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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. if you are losing inches, you are losing actual weight

    1. ribearty


      So true. I measured before surgery so if the scale got stuck I had another way to track my loss.

  2. i wish us banders had our own chat room

    1. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡


      I think we're getting separate chat rooms sometime in the near future, according to Alex.


  3. any banders online?

    1. chasingadream
    2. ☠carolinagirl☠


      still cant see the banders on the band forum so i have no idea whose on unless i log out argh..

  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Shredded Cheese

    i am a lap bander, sorry for intrusion, but i added shredded cheese to my chili on this phase (my dr okay'd it)...i went slow, chewed well..
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Help! My Hair Is Falling Out!

    mine thinned a wee bit about 3 months post op dr said to keep my protein up.....and its fine now....i also have thin/fine hair so i was scared... (i do not take biotin...i just do protein to help w/this and that also keeps me full longer between meals)
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠


    thanks for sharing.........looks GREAT (chew a lot and take small bites is my first thought on your thread)
  7. male or female......shame people cant judge people for what is inside.... still wishing you the best ...to OP on this thread.....but i still say, hold your head up, shoulders back and strut your stuff.....do not LET anyone control you or affect you...this is YOUR health....and you are beautiful no matter what the scale number says..today, tomorrow or next month.....
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Out On The Table

    if we keep going/keep trying, whichever WLS one has, we can/will get there...
  9. with whatever WLS no one is better than the other.. what works is you helping the (source) of help

  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    High Bmi Banders

    this is about me...i had a high starting BMI whomever reads my posts/blogs, please understand i am not bragging...boasting or trying to flatter you all with how wonderful i am....and that i am cured of being super morbid obese...i will never be cured.....my journey to better health is until i take my last breath. i am who i am.....a female in her late 40s..who started out as was as wide she was tall...i am relating to whomever i can..hopefully to the larger BMI people and those who had trouble moving..that was me......key word WAS....i am hoping someone will read/see me and go, you know if that crazy fat chick can, then maybe so can i.. i was at the last resort...i had trouble wiping myself i was scared to lay on the bed for fear it would break and god knows i wasnt going anywhere (people laugh at people like me) and i was/am still scared of someone snapping a pic of me and putting it on fat people shopping at walmart......i was so large, i could not walk...i couldnt not stand more than 5 minutes...i hurt everywhere...i hurt not only inside but outside...i never wanted to wake up in the mornings..... i post to try and reach whomever needs it. i do not want anyone to think i am better than they are because i am NOT. i have a few pm's from people (kinda snarky) in regards to fills.....does she or doesnt she.....(nope i do not....the dr did not put a fill in me with a long needle while awake)..they did a primer at surgery...no idea how much or if it is still in there.i will know when i ever get a fill.....so that is my answer to those who say snarky comments....it is what it is.. and when i do get one (if ever) who knows...sometimes when i read people getting fill after fill and scheduling their first ones day out of surgery, i sometimes wonder what i am (missing)...i am human after all..... but if i do and when i do have a fill...i will NOT be so tight as i can only drink.....to me that is stupid and dangerous..living is not about only being able to drink...that is just not right.....i will not allow myself to fall into that..sure you can and will lose on all liquids.....but its not a healthy way.....dont care what you say...ask your dr and get their answer on living life on liquids... so, i have the plication...similar to the sleeve but NOT the sleeve its a new thing (not a fad) and its early in the stages....the dr did this to me after explaining the situation i was in and with my BMI being a massive 62, he wanted to help me..as i did not want the bypass...my dr wanted me to do that but i was too scared..damn near 350 pounds but still to scared to have something to help me... i remember telling him i would make this band work. he did not look very sure of that...well, nearly 150 pounds lighter, yeah, i said i made it work...I HAD TO...the fact is this about me..this is what i do...day in and day out. i eat to lose weight i eat what i want...when i want which is when i am hungry...read that again i eat when i am HUNGRY i do not diet i do not spend my days counting calories...i know what i eat..i make excellent choices..(you can choose baked over fried, fresh over boxed)...i know what goes into the food (as my hub and me prepare/package/measure it 98% of the time).....i am aware 3500 calories is a pound..i know not to eat more calories then i can burn off..simple math.....and the band/plication HELPS me with the amount by signaling a very full feeling to me......to STOP..... i do not eat something and say i am horrible and that i am a failure and i am weak and i blew it..this is dieting thinking.. i know one meal (of whatever) wont make me gain 10 pounds of actual weight and one excellent healthy meal wont make me lose 10 pounds of actual weight....its a day in and day out process.....until people realize that.....they are stuck in the on going diet round and round process... eat better/healthier foods make choices that are good for you YOU CAN IF YOU WANT if you start saying its xmas and i cant control myself, yeah you can and you could if you wanted..just like me....i have to make those choices also. and i exercise every day..i do it....and get on with it......day in and day out..dont care what you do as long as you do....its up to you to do what you have to do.. i see it this journey from a former 336 pound person...a starting BMI of 62 it was either get bigger or get it done.. and here i am......where are you?
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    High Bmi Banders

  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Does It Feel Like?

    i do not feel the band and i can feel a slight (hardness) where my port is...and the more weight i lose, the more it is more visible.and that DOES NOT bother me...(my battle scar/symbol) of my winning the fight again super morbid obesity.. why does it not bother me...because 17 months ago, i was looking at my stomach and looking like i was 2 yrs pregnant with 56 kids inside..i will take a slight bugle over living with a stomach that size any day.
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Feeling Like A Failure...

    a failure for what? because you are not at goal weight you want or what? to lose weight and get healthy should be the goal...its not a time limit.. i have no idea what (fantasy feeling) you are referring too..i agree with karen, seeing a nutritionist may help you with food choices..if you eat more calories than you burn off, you will gain, no matter what WLS you have or (fills)....slow and steady wins the race...truly. if you think like a failure, you will fail......you have a excellent source to help you lose weight...let it work....(and you do your part)...be positive.. winning the battle begins with your thinking (not the band surgery).
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Wls....a Bad Name!

    let me add.......id do it all again tomorrow if i had to....
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Wls....a Bad Name!

    oh yeah...EASY way out liquids in and liquids out......yeah that was FUN FUN FUN esp at work and i know the bathroom is 54 steps one way away i recall us driving back from the base...guess whom didnt make it....(me if you dont know) oh yeah, those after surgery shots in my belly (for blood clots) where it looked likethe green bay packers tackled me in the end zone....on my entire stomach area for about a month. lets not forget the itching, the shoulder pain, the sore after surgery..and nothing but liquids for 4 1/2 weeks. (to this day i havent had Soup or broth for 17+ months) yes it was easy..... and to those who say (we took the easy way out) maybe to you but who is getting healthy and who isnt? seems the ones who run their mouth as sitting their fat as*ses on the couch as we are passing them..... great post (caught the dream) aka chasing the dream.......as always
  16. you know its a good day when you get a raise....Happy Friday yall

    1. Debbie3sons


      A raise in Money is always good , just no a raise in weight lol..

    2. ♕ajtexas♕


      & just in time for xmas!

    3. terrydumont46
    4. Show next comments  135 more
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Change Wls

    i say do what works for you but let me also say that unless a person changes what they eat *excess calories/eating more then they can burn off*, then no WLS will work....each WLS is a great added (tool)...(aid)....or as i see it (my lapband/plication), a last chance life saver...i intend to have my band til whenever, as my health is never ending no matter when i get to my goal.
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Does Anyone Miss Fizzness Of Soda

    nope........i miss coors light sometimes though.but my dr said no carbonation..so nope it remains
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    3 Weeks Post Op-Still In Pain...

    if still in pain, call and tell your dr and let them advise you.. feel better soon
  20. foaming pee.........never heard of this.....great read T
  21. you must want.....you must then DO and then believe

    1. Kitt3000


      Sista! I BELIEVE! Have a great day!

    2. Debbie3sons


      I wanted , now doing and believe I will.


    3. chasingadream


      I'M A BELIEVER!! :)


  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Protein Bars

    go to walmart all sorts, all flavors....options are amazing....
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Oh You're Never Gonna Believe This Nsv....

    a diamond for a diamond
  24. going to carolina in my mind....hey wait, i am HERE

  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Are You Reading?

    here is what i just started

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
