i eat more cals then i can burn off, i will gain.....i make sure i am well under that every day.....i eat when i am truly hungry.....protein first (that is my fuel) veggies and later on fruit......eating out, we dont do much but i just eyeball it and try not to fester so much.....again, the band controls what i input ........do what works for you.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠


    want a positive....here is one...you just had a major surgery that will give you better health and a chance to live a longer life....(healthier than what you are now)...you wanted this surgery and now you have it..id tell you what my ole man told me on my pre op but i am afraid id start getting hate mail again LOL........allow your body to heal, rest, take your pain meds, take immodium ad.....this was major surgery, not a hair appt..........in 6 months time you will be on here telling you felt just like they are....right this very moment.....give it a chance....and the people that responded to your thread, care also......that is another positive for you. smile okay?

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