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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. tried to pm a few people and it wont let me.........unless i am blocked.... anyone else?
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No more lap bands in my area?

    whatever you, keep in touch with me....i agree with a lot of what you wrote and even about leaving...i am not on her much anymore that is for sure..
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    checking in.......yesterday, did a lot of walking and it was fun... whats fun is that i can (now).....walk.......when i couldnt not that long ago and now that i can, that to me is success.. ans yes with that (horrid) band i have been reading about....yikes...you would think us large people would support each other and not judge so harshly...boy is this ever proving to be wrong...and how sad. anyhow.......that is not my business or concern... cat/steph....uk will whip my butt and you dont need to show up as i give up now......dec line up for me is brutal....i barely got by friday......i cant wait to see how we play today at 4..... last night we met up with some mc people and watched a band play and it was a good time wore my new wedges i got...with spikes no less LOL so, lets continue to eat well...move, stay hydrated and remain POSITIVE
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hiccups After Eating?

    i get (baby) hiccups when my bnad/plication is giving me a sign of (enough)
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Am I The Only One Who Cant Pm People?

    i am happy for everyone who chose a wls to make themselves well....i support whatever decision they made and will be their #1 fan..however, i am sick and tired of reading back and forth that is is better than the other and so on........i dont really care whom has what or why or how come or what statistics said what......what matters is using the wls you chose and get well.....lose weight and live life i come or came to this forum to seek support/friendship from banded people like myself...if i had the sleeve or bypass, i would go to that forum...i have not been on this forum as much as i cant find my friends whom i talk to for one, cant tell if they are online and i cant find the banded forums.. so feel free to pm or quote something i wrote so i know to respond to you i miss the support/encouragement i had merely a week ago... absolutely will continue my path to better health but it sure would be nice to see my (friends) again
  6. just do the best you can with whatever WLS you have

    1. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡


      I agree Carolina. Everyone's journey is different, and we may choose different paths, but it's the results at the end of our journeys that we all yearn and strive for:)


    2. M2G


      Totally agreed! :)

    3. gamergirl


      Thank you! Agree completely. We're all here for the same reason.

  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No more lap bands in my area?

    whatever weight loss surgery one decides to get, i wish them all the best and to have better health that is the the only thing i will add to this forum thread..
  8. got my nails done....har colored...off to mc dinner...its a great day

    1. chasingadream


      Have a wonderful time--im sure you look GORGEOUS!!

    2. Debbie3sons
  9. choose what works for you.....following the doctors instructions on how to use is for the best results.....sometimes things with any WLS happens (good and bad)....and this is a risk we all take.....no one surgery is better than the other....patient compliance in ALL areas is a must....

  10. "It's what it is," UNC coach Roy Williams

    1. catfish87


      Good luck tonight my friend. I'll be rooting for your Heels!

    2. ☠carolinagirl☠


      8 cant here sooooooooon enough

  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Sick And Craving Comfort Foods, Help!

    eat what you want in your allotted amounts....nothing off limits.. when i am sick, i dont feel like eating......and havent had soup since day i came off of post diet july 2012).......4 1/2 weeks of soup/broth....def turned me off soup.....
  12. if you eat more calories than you burn off, you will gain weight...regardless of WLS or not...

    1. ☠carolinagirl☠


      hard to believe the amount i ate.....not to mention the (type)of food..it still blows me away that i can (only) a certain amount...pretty kewl though.so since i cant eat much, what i do eat, i make it count/worth it.

    2. Jim1967


      Exactly. I choose the good stuff over the bad cause I can only eat a little as it is.

    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      yes, same here too jim...big difference from eating to just eat and now just eating to live/feed bodies..

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    came home yesterday....and did my dvd step aerobics ..... while i was doing my thing, it occurred to me, that my body was working.. and it was getting stronger and healthier with each step i take up and down.. and that is what having WLS is all about. recently read a post on band vs sleeve vs bypass does it really matter??? get the one you want and will adhere to the instructions and GET well each day that passes is a day lost...... is how i see it... i have the band and plication...i am making it work for me.. if something happens, i will deal......worrying about what ifs does NOT help......what if nothing goes wrong?? see what i am saying... so i am getting healthier every day exercising eating GREAT food and the more inches i lose, the more shoes i buy gotta love those FM shoes...
  14. came home from aerbics and hub had a single rose for me...he said i am proud of you.....it was worth it sweat/breath hard and come home to that

    1. sophiepants


      That's so sweet

    2. Debbie3sons


      He sounds just like a swell sweet guy and it sounds like he is falling in love again with you, that is cool though that he was waiting with a rose for you.



    3. SillyAuntDi


      That is so sweet!

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Winter Weight

    could be......never really thought about it....all i know (in regards to myself)...holiday time, cold or hot weather, sleet, snow, hurricane, whatever..eating more calories than i burn off will make me gain weight.... will just do my best....happy holidays
  16. yes i am on my way to where ever i am heading and whether yo are just out of the gate as you say or 6 years out like someone else, it boils down to eating good foods, in the allotted amounts and exercising.....3500 calories is a pound, ate or drank.....healthy foods or not so healthy....food is food.....to deprive is not the way to go. i am very strict and have been since i have been blessed to get the band/plication....i was well on my way to an early grave...i had to be strict and serious..anyone who knows me i am this way for a reason....but i do not do without...if i want something i eat a bit......eat it, enjoy it and move on... PS, jim, missy or myself did not advise not to listen to the dr.....i am a zillion percent in def listen to your dr.....i do all the way......how i got to where i am right now.
  17. i agree with jim.....to not eat something is not how to live...eat to live not live to eat....eat what you want...and def make better choices sometimes..i mean i cant live on dominio's pizza every day and expect to lose weight... i eat what i want....in my allotted amount i just now change what i eat....i make better choices... i eat one meal of whatever i want a week....and love every drop... life is too short to say i cant have this or that.. one meal of high fat/high calorie wont make one gain 10 pounds just like meal of veggies wont make one lose 10 pounds...its a ongoing process. hang in there...
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Inches Lost....

    if you lost inches, then you are losing weight. if that makes you disappointed, nothing i say will change it. and its a fact and yes i say and preach it, if you are losing inches, then you are losing actual weight regardless of what the scale says or doesnt say....its truth...its reality...its a sure sign of weight loss.
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Missy Where Are You?

    alex told me to be patient......trying
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Missy Where Are You?

    now this made me smile bandista
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Question For Alex

    am i gonna have to remove the hearts next to my name so people can pm me? i sure hope not
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Missy Where Are You?

    yes, i tried to pm miss and a few others and started thinking i was blocked by the world sniff sniff.......but i am like oh my heavens... i asked alex, i hope he read it.....and hope i dont have to lose my hearts next to my name.. i had those since i started here nearly 2 yrs ago....
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Cold Hands And Feet?

    i am cold at work because they must want to the insides to match the temps outside..BRR
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lapband Vs Sleeve Vs Bypass Surgery

    i was super morbid obese...it was either seek/get help or be cut out of my house one day..my dr wanted me to do the bypass (and my ins did not cover the sleeve or the ds).....and even though the dr tried to get me to do the bypass (due to my starting bmi of 62) i held fast to the band......he then told me of the plication but stressed it is new so he couldnt tell me alot of it.....i had to sign a waiver for this and he did it for free w/the band......... he told me something i never forgot......he said no matter what WLS i got.....the bypass, the sleeve, the ds, the band, the plication or whatever.......that unless i changed what i ate....begin to exercise, no WLS would help me... choose what works for you.....following the doctors instructions on how to use is for the best results.....sometimes things with any WLS happens (good and bad)....and this is a risk we all take.....no one surgery is better than the other....patient compliance in ALL areas is a must.... i went from hardly being able to wipe my butt and barely walking.. to now doing step aerobics classes on a 4 inch step bench 4 to 5 days a week and back to strutting in my 5 inch heels (because i can now).....in 17 months...for me i made the best decision for ME up to you...all the best

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