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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    happy 29th anniversary to me and my hub... went and got flu shot (ouch) and weigh in for me..lost 5 pounds..total 145 pounds lost/no fills/17 months post op i am happy and i am even more happy with the mobility aspect...knowing i can get out and walk a mile or through stores and that i (can) in awesome.. i do regret not talking my measurements when i had surgery i was just to ashamed to have hub do that..or anyone else for that matter. hub had done that in the past, tracking inches lost and its a cool thing..maybe why i love using my clothes as a (scale or judge) to see how i am doing.. i told hub i was bloated and i probably may have lost more and he said we dont care what numbers say as they say different things all day long (true) we care what the size is we are now.......today, i got a pair of 14's on ...yeah, i am okay with that.
  2. reading this doesnt make me happy..i guess because we live in the land of freedom of speech she has that right and i guess she is just enforcing her rights...being fat/obese is still looked at with disgust and it seems the world doesnt see that as anything other than one person not controlling themselves and being fat/lazy...until people see the inside of a person, all they will see is the outside and judge based on that...and as long as society views people like me as slobs, and its okay to make fun of people like me, it wont change...as for this lady, i hope she has a happy halloween and chokes on a piece of candy.
  3. i would say the (i eat what i want and how much you want) could be issue just because you can eat whatever/however much doesnt mean you should.. you need to try and eat your allotment, healthier options and exercise to gain true weight, you must take in more calories than you burn off are you eating over 3500 calories a day as that is a pound (ate or drank) hang in there...it will come
  4. happy 29th anniversary to me and my hub...went and got flu shot (ouch) and weigh in for me..lost 5 pounds..total 145 pounds lost/no fills/17 months post op

  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    .....very stressful day at work......didnt feel lik step aerobics today so hub told me to get my nikes on and us 3 (including kabo the doberman) took a mile walk......felt really good....... combine that with eating great...and i know my band/plication doing its thing,,
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Am I doing something wrong????????

    instead of worrying what you are doing wrong...how about focusing on what you are doing right.... and then keep doing it..
  11. as long as you lose (weight or inches), a loss is a loss no matter how much or how (isnt) it is..
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    17 months post op

    oh yeah.....it is what it is.....i am exercising so i hope it tones/tightens up as best it can...it is mainly now on my upper arms and (my stomach apron) and saggy thighs...i dont like it much but that is what happens as i allowed my self to get well over 300+ pounds and sag is pound to happen...i dont know if i will ever be able to have surgery to remove any of it...if not, i will just be glad not to be labeled super morbid obese.....i prefer to have sag then my skin to be tight/super fat......but i am exercising and hoping it continues to get better..
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    5 Weeks Post Op and still nauseated

    eating too fast or too much can cause this to happen...but it wouldnt hurt to ring your doctor and let them know and have them advise you ...hang in there
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Take me to a restaurant?

    i order the best/most healthy option they offer...eat my allotment and enjoy being out with whomever i am with....eat slow, chew alot and enjoy life... :wub:
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Protein bars

    i get pure protein bars from walmart 20 grams protein....easy to keep in my purse, at work in drawer and in car and hubs mc riding vest when we go...delicious also..in fact walmart has many varietys/types....all flavors....
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hear ME Out

    good things happen to those who are patient... hang in there okay
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    check in..

    this is excellent you did it by george and that tells me you so got this i will be your cheer leader GF
  18. sorry to read all your troubles...hope you are better now...
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    check in.....crazy day at work.......really miss blogging on this forum argh but alex told me to hang in there and it will be up and running soon.. my desk looks like a paper mill......contracts out the butt........i had meetings all day 2 interviews and i am like does my phone ever stop ringing? i came home and did my aerobics.....i now enjoy working out and look forward to it. i ate well as i do every day....my calories are mostly Proteins first...some veggies and fresh fruit and i drink all the live long day this is attitude now:
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠


    who supports YOU? i am blessed to have a hub who is a support system for me...at home....but the support comes from me to myself... i actually am supporting myself...to do better...eat better, exercise and believe in myself enough to give a crap.. i do not make excuses..i own it.. when i first started the forum, i was soooo worried people would not like me...and that was up until recently also..and now its like who cares..... who i am is who i am..i am direct..i am up front and i dont like to read BS.....either do it....do it right or shut up already.. dont eat a entire pizza and then post did i hurt the band and did i do wrong?? YOU know as well as i do, what is (better food choices) for you.. do not go off the doctor advised path and be surprised later when (shock/horror) sits in if the scale goes back up or an issue arises... i believe we are all given directions/suggestions on how to use the band properly....i was giving hand outs...i read alot on line.....this is major surgery after all...and i was scared to f**king death... the dr i had pulled no punches.....he said WLS would help me......but unless i started to exercise...eat better it would not work in the long run...he stressed patient compliance is a huge part of the program. i can sit here and list who in my past, what has hurt me and i can go on and on and on and then so on but right here/right now, it is me making that choice to make myself well... overeating in private (so no one would see) still got me super morbid obese...i stopped supporting myself..i stopped caring....i had to get to that point where enough was enough.....are you there yet? this is a process....i read post after post of those who stop trying after surgery because they had wls and bam, its gonna fix it all......and then they are saddened and writing what am i doing wrong.....how about ask yourself what are you doing right? support begins with the person looking back at yourself in the mirror....support YOURSELF that is truly all you need. although other people's support helps/matters
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i am in the mindset of being a larger person who started with a high bmi and labeled super morbid obese, i sometimes still think, will i ever get there? i have had several people ask me (what number/weight) i want to get to...i honestly have no idea. i will know when i get there and that is true. sure i have a number i'd love to get to, but right now the number i see is 199. i want to get to that number...once there, i will figure out where i want to go next. i started this last june and wanted to get to 299. anything to get me out of the 300's...what a great day that was to see that happen. my mindset is different than alot of people on this forum. i do consider myself outside the norm if you will. my mindset is different. i do it totally (my way). i dont weigh daily...i am not a slave to the cal tracking nor do i do fitpal etc....heck i dont even facebook. so i just do what works for me pretty much. i admit its hard seeing people who weigh what i do now, just starting and i am like man, if you know how hard i worked to get to this number (they despise) they'd see me differently i think. i am happy to be at my number...considering what it was.. so my mindset is this do what they told me to do as best i can (slip ups happen and that is life) but def get into the positive thinking aspect and def NOT over think it to where you are second guessing constantly. i see and read that alot. just let the band work. let it help you. and let us (me) help it. my mindset is see the first 100 off.....who knows, maybe another 50 or 60 to go...but i will get there eventually. there is no deadline. no time limit before my band explodes like the old mission impossible tv show......i will get there by going one day at a time. with a mindset of yes i can.
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    its a coming baby
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    for you cat:
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    NSV from my wife.

    WAY 2 go T
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I did not need WLS...

    that is what someone close to me said to me last night at least i didnt have weight loss surgery... talk about surprising me and catching me off guard... it was spoke during a reg type conversation over (halloween candy). i said i was going to buy 1 recess Peanut Butter cup to treat myself...(i am not a sweet person so one is enough) and that comment was made....they can eat whatever they want and they didnt need weight loss surgery.. i mean it hurt...sure it did it hurts now writing this i am a very easy going person..i have a thin skin and my feelings can and do get hurt easily..i am just kind hearted...what i have been told all my life...so i am guessing it is true but at least they didnt have WLS surgery and i did..i mean how does one deal with that?? does this make me bad? make me weak? make me lower then bath scum on inside of tub? does this make me unworthy? unwanted? or a freak side show? i would have thought my tats/piercings/hanging with angels would put me in the freak show category.. does having wls make me an outcast? maybe to some in this world..but whatever it is...whatever it appears to be, i know that me having wls saved my life and gave me back a little (life) that i was slipping away from more and more each and every day. so here it is i allowed myself to get super morbid i overate way too much i drank way too much and i sat on my fat ass way too often yep..that was me. i did it to myself i acknowledge it i accept it i also accept that i sought help as i needed it and if that makes me (a less) person, then so be it so this did catch me off guard but this person also knew how to make a direct hit say something about the (outside) and it hit its target nope i did not go out and feed my face because my feelings were hurt...i just merely let it go in one ear and out the other...i took a hot bath...read a few chapters in a great book and just breathed.. i can’t change what someone thinks of me or of the wls surgery i had...people have their own thoughts...their own opinions... maybe i am not as strong as some and weaker than others...but i am an easy target...us fat people often are..we know we are fat and know the world sees our problem..and i handled it the best way i knew how.... so to that wonderful nice person who told me that they didnt need to have wls all i can say is good for you.....and that i am glad i did

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