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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Can't see my weight loss

    are you losing inches? buying smaller clothes? if so, you are losing.....no matter if the scale is slow to move or not at all.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Accountability and encouragement

    checking in and reporting did my step aerobics... after that long ass mile (coming home up a freeking hill) and boy oh boy did my calves feel it today while stepping up and down... ate well (no dieting and protein first) exercising (plus a lot of walking while shopping today) having the band helped me lose enough weight to begin to (move)...and here i am...
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Op Need To Know's

    i was advised many things (good and bad).....but what i didnt expect was by having this surgery, and me beginning to lose weight would make me feel fantastic so soon after surgery...i expected it not to work because of all the up/downs/dieting/starving so why would this work for me......i didnt expect it to work..........but it did and it made me try harder and do my best...probably not the answer you wanted but its the one i wanted to give. for best results, follow what your dr advises.......you can do it...
  4. well, if me saying for best results its best to follow your dr;s instructions, then i am rude..but i am also right. i will continue to say that to any and everyone. hang in there.
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    More Questions

    for best results, following what your dr advised you do on your diet is important
  6. you should a meeting like this in the chat room on a specific date/time i am sure a lot of people would enjoy this.including myself
  7. let me say, i dont think anyone was rude by reading over the post again... advising someone to listen to their dr and follow their dr instructions (via pre and post op) is not only the correct thing to do but its the right thing do...and if someone chooses not to listen to their own d's advice, well, i believe those people will struggle...its major surgery..not a manicure appt...for best results, we all, no matter what WLS has, need to do what our dr's advised us to do... you asked a question..you got responses... i wish you nothing but the best on your journey to better health.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    View Content Based On Your Procedure!

    **alex** you rock dude
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Operative Group Class

    you should be you gorgeous thing this is your year......make yourself well and know me and others are right here rooting for you GF
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New Forum Is (Not) So Sad!

    Could you please try to color inside the lines this time and please don't eat the green crayons. LOL!! dont encourage tmf.......he gets in trouble enough on his own,.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New Forum Is (Not) So Sad!

    terry T started it with his and TMF trying to get me to eat fishy yuk yuk
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New Forum Is (Not) So Sad!

    not so sad no more..........seeing and making contact with some of my peeps...
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lapband Vs Sleeve

    if you take in (eat) more calories than burn off with exercise, no matter what WLS you have, you will not lose weight..
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠


    100 pounds.......wow oh wow, good for you. hey, this band thing does work huh?? GREAT job..
  15. Someone pass me my walker. I probably am older than you, Undertaker1220. I am forty-nine. However, my advanced age doesn't seem to be having a negative impact on my recovery. I feel as if I am bouncing back beautifully, just as I did after my two previous surgeries. The last one was in March... So two major surgeries in one year and this old, decrepit broad is still going strong. And for the record, my post op diet is the same one given to all of the patients at my surgeon's practice. Yep, even the whipper snappers. #getoffmylawn I am all about giving support and encouragement but I don't sugar coat and tell someone that potentially harmful behavior is okay. I also don't make snide, backhanded comments and baseless assumptions based on someone's age. There are plenty of people much younger than myself who have a much tougher time of surgery and recovery than I have. Just saying. your old broad made me smile..you crazy girl LOL
  16. saying follow your doctors orders is not rude...its the right thing to do..

  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Slow Progress & In Need Of Support & Ideas

    a loss is a loss...sometimes larger BMI people lose faster (we have more to lose)....as i see it, a loss is a loss....and as long as one is losing (and please make note that if you are losing INCHES and buying smaller clothes, that means you are losing.....no matter what the scale says or does not say.. its a journey....its a process...its a day in and a day out life we live now.. there is not time table to when you get to the number/goal you want..its not a race..what matters is that you make yourself healthy and get well..and it seems you are doing just that.... now that i have about 50 or less to lose now, (the scale is slowly moving) but the inches are still coming off and that is me LOSING......just like you.. and i also work a desk job..but i drink so much, i walk all day to the bathroom.....each step counts remember, eat more calories than you burn off will not let you lose weight, no matter what WLS one has...eat good foods, eat your allotted dr recommended size, exercise......and believe in you..you CAN do this..if you want
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Who Got Stuck For Thanksgiving?

    the pictures you texted me.......LOVE the hair before and AFTER... eye candy got it going ON
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Who Got Stuck For Thanksgiving?

    nope, not me....ate slow, chew alot, took my time and enjoyed the (food) and being with my ole man.....and (yes) the inlaws and aunt......and i am thinking those 3 glasses of wine put me in a (happy) mood.... happy holidays yall
  20. it is tomorrow......it is now....it is today what are you waiting for?

  21. my only (resolution) is to keep doing what i have been doing the last 17 months..eating good foods and exercising and believing in my band/plication and me
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠


    inches lost means true weight loss.........i loved reading this.......so happy for you
  23. its always best to follow your doctors instructions for best results... seems to me if you are concerned about eating then you already know the answer to your question...
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Medifast Post Banding

    a diet is a diet is a diet.......never works....sure it works at the onset (like with liquid diets) but to lose true/actual weight, you must eat less calories then one can burn off.....add some exercise and great food choices (baked vs fried, fresh vs boxed) and no DIETING is needed..... we didnt get fat and need wls overnight and it sure isnt going away in a day or two..its a daily/ongoing process....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
