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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    In need of encouragement

    banana chips is not going to help with feeling full........eat more Protein...protein helps with this..if you are truly hungry, eat...you are not on a diet anymore..you say you are exercising, are you losing inches?? are your clothes getting to big?? if so, then you are losing no matter if the scale is not moving as fast as you liked...you are still healing from surgery as its only been a little over 2 weeks...you need to calm down, eat to live and not live to eat.. stay busy, read, walk, drink alot and do something besides weighin all the time...sounds like you are dong okay....give your self a break..give yourself a chance before you start saying you are down and discouraged. how can i say that? 17 months ago, i was weighing in at 336...it was either try or get bigger.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Following the Rules...(?)

    rules are different for everyone as doctors are different, peoples bodies/lives etc.. so i dont see a specific set of rules and i feel this plays to being a disaster for some as they get many different versions of what is right and they want to do what someone (who is losing) is doing and then spazzing when what they do (isnt working in their eyes) when it is-- it will if they give it time and stay off the scale..and then they come to this forum, see people posting the opposite of what the dr says to do (aka beer or keeping their band so dangerously tight, all they can do is drink)) and they figure since it is ok with that person, then it must be okay)...well its not.. my rules i follow are from my dr and nutritionist eat Protein first, veggies and fruit..drink alot and exercise... and to stop eating at 20 minutes and not drink 1/2 hour after i eat.....and no carbonation for best results, listen/follow your dr's rules and if you want to know something, call and ask your doctor..if you are losing inches, you are losing weight, no matter what the scale says or dont say..this is the rule i live by
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Band removed (what diet should i try)

    dont diet..just eat better foods...get rid of junk food. things out of boxes or fast foods eat veggies/fruit and lean Proteins.......and as tara said, calories are vital 3500 calories is a pound whether it is ate or drank if you eat/drink more calories than you burn off, you will gain weight
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How much food??

    like missy, my dr advised me on 1 cup of food focusing on protein first..
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I've been lying to myself

    well of course you can...never doubted it for a moment keep going, you got this
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    its saturday..what a long week...not only halloween but my wedding annv, i was also paased over for a promotion and my father in law is back in hospital...thought he was hving a heart attacl so he called 911...turns out he wasnt thanl heavens bit they did do a procedure and found he has 3 bleeding ulcers and his diabetes he is not really adhering to better eating...and he does he also have congestive heart failure......so its a stressful time...he is being realeased today and in a while i am about to go get him from the hospital and take him home.. to today, went shopping at walmart....stopped and did my aerobics class and it felt awesome...came home and sat out in the sun for a couple of hours...and read some ...enjoyed a quiet saturday...hub is with the mc for a function that he couldnt get out of... but wanted to check in...say hey..will be glad as h*ell to be able to blog again have a good one
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Reaching Personal Goals?

    i do not have a (goal weight/number) in mind.. i do have a size id like to see.. i want to get to a point where my body is healthy and fit...it may be 155 (the weight i was when i got married) or 135..who knows..i do not live by what the number on the scale says..i do not let it dictate my life..i did that for 20+ years of dieting... my wls gave me the strength and courage to make the changes to my body from being super morbid obese to where ever i am heading...until people realize that unless they change what they eat, exercise and stop making excuses, the wonderful tool they strove for and worked so hard to get (to lose weight) will not work..its not for sure and its not a guarantee..it is easy to use...people either choose to use it as intended or instructed..or they dont...and they move to wanting other surgeries... because the feel the band or whatever doesnt work as it does work..those who choose not to use it correctly, their journey will never end..and they will forever struggle until the day i die, my journey/process of getting and staying healthy will never stop..
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Im just gonna say it

  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What was your favorite mushie?!

    add me to tmf/chicago...(and loved then and now when i want a quick snack)--fat free refried beans...salsa, cheese, onions...UMMMMM
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need some "Thin-speration"

    get right back on course NOW you got this...
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    sorry i am posting so much here. i miss being able to blog. once its back up and running, i will just my home/world over there again. so if i hog a thread or something, i apologize now
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Love love love my lapband!!!!

    GF what a fabulous success story.......well done......
  14. Name, real or screen~ ♥carolinagirl♥ Goal weight for November 30th~ I would like to be 189 Weight on November 1st~ 191 (on Oct 30th) Age~ 47 City/State~ Raleigh, NC Dietary goal for November~ Protein first, fresh veggie/fruits Exercise goal for November~ continue my step aerobics daily and walking Personal goal for November~ to remain positive and keep on keeping on Date banded~ 6-6-12 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~145 Favorite Thanksgiving Activity~ being off work and being with ole man *i do not weigh in but once a month, so my update for this November Challenge will be the first of December*
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well we all had to (recommit and get our butts in gear)...so how to do it.. START NOW....back to basics......eat your allotment of food....protein first, veggies, fresh fruit.....leave processed and fast food where they belong (away from you as its garbage)......and excercise and drink alot.....dont wait til whenever to recommit..or start monday.....START NOW.. no time like the present..you can so do this..i believe in you..now its time for you to believe in you.
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    had a halloween party at work.....i did eat some apple slicesm some slice cheese and 1 small brownie.. i brought my own beef pattie to eat......there was so many yummies, it all looked so good.....but what looked even better was me knowing the scale was almost in the 180s....and nothing can taste as good as that..i ate what i wanted and not for one second did i feel deprived or left out.. came home and went to my aerobics class......hub came home and he said lets go walking and i did that too....loving every day with my band and plication..
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    17 months post op

    well, yesterday was my 29th annv...we ate out a local (buffet) instead of chinese..they were having steak and hub likes to eat (alot) so we went and it was delicious...yes i ate...i always feel bad leaving stuff on my plate but it is what it is....that is my life now...a bite of this..a bite of that.....and def ate my 4 oz filet mignon steak though..yep, overly well done w/ketchup.....YIPPE something to be said for knowing the band is inside me, working and telling quickly when enough is enough.....and with eating slow, chewing alot, picking high protein/healthy options (no deprivation) its nice..its doing its job..no need to over think...ponder oh my this or oh my that...just let the band do its job......and listen/feel/seek out those signals that it does tell you. some burp, some have runny nose, some whatever.......i have a baby burp and i can tell when i have had (enough). the plication has made my stomach small and very small amounts fill me up and i feel (full).....and the band also helps with this....and the baby burp lets me know to put fork down.....1 cup of food or not..if its less, its less.... i advise you to listen to your body signals we all know what (full) feels like and when we had enough dont wait on the band to say stop.....you take responsibility to stop. that is exactly what i do....and since i cant eat much...i choose to eat the best foods i can... this morning, at work, we are having a halloween party i had a small brownie and it was awesome.....i also chose fruit/sliced cheese and made my own 96% lean beef patty.....mainly because i like it.....and because i know that Protein is good for me to have....and all these goodies is not an excuse to just have at it...... i am not deprived...if i wanted it, id eat it..... but i merely chose not too....i sit here typing this and going me being this close to 189 is way better tasting that all those holiday sweets/cakes/cookies etc.....way way better i am not all that and do not claim to be like you, i was giving instructions on how to use the band (and my plication) for best results....and i am trying my hardest to do just that...i am very happy with the results but i focus on this 24/7 and i eat right, i exercise and i just do it....no excuses, no drama no whiney....just getting it done...as i am the ONLY one who can.. anyhow, tonight i plan on walking with ole man and kabo the doberman looking forward to it....especially now that i can.. :wub:
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    .....what a great day...a great evening..
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    what do i do??

    seems those who are scared or have no idea are the biggest naysayers...and blowers of hot air.. sorry he hurt your feelings.....do what you want and make your self well i hope he comes around honey,
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Affordable Care Act

    this is funny as he**ll
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Whats the earliest you can drink alcohol?

    i am still surprised that people go through all the steps of surgery, are advised what to do for best results, and then do just the opposite..and then tell people i did it and i am fine...well good for you..but telling and advising people the incorrect things (that drs say not to do) is just wrong in my opinion..but hey, whatever works. melan, if you want to know if it is okay to drink alcohol after surgery, 2 weeks out, call and ask your doctor..see what they say.. i love pink also btw...hope you have a great time.
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠


    Is the blog going to be up and running today? I really enjoy the blogging part of this forum. It let's me (think) and get my thoughts out ..So can you give me an idea of when it will be up and when I will be able to use it again?
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    1 week since surgery..

    about 8 days post op, things started seemingly heading back to normal world for me... just hang in there...glad you called the dr and they gave you those meds..i have the in my purse, home and work, just in case....keep sipping and sip some more..it may not seem like it now, but in 6 months, you will be telling people what i just told you
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠


    sounds like you are in it to me...its a great feeling huh i like b52, and you, can only eat so much, so i make sure its good/healthy choices why i truly believe the band i have controls my quantity and i merely control the quality i eat. GOOD for you..have fun at the convention
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    oh, took the day off.......came home from dr and did aerobics and looking forward to eating out with hub.. chinese sounds good

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