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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New Content

    i am right there with you. I cant find any new content in regards to lap band people (or see if my friends are on the forum currently).
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    i am gonna make this a GREAT day
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠


    in the dictionary, next to success, is your name. well done.....cant wait to see the pictures if you share them.. skinny jeans and all GF
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What People Dont Tell You About Weight Loss

    i try not to focus on the negative..we got enough of that in the world and on this forum...i try to see only the positive....so what i got some sag...hey, who am i kidding...i gots lots of sag...from bat wings on my upper arms, to my belly apron to my thighs.....but let me say, i am very much more healthier now......at 145 pounds lost then i was when i started......i will take sag over that scale number well over 336 anyday.. sure some bad happen but the good surely outweighs the negative.
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    BMI over 50 - In it for the long haul

    congrats on your surgery and your success....i started out with a BMI of 62 myself...
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Happy Vet's Day To Us Too!

    happy veterans day to my banded sistas and brothas hope all the vets had a great day.....it was and is a special day for our country...my parents were both army (my dad served 3 terms in vietnam) and my 2 brothers were in the 82nd Airborne and Rangers respectively..i married an air force guy (still am for 29 yrs) and he retired out at 25 yrs and now my gorgeous son is serving in england with the air force..... just this past weekend, my ole man's mc rode in 2 parades and i was the most proud (not at seeing his sexy self) but at seeing all the flags and all the people standing up and saluting or putting their hands over their hearts as the flags marched down the street... respect america.....love it and be thankful......i sure am
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠


    yes, i eat those 100 cal packets easy to take into movies (and i keep a couple in my drawer at work)alot of salt but not too bad to have every once in a while...remember, we are not on a diet....eat what we like but make better choices and enjoy (eating)..without over thinking it..
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lapband Haters

    pretty damned embarrassing if you ask me..... as the lap band turns is funny as hell though
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    LOVE this one:
  10. i measure (my meats) pre cooked and then wrapped and froze.......but i recon you weigh before or after cooking..whatever works i got my red one (battery/digital) from amazon..10 dollars but walmart has some cute ones
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    long day at work but was able to get some non essentials done while it was slow..being a holiday.. stressful at work and the ever ongoing in laws have made me (tight)......which means a very small amount makes me full...i cant eat my allotted amount...jso def making sure y protein shakes are being used..just a few bites......and then this new website where i cant see if anyone of my peeps are on or find any new threads besides ones that are old.....i am like WTF.. came home from work, hub was in yard trimming hedges..kabo the doberman out rolling in the branches and i went inside and kicked major a*ss with my step aerobics dvd felt good.......felt real good........and the weather said, maybe some flurries tomorrow.....guess no more flip flops for me........and to think i just got my carolina blue manicure ON........
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hey Cg, I Know It Isn't A Skull, But...

    that is so kewl....hub is finishing up his upper arms both...he said inside upper arm hurt like a mother....his words my worse one was the one on my lower back (its huge and took about 4 hrs) and the tops of my feet.......that was BRUTAL
  13. no one wls is better than the other a lot is based on the patient.. if you eat more calories than your burn off (counting them or not) you will gain sleeve, band or bypass....

    1. Terry Poperszky

      Terry Poperszky

      The one that you will work, is the best one for you.

  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hey Cg, I Know It Isn't A Skull, But...

    now that sounds awesome...are you going w/color on the flower or black/gray?
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Bought My First Bikini

    seriously, i am too scared to get on a big boat.. titantic rings a bell.....and def worried about getting sea sick....
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hey Cg, I Know It Isn't A Skull, But...

    LOVE LOVE LOVE IT ........t this is the bomb and LOVED the website you sent. next time a skull
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Starting On Real Food!

    aint you sweet....dont over think it...you will make good decisions. you got this sweetie..guarantee it.
  18. “The problem is not the problem. The Problem is your attitude about the problem.”

  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Gotta Get This Off My Chest

    i admit i would be (lost) without this forum...my thoughts on the new site features are not very good at present but i admit 100% that this forum has helped me...i have met/made some good friends on here that i care about and who i encourage and they in turn encourage me...its nice to know (we) are not alone in this saga of our lives... i now block those i dont care to view their posts/comments and no longer let it bother me..and it use too....let me tell you...but no matter what, the best thing to do is always ALWAYS refer to your own doctor/surgeon....regardless of whom has had a band for how long or how successful they are...or how unsuccessful they are.....with all things in life, things vary.....this includes all WLS, the patient compliance (or lack there of).....but i admit, i have wrote down things i read on here and aksed my dr.....and as always, i go by what HE tells, advises me.....even if it is against what someone else (or their doctor or whatever someone pulled off the web somewhere).....he is my dr and that is whom i listen too... this forum is great....just some people dont make it so great sometimes..just block them, and move on.....and def dont respond to them as its what they want you to do...so not worth it..
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Starting On Real Food!

    its always (scary) to be able to eat again after banding...i know it was for me...i was scared to eat and scared to (regain) the Water weight i was losing by being on liquids..see what a warped mind dieting does to people.....TMF is right..eat what you want.....but make EXCELLENT choices.....some foods are better than others (baked or grilled vs fried) .....myself only eat lean Proteins, veggies and fruit (nothing from a box which is highly processed) and i choose to not eat certain things....i am very aware that 3500 calories ate or drank is 1 pound.....so since the band/plication i have wont allow me to eat much, i decided that when i do eat, its gonna be GOOD...... eat slow, chew alot, make good choices.....no dieting needed to lose weight.
  21. yes, 17 months post op, and i weigh/measure and prepare my meals (meats/veggies/fruits) by using a scale..4oz is 4 oz.....sometimes if you wing it, it maybe more oz than you realize....def a good way to get control of your portion allotment..i highly recommend it..(hub and myself use it just about everyday).
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    17 months post op

    October 6 will be 17 months post op for me. Green sweater was right around 336 pounds Here is a picture hub took of me this a.m before i left for work i am closing in on the 150 pound loss mark...so yeah, the lap band and plication DOES work.
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Bought My First Bikini

    people that dont know will be offended by this, but i dig ridin b**itch

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
