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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. dont think so, id call the dr asap.....dehydration is dangerous all the best to you
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Five Weeks Out and Second Fill Today

    congrats and thank you for sharing your saga......i enjoy reading about it
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hump Day! Wednesday....what you doin?

    counting the minutes til i am outta work at 430 friday.......
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    sorry it posted 2x
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    hey GA i am 18 months post op and down 150 pounds.. went from size 30 pants to a 14 now.. lost steadily monthly...focused totally on what my dr told me to do for best results......eat protein, veggies. fruit....and i tweeked it to include no rice, bread, pasta, potatoes...by my own choosing....and def let the band tell me when enough is enough...and to always stop at 1 cup or 1 1/2 period....and lets not forget exercise......and this is where i am today...
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Coping With Christmas

    eat bits of everything be mindful of the choices and remember, 3500 calories is a pound (ate/drank) and if we take in more calories then we burn off, we will gain.. xmas time or not....so enjoy the holidays, eat and try not to overthink it..
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    View Content Based On Your Procedure!

    hey alex i must have messed up my forum choices as now i see bypass/sleeve people on my lap band view.. can you help me please? you know i am shocked i can get to work everyday...i swear
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    only your dr can tell you if your band has slipped..as 5.0 said, who knows why...sometimes it just happens and sometimes a patients compliance...all i know is if you have pain, go to the dr.....if you are still having pain, keep going back and tell them or go somewhere else. any WLS is major....pain will happen...our bodies must heal...my port was sore/tender for about a month...and in reading some posts, just because we can eat (more than is recommended we do as per our doctors) does not mean we should....and we all have choices in picking some foods over better choices... its a day in and day out process...dont expect any WLS to do the magic cure.. we gotta help it along....and yes i can say this as i was 336 and as wide as i am tall when i started 18 months ago...
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Medical Clearance

    well mz...sounds to me like you had a GREAT DAY am so happy the dr reports showed cleared and of course a new birth coming into the family....and lets NOT forget its her birthday.... this is YOUR year....this time next year, just imagine where you will be.. how exciting...good things happen to good people and you are def in that category...
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    what the........?

    you get right back on track..that is what you do.....you are in total control.. am sure you didnt do as bad as you are making out.... so eat if truly hungry and there is nothing wrong with eating.. chocolate or whatever...3500 calories is a pound whether its ice cream or steak.... you got this...drink more, stay busy but def give yourself some credit..you ARE in control
  11. i was just finishing up mine during my surgery..i got to wear a cute pair of panties and a pad....just messing...i told the dr and he said not to worry....he had seen it all...gosh, i am afraid of what he did see (thank heavens i was asleep)
  12. stunning and gorgeous not only on the outside (can you say one hot momma) but def on the inside... what a great inspiration you are not only to me but to us all va va voom GF
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Weight Loss

    3500 calories is a pound (ate or drank) are you taking in more calories than you burn off? and just because you can eat more than you should (or was recommended) doesnt mean you should..... congrats on 25 pounds lost.....try picking up 5 bags of sugar and tote that around all day and see how it feels...sounds like you are doing well...losing is based on a person on many different things...who can say....only you know if you eat more cals than you need to or if you exercise...
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Excess Food

    eye candy is stronger mentally then she thinks..i know it.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Can We Talk? About Being Cold

    ugg boots? i wish i had some..... happy holidays eye candy...stay warm
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I've Turned My Back On Excercise

    you can lose w/o exercise...just go slower is all......and if you dont want to exercise, def make sure you do not take in more calories than you can burn off.......BUT if you do exercise (heck when i started i was only able to march in place for 3 minutes--true story).....imagine how much you could lose.....and i am not talking scale numbers....those go up and down all day long.......i am talking inches lost.....losing inches by exercising is a strong motivation to get up and do it.......even if you dont want too.. i didnt want to work out yesterday...my knee hurt...but i did it anyhow because i needed too.....so can you......if you want.
  17. this morning/weigh in/18 mnth post--down 3---total loss 150 and counting

  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Dr Reckons Sleeve Is Best. Now Confused..

    because of my high BMI, my dr wanted me to have bypass. my ins did not approve sleeve and i wanted the lapband..the dr had major doubt in his eyes as to if (i would lose weight)..he told me that unless i changed what i ate and began to exercise, no WLS would help me..... here i am 18 months later, 150 pounds...yep, you can lose on the lap band.
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tis The Season....

    nice post B like you, my band will not let me (overeat) i also agree many people are (overthinking) and not letting the band actually work and do its thing....the band will only help (or any WLS for that matter) if the person does their part....(eat better, exercise, remain focused on health and not the scale numbers that change every 5 min). happy holidays all
  20. i took a pic of me today to send to hub.....and saw myself......and knew to get to where i wanted to be weight/clothes size i have in mind, was to just do it....knee hurting, poopy day, pms and all....knowing i am losing inches inspires me..how could it not..
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠


    great post terry the t
  22. i noticed i have this when i eat too fast or take too big of bites...band saying CG slow it down ole girl......same things as you describe..but def call your dr tomorrow (promise you will) and see what they say....better safe......
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Feeling So Discouraged!... And Hungry!

    also besides eating more protein ( and drinking to head off hunger also), def try to stay busy (read, walk, clean house, take bath, have sex, shopping).....do not let your world revolve around food..and those foods are just food...you just need to make better choices (like us all).....def leave carbonation out though, this is for your bands health)...hang in there
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Fear About Potential Loss Of Bariatric Coverage

    i read these posts and can never make heads or tales of all this stuff.. very confusing to a simple country girl let me tell you....i just wanted to say try not to worry until one knows for sure..easier said then done.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    350+ Sleevers?

    hey there......i am not a sleever but i do have the band and plication but wanted to respond to your post..hope you dont mind. i have lost nearly 150 pounds and am still considered morbid obese..my starting weight was 336 and my bmi was 62....i was as wide as i am tall.....from size 30 pants (yikes) to a now size 14/16.. i guess us higher BMI people just have alittle farther to go then some not so large...we can lose a little faster but all in all, we will get to our goal...just hang in there..dont let the big number get to you..

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